Critique my diet & routine


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
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Fuglydude said:

The 300-400-500 level that I highlighted is actually quite modest. There's dudes like Colossus even on this "how to pick up chics" forums that have 600+ lb deadlifts and 500 lb squats. I've been lifting for around 12 years and still am not at this level. I'm close, but not there yet... but then again I don't train solely to be strong.

No doubt being able to deadlift a tiger would be one cool ability to have however is it totally impossible to be very strong while retaining my speed & flexibility? (I do yoga on sundays alone)

As some of the guys said, a program like starting strength is a good place to start. If you put together a reasonable strength/hypertrophy/conditioning program combined with a good diet, there's absolutely no reason you won't be able to hit 230-240 lbs within a year. I'm a huge believer of initially adding mass and developing a muscular/metabolic "base" before you try and cut and get lean.

I've done the research, you all seem to be correct in this stance, whether I can add 30-40lbs of muscle, well obvious I'll keep you all posted.

Remember, muscle is very metabolically expensive to maintain. Having lots of muscle will jack up your metabolic rate and make it much easier for you to burn fat. Muscles are like metabolic armor... I remember one of my pharmacology profs who is an expert in potassium channels, stating that having a good amount of active muscle mass was one of the easiest ways to avoid diabetes/metabolic syndrome, etc.

"Muscles are like metabolic armor" I love that. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

The routine that I'll recommend to you is what I recommend to most newbies. Its a very simple format w/ 3 weight days/week:

1. Squats/chins w/ accessory work.
2. Upper body push/pull w/ accessory work.
3. Deads/Dips w/ accessory work.

Work abs every day you train. This program uses the principle of antagonist muscle groups to get the most work out of your body. By only training 3 days/week you are unlikely to overtrain. Rest assured that if executed properly it can be a very productive program for a beginner. Let me know if you're interested and I can give you a more detailed break down.

Come on Fugly, my OP asked specifically for you of course I'm interested in a more detailed breakdown, I want to know what accessory work I'm supposed to do, I want to know the rep system, the sets, the rest intervals etc. Details man, details.

Your agility/conditioning will suffer at the start as your body struggles to adapt to the new weight, but you'll see that its quite easy for your body to adjust to new body mass as long as its lean mass. There will be an adjustment period, but if your conditioning and body composition are good you won't have issues even at higher weights. I personally find that I can't really jog that much anymore since I'm heavier... my ankles and achilles tendons can't take it. I do have "loose" ankles though.

Loose ankles? I enjoy sprinting, swimming & martial arts, I really can't afford to become some immobile show piece. The entire point of me getting in shape is to bring out my body's maximum potential in all areas, strength, speed, agility, durability, physical attractiveness. Am I being unrealistic here?

Regarding your comments about the food tasting shiity, just remember that its just fuel... not food. You'll get to eat plenty of good stuff, but will have to gag down shiit that you don't like once in a while. If you like eating meat you'll be happy as I'm gonna recommend that you get 1-1.5 lbs of meat/day along w/ other protein sources from whey, eggs, nuts, etc.

Yeah I loveth lamb, chicken & beef, I've also gotten used to eating egg whites. As for the shiit I don't like I'll find a way to get used to it, if it means achieving my goals properly. Question since I'm a n00b...1-1.5lbs of meat = how many grams of protein?

Overall man, just get onto a functional strength program w/ some hypertrophy elements and work on building your base up for a year or so. You're still VERY young and have a ton of time to grow and develop. Just be consistent and train and eat smart.
I'm very excited to do this properly & I'll follow the advice of you & PIMP(& any other competent users) like the gospel & I'll be sure to post updates & pics at every milestone.

Sidenote 1 - I'll be doing training to become a lifeguard(for a new job I plan to get paying me twice as much as I make now). How would swimming affect my progress if at all?

Sidenote 2 - (More suited for the DJ discussion topic but I trust the advice of yourself & PIMP). A HB7 from work has taken a liking to me for nearly a year now, we've kissed, felt each other up & simple stuff like that. She's your typical western female, attitude, loud, self centered, shallow, giant ego...the type that most users seem to struggle with. Its clear she's physically attracted to me(meh) & my aggressive & indifferent attitude has destroyed all her fronts. She's super submissive at literally a snap of my finger...she has a bf, I don't care at all, neither does she. Everytime I touch her she shivers & smiles with what I like to call the slutpression...she's told me I can come to her house if I want to.

