Cure for cancer


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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A few months ago Resaveratrol was proclaimed as the anti-cancer thing.

Too bad it also gives you liver cancer.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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PlasticSurgeon said:
The article had a great explanation of apoptosis. That's about it...

I know a 18 year old with Glioblastoma Multiforme, a highly malignant lesion of the Central Nervous System who was given 2 weeks to live. It's now two years later and he's doing fine living at home. Why? the tumor seems to be regressing now after his parents read on the internet somewhere that JET FUEL is a great treatment option. Ya, that's right, JET FUEL from major airline! He takes it in table spoons once a day...

Just thought I'd share that story.
JET FUEL?! Is that even available to the public? Did it have any negative side effects on the rest of his body?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
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Jet fuel is about 98% Kerosene. AND is 100% effective at treating cancer. Here's how it works.

In order for cancer to develope you need to be alive. Consuming Kerosene everyday will make you very sick and probably kill you. Therefore the cancer cannot survive since you are dead. It has been scientifically proven that death is 100% effective at treating every type of cancer.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
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uh....jet fuel probably kills cells. Cancer is a type of cell that grows out of control. There are many things that kill cells, including cancer cells and THAT IS NOTHING SPECIAL.

The REAL cure for cancer is something that is selection and functionalized to attack cancer cells ONLY. That is the secret...stop posting this crap about a cancer "cure." Fire kills cancer cells too. wooooo!! I found a cure!!!



Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
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That link doesn't really tell me anything, a blanket cure for cancer? no.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Such a cure already existed not only for cancer, but for every other disease since the 1930's. Read about Royal Raymond Rife and what happened to one of the most brilliant minds that ever walked the planet. Its a very long article, but well worth the read. What you find out will make you sick to your stomach, be warned.

When talking about government agencies such as the FDA, ADA, AMA and other institutions such as this, the first word that should come to mind is sinister. These are the same agencies that admitted to intentionally poisoning millions of children with mercury fillings(documented and under the threat of perjury in a court of law) so they would have life long health problems mimicking various other diseases which would be treated with expensive drugs as the problems kept getting worse and worse because the root cause would never be found nor expected. If the American public knew what these agencies were responsible for, they would demand they be tried by the UN for crimes against humanity, much like war criminals for genocide.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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I thought the cure was Squats. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2007
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marmel75 said:
Such a cure already existed not only for cancer, but for every other disease since the 1930's. Read about Royal Raymond Rife and what happened to one of the most brilliant minds that ever walked the planet. Its a very long article, but well worth the read. What you find out will make you sick to your stomach, be warned.

When talking about government agencies such as the FDA, ADA, AMA and other institutions such as this, the first word that should come to mind is sinister. These are the same agencies that admitted to intentionally poisoning millions of children with mercury fillings(documented and under the threat of perjury in a court of law) so they would have life long health problems mimicking various other diseases which would be treated with expensive drugs as the problems kept getting worse and worse because the root cause would never be found nor expected. If the American public knew what these agencies were responsible for, they would demand they be tried by the UN for crimes against humanity, much like war criminals for genocide.
That's a fascinating article. If you give me some solid sources backing that story up, I'll be convinced and shocked.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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snowdog said:
That's a fascinating article. If you give me some solid sources backing that story up, I'll be convinced and shocked.
Here is an excerpt from a book that was written about it called "The Cancer Cure That Worked"...its 167 pages, I have never read it but from the excerpt it would probably be so riveting I would have to read it all in one sitting and couldn't put it down.

Read it and realize that people are dying everyday to fuel big pharmacy, hospital, insurance companies, doctors, FDA and AMA greed for money...that is more important to them than lives...


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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marmel75 said:
Here is an excerpt from a book that was written about it called "The Cancer Cure That Worked"...its 167 pages, I have never read it but from the excerpt it would probably be so riveting I would have to read it all in one sitting and couldn't put it down.

Read it and realize that people are dying everyday to fuel big pharmacy, hospital, insurance companies, doctors, FDA and AMA greed for money...that is more important to them than lives...
Sorry, but from someone who is obtaining a PhD in cancer biology these conspiracy theories are just silly. Why wouldn't big pharma want to capitilize on such an easy "cure" for diseases?


