Critique on SoSuave


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
I have noticed lately that people have lost touch with the foundations that brought the ideas of the game together;


People have accepted the ideas on this site as blind dogma. I am not saying that most of the ideas are wrong because their not. However, people need to get experience to figure out what works and doesn't work for them.

This is the basis for why the "game" works. People through along period of trial and error have figured out what works. Throw in some knowledge of evolutionary biology and you have the "game" (E.B. knowledge is overated, for having good game).

That is why you use a technique or a way of being for yourself around women, because it works. Thats the goal.

It seems stupid to me to not strictly use what works through the process of trial and error.

You naturally are different then the guy next to you. The exact techniques that you are going to be able to pull off will be different then the guy next to you. Sure their maybe somethings that work for both of you and some common concepts, but their will be inevitably some things that don't.

My Point if you accept these ideas as dogma, without experience you will never be able to figure out what works for you in picking up women. You may find this dogma as a whole is better than the AFC "nice guy" dogma but it doesn't necesarily mean their can't be made improvements. If you make it Dogma, thats what it is Blind Dogma. Dont close off your mind.

First comes trial and error, this is how you learn.

Then you will figure out the things like Confidence, what kind of charm works for YOU, how YOU can best flirt, best be funny, how can YOU be most challenging.


P.S. Nobody knows the answer to your super specific detailed questions. So stop asking!!!!!!!!!!!! No one on a website could know your personality well enough to tell you exactly what to do and the generalities that they can tell you, your real dumb if you can't figure out yourself. Go talk to your friends they will be alot bigger help.
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Why do 'trial and error' if you don't have to 'error'. Many guys here are inexperienced so they are looking for perspective and nothing more. Of course they are on thier own and must succeed or fail on their own, but why not make the 'probability' of success greater by getting counsel and feedback from others.

You can't go wrong for listening!!
Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Originally posted by California Love
Error is the most important aspect in the process of learning.
True - but I rather learn from the error of others or at least lessen my chances to error. Very few people learn from the mistake of others, some do not nor do they wish be it.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
When you got every body with an opionion your bound to run into some bad advice.

Experience is the only teacher in my book. Here is an example of some bad advice:

1) *You pretend you know them already*

2) You ask unique/quirky/interesting/funny/****y questions, or just statements... *out of the blue*


"what do you think of my shoes?"

"s**t im missing Seinfeld. what am i doing out?"

"Can I have the address of your hairdresser? Looks like your mum knows what shes doing"

"sorry, how does my hair look from the back"

"funny story. I just walked into (the name of the bar your in) and started talking to some girl. What was I thinking"

"did you see the news? scientists have apparently shown women cant resist men in (whatever your wearing)"

"you know I dont normally talk to women, I guess youre special"

"you've got a bit of... (point to her chin)... theres somethin... (keep pointing)... yes thats it, its gone. Phew I was embarassed talking to you"

"I dont normally talk to girls in red shoes/hoop earrings/black dresses (whatever theyre wearing), its bad for my street cred"


Obviously this fool read some e-book and is regurgitating someone elses crap without really trying any of it.

Can you imagine saying some of this cheesball crap to a female?


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
You can break down techniques into generalized generic terms that will give everyone a foundation to build upon. The point is to give people something to work with so that they can develop techniques that are specific to their own personalities. When an aspiring artist learns to draw, he first learns basic techniques like sketching contour then complex persective forms then shading. Once the artist masters these techniques he can begin to develop his own style. Figuring out these techniques on your own while they have been around and known for centuries is impractical! Same applies to dating of course. That's why it's a little annoying when people get all cranky when you ask them basic stuff that might not be apparent.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
You Should learn from what other people say. You should pay attention to where others have faultered and do what makes the most sense to you.

constantly learning and reorganizing your ideas, to better ones that are better adept to your surroundings is crucial.

BUT . . .


I have problem when you are told what works for you in theory, but not in reality. The only thing that works for you in reality are experiences that you have personally had. If the new idea you have proves to be useful in the real world use it, otherwise discard it.