Basically I'm probably gonna go but as I'm not pleased with the current Kirro. I'm actually wondering if my current body is adequate for even a HB7. As I told PIMP, my personality is more suited for a better physical shell than the one I currently pilot. All the friends I've told are encouraging me to go regardless. Just wanna know what you guys think.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
With respect to your first question... that chic really wants your cack. You should have already banged her. If anything your restraint has made her want you more. I'm not huge on going for girls w/ bf's, but in this case she's obviously choosing you, so the ethical lines are not as clearly drawn.

It would definitely help your confidence if you were in better shape, but if she's into you and you have high enough confidence to get to her in your current state, then what's stopping you?

Your other questions:

Flexibility is an important part of overall fitness. Its quite easy to lose flexibility as you gain muscle if you don't have something like yoga, stretching, etc to keep you limber. Continue to do yoga and make sure you stretch a lot. Being flexible will actually mean that you are functionally stronger in more ranges of motion, and will also be able to less susceptible to injuries.

My loose ankles I think are a genetic thing. My bro has similar issues. My wrists and ankles are quite flexible/"loose". I have to tape my wrists when I train. If I'm gonna play soccer or anything where I'm running around a lot I have to tape my ankles. If you're wondering whether being big and strong will impede your agility/speed permanently, think of NFL athletes. These guys are some of the fastest/most agile athletes out there, and they're all big ass mofos. Being fast and agile will come as long as you are strong and explosive. As you build up more of a strength base you should seriously consider learning the olympic lifts. Its important however, that you have a good coach, as these moves are quite technically challenging. The amount of power (mad/t) that you can generate w/ these lifts are maximum amounts of power the human body can generate doing any sort of physical activity. If you wanna be fast/explosive you have to consider olympic lifting in combination w/ plyometric training, etc.

Regarding your pursuit of being a life guard... swimming is a great form or low impact cardio. Like anything else, its all about how much you do... Doing a lot of cardio will slow down overall muscle gain. However, I'm not gonna tell you to not do any. Doing a wide variety of work will ensure that you have the healthiest/best body possible... You'll just have to eat extra calories (good calories) to make up for what you loose swimming. I'd personally recommend swimming 2x/week for ~45 minutes as your cardio... don't do anymore.

Okay specific program details. I'll give you the simple exercise sequence that I'd do.

Day 1: Squats/Chin ups.

- warm up (do abs here). What exercises are you doing for abs?
- Squat 1 x 8 (warm up set)
- Breathing squat: 1 x 20 (these are nasty... have you ever heard of breathing squats before?)
- Chin ups: 1 x 8
- Squat (below parallel... as low as you can go) 1 x 8
Alternate sets of chin ups w/ squats. Do 3-4 sets of each.

- Lunges: 3 x 10/side
- Leg ext. 3 x 12
- Seated hammer curl: 3 x 8
- Preacher curl: 3 x 8
- Standing calf raises: 2 x 20

Day 2: Push/pull (upper body day)

- warm up/abs.
- Incline DB press: 1 x 8
- One arm DB row: 1 x 8/side
Alternate incline DB press w/ the rows until you've done 3-4 sets of each.

- Wide grip pull ups: 1 x 8
- DB shoulder press: 1 x 8
Alternate these 2 until you've done 3-4 sets of each.

- Bench press: 2 x 10
- Incline DB fly: 2 x 10

- anterior DB raises: 1 set to failure
- Lateral DB raises: 1 set to failure
- Posterior DB raises: 1 set to failure

Day 3: Deads/Dips.

- Warm up/abs... make sure you stretch your lower back.
- Deadlift warm up set: Light weight - 1 x 8.
- Deadlift: 1 x 6-8 (go heavy once you've learned the move)
- Parallel bar dips: 1 x 8
Alternate Deadlifts and dips. Do 5 sets of each.

- Lying hamstring curls: 3 x 10
- Seated Hamstring curls: 4 x 10
- Tricep cable pushdown: 3 x 12
- Tricep kickback: 3 x 12

For the accessory work you can really pick and choose what you wanna do. I just have you suggestions based on exercises that I like and your goals. Just make sure you have the big compound movements in there. Make sure you're giving yourself at least 1 day of rest between weight sessions. Try to space out the deadlift and squat days.