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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stephen_dedalus said:
Sorry, but from someone who is obtaining a PhD in cancer biology these conspiracy theories are just silly. Why wouldn't big pharma want to capitilize on such an easy "cure" for diseases?
stephen_dedalus said:
Sorry, but from someone who is obtaining a PhD in cancer biology these conspiracy theories are just silly. Why wouldn't big pharma want to capitilize on such an easy "cure" for diseases?
Simple, there are no money in cures. Same reason they made disposable razors...create a product that people throw away and have an endless need for...

The sooner you realize you are being sold a bill of goods the better, my mother worked in cancer research at one of the premier cancer centers in the country(Roswell Park) for many years and in medical research regarding cancer for another 30+ years at HWI...she will be the first to tell you they are interested in things that work, as long as they don't work "too well"...

The silliness in my opinion comes from the current solution to cancer, which is basically your cells in your body going haywire, by effectively taking a nuclear bomb to the body and hoping it kills the cancer cells before it kills enough normal cells to kill the patient. I mean how in any form of logic dose that make sense. If you took that argument to a 5 year old and asked them if that made sense, they would be able to tell you no. Yet somehow this is the "answer" to cancer treatment??

You will make a lot of money in this because people will continue to have the wool pulled over their eyes, unwilling to do their own research and read readily available information. Even when they do read it, there will be plenty of people like you who will say "anything that goes against what I am taught in school must be wrong".

Well, Guess who controls what you are taught in school? The same people who don't want any of these things to see the light of day. So when you control what is allowed to be used in treatment, control what forms of treatment are taught in school, and have the FDA as your lapdog to control what will ever see the light of day, what chance does anything that goes against these treatments have? Especially when it will erase billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs from the economy? None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. None of these organizations have your best interest in mind. If I ever get cancer, the absolute last place I will go for treatment is one of these cancer treatment centers and partake in their money bilking human poisoning experiments.

As per usual, Western Medicine has zero interest in actually finding and solving the root cause of any problem(why the cells are doing this), only in destroying them once present by any means necessary, and usually resulting in causing a lot more problems without actually solving any of the problems they are trying to fix. No surprise there since the body is likely suffering from a long term deficiency in something(minerals, vitamins, etc) and they do nothing to actually correct the imbalance or solve the actual cause of the problem. More and more scientists are beginning to think that adult diseases are nothing more than long term deficiencies in certain minerals or nutrients the body needs to perform certain functions. Without these nutrients, the function cannot be performed, which eventually results in the body breaking down at a certain point(depending on what the deficiency is). It would be like a building neding repairs, but not having any bricks to do it. Eventually the building will start to fall apart. Of course, the solution for medicine is to pump you full of drugs, which by the way, are ALL based on a synthetic form of something natural. The difference being, the natural form has no side effects and works better while the synthetic form doesn't fool the body and the body doesn't like it and causes more problems than it fixes.

Let me guess, you and your ilk believe the FDA, AMA, ADA and all the other medical institutes are all standing together singing "Kum Bye Yah" with each other and holding hands while doing all this "research" that never seems to amount to anything other than new expensive drugs that kill people, while secretly behind closed doors what is really happening is they are high fiving each other, smoking cigars, drinking $1000 a bottle cognac and laughing on the way to the bank in their Rolls Royces...

You believe what you believe, but your opinion these are "silly" is basically like an ostrich that sticks his head in sand.

Perhaps Jesus said it best thousand of years ago: "Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear."

We all know what happened to him...


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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You know I typically avoid arguing with conspiracy theorists I guess, but I'll try to help you out a little bit here.

I'll give you a specific case study throughout my response, you will probably argue the small details but miss the larger point of what is going on. First read this article and honestly evaluate your argument again.

“Simple, there are no money in cures. Same reason they made disposable razors...create a product that people throw away and have an endless need for...”

So this is a big half truth you are pitching here. Why do drug companies make vaccines in the first place if there is no money in prevention? Let me guess it is to keep us alive from all the communicable diseases so they can pump us full of more expensive drugs for chronic conditions yada yada. What if the chronic conditions are simply more complex problems?