This is the final word in what is right or wrong in the game: what gets the results, not what this sites dogma necesarily says (although they often could be the same).

Just like science, if the idea has nothing to do with explaining relations between real world experiences, it is mere story-telling metaphysics. If it isnt grounded and provable by the real world, then what is the point? It helps to explain a world that doesnt exist.

Let me make this clear, there is nothing wrong with using the ideas from this site. I have found most of them to be real effective. So play around with these ideas, fine. But test them out in the real world. If they work keep them if not they are useless and a theory.

If it holds no practical value in imporving your game, ditch the belief or idea.


Matt ala Casanova

Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mac
I have noticed lately that people have lost touch with the foundations that brought the ideas of the game together;


People have accepted the ideas on this site as blind dogma. I am not saying that most of the ideas are wrong because their not. However, people need to get experience to figure out what works and doesn't work for them.

This is the basis for why the "game" works. People through along period of trial and error have figured out what works. Throw in some knowledge of evolutionary biology and you have the "game" (E.B. knowledge is overated, for having good game).

That is why you use a technique or a way of being for yourself around women, because it works. Thats the goal.

It seems stupid to me to not strictly use what works through the process of trial and error.

You naturally are different then the guy next to you. The exact techniques that you are going to be able to pull off will be different then the guy next to you. Sure their maybe somethings that work for both of you and some common concepts, but their will be inevitably some things that don't.

My Point if you accept these ideas as dogma, without experience you will never be able to figure out what works for you in picking up women. You may find this dogma as a whole is better than the AFC "nice guy" dogma but it doesn't necesarily mean their can't be made improvements. If you make it Dogma, thats what it is Blind Dogma. Dont close off your mind.

First comes trial and error, this is how you learn.

Then you will figure out the things like Confidence, what kind of charm works for YOU, how YOU can best flirt, best be funny, how can YOU be most challenging.


P.S. Nobody knows the answer to your super specific detailed questions. So stop asking!!!!!!!!!!!! No one on a website could know your personality well enough to tell you exactly what to do and the generalities that they can tell you, your real dumb if you can't figure out yourself. Go talk to your friends they will be alot bigger help.

GET A NEW NAME, People are mistaking you for me!



Don Juan
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
It seems that there is always a controversy over people asking "certain" questions or the content of the board being less than satisfactory. I'm not sure about you guys, but when I read questions like "does she like me?" I immediately wanna respond and help them, as much as I can. Think of it this way, if you were a newb and you just got here, how would you feel about asking a simple questiion like that? It would be normal to you, because that's WHAT YOU WANNA KNOW.

Newbs don't ask questions to be annoying, they ask them because they want the knowledge, which is why they came to THIS site in the first place. getting annoyed with there questions is not a good thing, just makes them feel like they're wasting there time and that they will never get this stuff. If there questions are getting to be too much for you, then just ignore them. Simple.

As for the content of the board. I think that there is no BEST way to learn. Everyone is different and absorbs knowledge differently. if I wanna learn by getting shot down, I will. If I wanna learn by readingthis board 2 hours a day, I will. There is no one way.

Player_Supreme, I have seen you post here a lot over the past year, and I know you know YOUR stuff. But who can say that all those lines that you said don't work for other people. I know damn well that I could tell a girl I was embarassed to be talking to her and she would have 2 choices. Laugh or leave. Simple, just like with ANY other technique that people use. Just because one person says somethign works for them, doesn't make it universal, like Mac said. It just means that that technique should be tested by the guys who want to use it, and see if they can incorporate it into there game.

You're right Matt ala Casanova, when I opened this thread, i thought you wrote it as well. :p


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
I feel I should create a generic response to these threads as they're coming in over once a week now. You can't make blanket statements when this is a completely diverse board. This isn't a manufacturing plant, where we just tinker with the recipe. Its people sharing experiences, problems, and situations...Yes the value of the website lies in posters with experience and insight. Yes there is alot of BS, and useless posts. Either deal with it, find a way to benefit from being here, or don't, thats your choice...