Due to the volume of this program, your diet is gonna need to be great. Try and get AT LEAST 1.2 g/lb of body weight in protein. Most meat is 15-20% protein by mass... so a pound of meat is approximately 90 g of protein. 1.5 lbs is approximately 135 g. If you combine 1 lb of meat w/ a couple of 40-50g whey isolate shakes and a gainer shake you can easily get over 200 g of protein/day. This isn't even including other protein sources like nuts, cottage cheese, etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
With respect to your first question... that chic really wants your cack. You should have already banged her. If anything your restraint has made her want you more. I'm not huge on going for girls w/ bf's, but in this case she's obviously choosing you, so the ethical lines are not as clearly drawn.

Sigh. How many times have I heard that one? I'm willing to bet she herself feels this way the most. While she's a solid 7, my mind is so fine tuned into figuring how to improve every single aspect of myself as a person I tend to overlook females these days. HB8 last thanksgiving basically hoped into my arms begging me to smash....I really wasn't thinking about it, I honestly don't care if I don't get laid for the rest of the year, the thought of me being the strongest, fastest, most skilled, most intelligent Kirro I can be excites me far more. & in theory wouldn't that greatly increase my sexual appeal? Its not like I'm 50.

It would definitely help your confidence if you were in better shape, but if she's into you and you have high enough confidence to get to her in your current state, then what's stopping you?

Its a weird situation. In a way the qualities I show around girls are an act but I'm kind of pretending to be myself....what I mean is, I usually respond to females by parodying my younger self, since its still me, no girl is able to detect I'm basically BS'ing us both. I've become self aware, self conscious(if you could be bothered to listen, I'd PM you the entire story), I know I'm not the best catch nor the best prize, I may not even be the best lay, these are facts & refuse to deny reality no matter how unpleasant. I don't think I'm in the best condition to be messing with girls. In a way I look down on HB7 & anyone or any girl who likes the current me. The way I see it, I'm not pleased with who stares back at me in the mirror, it baffles me that people feel differently. It also intrigues me that females are blind to my borderline self loathing. The 2nd verse of Lupe Fiasco's beautiful lasers song sums up my thoughts(to a degree).

Your other questions:

Flexibility is an important part of overall fitness. Its quite easy to lose flexibility as you gain muscle if you don't have something like yoga, stretching, etc to keep you limber. Continue to do yoga and make sure you stretch a lot. Being flexible will actually mean that you are functionally stronger in more ranges of motion, and will also be able to less susceptible to injuries.

Whew....that puts my mind to rest.

My loose ankles I think are a genetic thing. My bro has similar issues. My wrists and ankles are quite flexible/"loose". I have to tape my wrists when I train. If I'm gonna play soccer or anything where I'm running around a lot I have to tape my ankles. If you're wondering whether being big and strong will impede your agility/speed permanently, think of NFL athletes. These guys are some of the fastest/most agile athletes out there, and they're all big ass mofos. Being fast and agile will come as long as you are strong and explosive. As you build up more of a strength base you should seriously consider learning the olympic lifts. Its important however, that you have a good coach, as these moves are quite technically challenging. The amount of power (mad/t) that you can generate w/ these lifts are maximum amounts of power the human body can generate doing any sort of physical activity. If you wanna be fast/explosive you have to consider olympic lifting in combination w/ plyometric training, etc.

I had always planned on learning the olympic lifts & pylometrics, its good to know you're recommending them. Again you put my mind at ease.

Regarding your pursuit of being a life guard... swimming is a great form or low impact cardio. Like anything else, its all about how much you do... Doing a lot of cardio will slow down overall muscle gain. However, I'm not gonna tell you to not do any. Doing a wide variety of work will ensure that you have the healthiest/best body possible... You'll just have to eat extra calories (good calories) to make up for what you loose swimming. I'd personally recommend swimming 2x/week for ~45 minutes as your cardio... don't do anymore.

At best I'd probably have time to swim with my friend like once a week, I was wondering if it was a bad idea to continue sprinting while trying to bulk up, word is sprinting destroys muscle gains...which makes me a sad cub.

Okay specific program details. I'll give you the simple exercise sequence that I'd do.

Day 1: Squats/Chin ups.