“The sooner you realize you are being sold a bill of goods the better, my mother worked in cancer research at one of the premier cancer centers in the country(Roswell Park) for many years and in medical research regarding cancer for another 30+ years at HWI...she will be the first to tell you they are interested in things that work, as long as they don't work "too well"...”

Ok, this is incorrect. If a drug company had a hypothetical compound which say could turn an acutely deadly disease into a very treatable chronic condition (essentially curing the disease) according to your logic they probably would not release this compound and continue to treat with chemo, radiation, etc. Case in point is Gleevec developed by Novartis, its a real example instead of hand waving mineral arguments.

“The silliness in my opinion comes from the current solution to cancer, which is basically your cells in your body going haywire, by effectively taking a nuclear bomb to the body and hoping it kills the cancer cells before it kills enough normal cells to kill the patient. I mean how in any form of logic dose that make sense. If you took that argument to a 5 year old and asked them if that made sense, they would be able to tell you no. Yet somehow this is the "answer" to cancer treatment??”

So its easy to criticize older chemotherapeutic and radiation treatment (which is I assume what you are calling a nuclear bomb) as having too broad a spectrum, the scientific community does the same thing and tries to lessen the toxic effect. The facts are though that for most cancers different regiments of chemo and radiation significantly enhance long term survival rates. Look on pubmed for thousands of examples. You should read up though on newer targeted therapeutic approaches to treating cancer specifically Gleevec as I mentioned above with CML. Also good examples are herceptin for certain kinds of breast cancer. These are compounds which have very low toxicity and specifically target the cancerous cells. Targeted therapy is going to be commonplace in the future.

“You will make a lot of money in this because people will continue to have the wool pulled over their eyes, unwilling to do their own research and read readily available information. Even when they do read it, there will be plenty of people like you who will say "anything that goes against what I am taught in school must be wrong". “

So this paragraph shows a basic misunderstanding of what science is. The beauty of science is that it is based on peer review and reproducibility, challenges to current theory and dogma are embraced. Of course what we are taught in school is wrong! Textbooks go out of date very quickly and it doesn't make a lot of sense to read them in light of cutting edge peer reviewed journals. Our views of the universe are constantly in flux based on current technological advances.

Again to bring up the example of Gleevec for CML in cancer biology. The scientific community did not receive Druker's ideas very well at first, however through peer review and reproducibility he was able to overturn conventional treatment dogmas and essentially pioneer the field of targeted cancer therapeutics.

“Well, Guess who controls what you are taught in school? The same people who don't want any of these things to see the light of day. So when you control what is allowed to be used in treatment, control what forms of treatment are taught in school, and have the FDA as your lapdog to control what will ever see the light of day, what chance does anything that goes against these treatments have?”

Case study Gleevec. Read about it.

“Especially when it will erase billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of jobs from the economy? None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. None of these organizations have your best interest in mind.”

“If I ever get cancer, the absolute last place I will go for treatment is one of these cancer treatment centers and partake in their money bilking human poisoning experiments.”

So just take vitamins or whatever when you get cancer. No one forces you to receive chemo or radiation for cancer, there are plenty of double blind studies through which show its efficacy, its your choice.

“As per usual, Western Medicine has zero interest in actually finding and solving the root cause of any problem(why the cells are doing this), only in destroying them once present by any means necessary, and usually resulting in causing a lot more problems without actually solving any of the problems they are trying to fix.”

This set of statements is utterly wrong. There are entire branches of molecular and cellular biology dedicated to figuring out what makes cancer cells tick so to speak and unique ways to try to correct problems. Look in journals if you want to read more about it, again gleevec is an incredibly good example of figuring out what makes cancer cells tick and how to correct this problem.

“No surprise there since the body is likely suffering from a long term deficiency in something(minerals, vitamins, etc) and they do nothing to actually correct the imbalance or solve the actual cause of the problem.”

Show me a couple peer reviewed study indicating a specific mineral deficiency leading to a specific kind of cancer like you said. They don't exist, there can't be meaningful scientific discussion about them just a bunch of handwaving and hypotheticals.

“More and more scientists are beginning to think that adult diseases are nothing more than long term deficiencies in certain minerals or nutrients the body needs to perform certain functions. Without these nutrients, the function cannot be performed, which eventually results in the body breaking down at a certain point(depending on what the deficiency is). It would be like a building neding repairs, but not having any bricks to do it. Eventually the building will start to fall apart.”

Show me some peer reviewed articles about this then. It may be true in some cases but not in all, the natural world is never in absolutes. Give me a specific example.

“Of course, the solution for medicine is to pump you full of drugs, which by the way, are ALL based on a synthetic form of something natural. The difference being, the natural form has no side effects and works better while the synthetic form doesn't fool the body and the body doesn't like it and causes more problems than it fixes.”

No, again you are speaking in absolutes. Read about gleevec, it isn't based on something natural at all. This statement shows a lack of understanding in the design of therapeutics. Read this article for starters

“Let me guess, you and your ilk believe the FDA, AMA, ADA and all the other medical institutes are all standing together singing "Kum Bye Yah" with each other and holding hands while doing all this "research" that never seems to amount to anything other than new expensive drugs that kill people, while secretly behind closed doors what is really happening is they are high fiving each other, smoking cigars, drinking $1000 a bottle cognac and laughing on the way to the bank in their Rolls Royces...”

Well not really, its not productive to think of things in absolutes like you described. Those organizations do not have the general public's absolute interests 100% at heart. No organization does. I think they are contributing to the greater good and progress of the scientific community. Why would rich executives allow themselves or their own children to be treated with drugs if they knew the system was a fraud?

“You believe what you believe, but your opinion these are "silly" is basically like an ostrich that sticks his head in sand.”

Wondering if you also believe that vaccines cause autism, HIV doesn't cause AIDS, the US didn't land on the moon, or multiple small clowns assassinated JFK?

“Perhaps Jesus said it best thousand of years ago: "Now hear this, O foolish and senseless people, Who have eyes but do not see; Who have ears but do not hear."

We all know what happened to him...”

There is a very cruel irony in this quote you wrote, I hope some of my responses help change your mind.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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As far as mineral deficiencies causing chronic diseases, its common sense. Each mineral in the body performs certain functions. Without that mineral, these functions are either greatly impaired or not able to be carried out. Here is one such paper regarding it.

Also is a site many people with autoimmune conditions could benefit from. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker and at low doses it can be timed properly to create an endorphin release precisely when they usually get released during first few hours of sleep. Apparently people with autoimmune conditions have low levels of endorphins and this acts as an immune regulator has helped a lot of people and is a $5 generic drug with a side effect of causing sleep issues for about a week. Drug companies wish this would go away since it can do what their expensive drugs cannot...namely cure or greatly reduce the effects of the condition...

As far as Rife goes, I guess the 16 people whom he cured of terminal cancer that testified at his trial on his behalf had nothing better to do that day than commit perjury in a court of law and face jail time. That microscope he invented, which in many ways still has never been replicated again, his frequency machines he built, the 30 years of meticulous notes he kept in notebooks...all of it was fake. In fact, instead of going to work in his lab 16 hours a day, he was at the race track betting on horses...who knew??!
Maybe you can write the book about that, since all of the things he did were a sham...all the newspaper articles, the doctors who used his machines successfully, the plaudits he received from university research departments...all of it was a hoax.

For those who are dead set in believing that anything other than a very narrow view of things is correct, no amount of proof will be enough. The medical community continues to treat cancer as an outside invader when it needs to understand how and why the body turns on itself instead.

In regards to estrogen related cancers, taking DIM and curumin


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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“As far as mineral deficiencies causing chronic diseases, its common sense. Each mineral in the body performs certain functions. Without that mineral, these functions are either greatly impaired or not able to be carried out. Here is one such paper regarding it.

Yeah I mean this has been known since the days of the British navy giving sailors citrus fruit to sailors to prevent scurvy. This has been demonstrated constantly in the past. What you previously implied is that cancers in general are caused from nutrient deficiencies. I certainly won't rule out that nutrient deficiencies could contribute to oncogenesis, however to say that changing ones diet is a magic bullet in treatment and prevention is just naïve.

Also is a site many people with autoimmune conditions could benefit from. Naltrexone is an opioid blocker and at low doses it can be timed properly to create an endorphin release precisely when they usually get released during first few hours of sleep. Apparently people with autoimmune conditions have low levels of endorphins and this acts as an immune regulator has helped a lot of people and is a $5 generic drug with a side effect of causing sleep issues for about a week. Drug companies wish this would go away since it can do what their expensive drugs cannot...namely cure or greatly reduce the effects of the condition...

Read this link, these claims have yet to be confirmed by rigorous peer view.

“As far as Rife goes, I guess the 16 people whom he cured of terminal cancer that testified at his trial on his behalf had nothing better to do that day than commit perjury in a court of law and face jail time.”

16 people testifying something doesn't make it true at all. Why didn't he do a clinical trial if he wanted to prove the efficacy of whatever treatment he was peddling? Importantly, this guys claims could not be independently replicated by his peers. This is a cornerstone of science and modern medicine.

“That microscope he invented, which in many ways still has never been replicated again, “

Guarantee you that this thing wasn't nearly as good as a modern confocal or electron microscope if it even existed. I'm sure that Zeiss or other microscopy companies would be all over this a long time ago, they employ some of the best engineers in the world. Why wouldn't he want other scientists to use such a wonderful microscope though? Such a microscope would have improved medicine of the time and won him a lot of prestige/ contributed to the advancement of science. Here is another idea, that he was pulling the wool over your eyes.

“his frequency machines he built, “

Details of this are fuzzy and it failed to be independently verified by his peers or in a clinical trial. Sounds like its real and works!

“the 30 years of meticulous notes he kept in notebooks...”

all scientists keep meticulous notes, nothing remarkable here.

“all of it was fake. “

Again, why wasn't his data able to be reproduced?

“In fact, instead of going to work in his lab 16 hours a day, he was at the race track betting on horses...who knew??! “

Plenty of scientists embellish details of their work or just outright lie. Gregor Mendel himself probably manipulated his data. For a modern example just google a guy named Pati or Poti at Duke who lied about tons of his findings not five years ago. Peer review is how the scientific community ensures that this doesn't happen or at least happens less often. Just because someone is in the lab a lot doesn't really mean much if their data can't be reproduced. Actually if their data can't be reproduced, they might as well be going to the racetrack or whatever.

“Maybe you can write the book about that, since all of the things he did were a sham...all the newspaper articles, the doctors who used his machines successfully, the plaudits he received from university research departments...all of it was a hoax.”

Just wondering if the people who talk about this guy a lot are also trying to sell his fancy microscopes/ beam cannon or whatever it is or even just a book about him. Modern day charlatans are hilarious. It is sad that some people can see past the smoke and mirrors.

“For those who are dead set in believing that anything other than a very narrow view of things is correct, no amount of proof will be enough.”

Again thick irony with these statements. Do you not see a problem with his results failing to be independently replicated?

“The medical community continues to treat cancer as an outside invader when it needs to understand how and why the body turns on itself instead.”

Simply wrong, did you read the links I posted earlier? Also, read the Hanahan and Weinberg review called “halmarks of cancer”

“In regards to estrogen related cancers, taking DIM and curumin”

Not sure where you are going with this statement, but read this article about curumin

Mancuso, C.; Barone, E. (2009). "Curcumin in clinical practice: myth or reality?". Trends in Pharmacological Science 30 (7): 333–334.

From a quick review the other compound has been shown to have very modest benefits in two kinds of cancers. Hardly the panacea you were pitching in your first post.

At any rate neither of these examples were what I asked for earlier. Those compounds have been used in the treatment of cancers not specific mineral deficiencies leading to specific cancers.

“Show me a couple peer reviewed study indicating a specific mineral deficiency leading to a specific kind of cancer like you said.”

Oncogenesis is a lot more complex than you make it out to be by saying things about mineral deficiencies.


New Member
Aug 6, 2012
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Hi Protienpowder,
Great link to cure cancer and very informative discussion. I have bookmarked the link for further reference as we must bring this informative link more in others notice as bringing awareness about cancer helps people to prevent and treat cancer. We must do exercise regularly to stay healthy and to prevent from major health disease.
Alamo Heights gym
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