- warm up (do abs here). What exercises are you doing for abs? Crunch variants mostly with weighted crunches, anything better?
- Squat 1 x 8 (warm up set)
- Breathing squat: 1 x 20 (these are nasty... have you ever heard of breathing squats before?) Nope but they sound challenging, I wanna try em.
- Chin ups: 1 x 8
- Squat (below parallel... as low as you can go) 1 x 8
Alternate sets of chin ups w/ squats. Do 3-4 sets of each.

- Lunges: 3 x 10/side
- Leg ext. 3 x 12
- Seated hammer curl: 3 x 8
- Preacher curl: 3 x 8
- Standing calf raises: 2 x 20

Day 2: Push/pull (upper body day)

- warm up/abs.
- Incline DB press: 1 x 8
- One arm DB row: 1 x 8/side
Alternate incline DB press w/ the rows until you've done 3-4 sets of each.

- Wide grip pull ups: 1 x 8
- DB shoulder press: 1 x 8
Alternate these 2 until you've done 3-4 sets of each.

- Bench press: 2 x 10
- Incline DB fly: 2 x 10

- anterior DB raises: 1 set to failure
- Lateral DB raises: 1 set to failure
- Posterior DB raises: 1 set to failure

Day 3: Deads/Dips.

- Warm up/abs... make sure you stretch your lower back.
- Deadlift warm up set: Light weight - 1 x 8.
- Deadlift: 1 x 6-8 (go heavy once you've learned the move)
- Parallel bar dips: 1 x 8
Alternate Deadlifts and dips. Do 5 sets of each.

- Lying hamstring curls: 3 x 10
- Seated Hamstring curls: 4 x 10
- Tricep cable pushdown: 3 x 12
- Tricep kickback: 3 x 12

For the accessory work you can really pick and choose what you wanna do. I just have you suggestions based on exercises that I like and your goals. Just make sure you have the big compound movements in there. Make sure you're giving yourself at least 1 day of rest between weight sessions. Try to space out the deadlift and squat days.

Yeah I'll be super focused on those big compound movements, any idea of how heavy I should be lifting? Should I be lifting heavy? Or light?

Due to the volume of this program, your diet is gonna need to be great. Try and get AT LEAST 1.2 g/lb of body weight in protein. Most meat is 15-20% protein by mass... so a pound of meat is approximately 90 g of protein. 1.5 lbs is approximately 135 g. If you combine 1 lb of meat w/ a couple of 40-50g whey isolate shakes and a gainer shake you can easily get over 200 g of protein/day. This isn't even including other protein sources like nuts, cottage cheese, etc.
Yeah this is going to be the part that requires the most attention, I've got my measuring cup & a food scale...according to PIMP I need to have this shiit down to the calorie & I'm gonna need a bit of help for this. To eat consistently well 7 days a week 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year. Also what bgrands of whey isolate & gainer should I buy?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
To be brutally honest its bullshiit that you don't feel up to par to be messing around w/ girls... take the time to improve yourself, but still mess around with girls. You're not some hairy obese pimple face star trek nerd w/ a 2 inch cack. Women obviously find you appealing even though you think that you're not worth it... so take it and run with it. You can PM me that story if you like.

Remember interacting w/ chics, dating, sex, etc all require practice. You could be the best looking dude out there w/ a great body, job and a huge weiner, but if you're not sexual and socially/sexually smooth, then you won't be able to get the kind of girls that you deserve. Always interact w/ women, date, screw, etc... women are meant to be enjoyed. Furthermore interacting w/ women is in itself a means of self improvement as you are improving your social skills, social/sexual awareness by practicing.

Not sure where you heard sprinting was catabolic... Ever seen what an olympic sprinter looks like? Due to the high intensity of sprinting/interval training, there's a school of thought that states that your metabolic rate will be high for many hours after a sprint/interval session. Obviously you're diet has to be adequate, but sprinting/interval training, in my opinion is less catabolic than slower cardio... especially for natural, non-enhanced athletes.

Its important that you find someone who knows what they're doing for the olympic lifts, as you can get hurt if you're lifting heavy w/ shiity/incorrect form. There's a lot of other ab stuff you can do. Weighted crunches are good but also consider:

- Hanging leg raises
- front/side plank.
- reverse crunch
- cable crunch
- partial crunch on a swiss ball.

I think its crucial to mix and match a large variety of ab stuff. In the past I've found that a heavy front squat is also quite taxing on the abs.

The big compound movements take practice like anything else. Really nail your form and train the movement before you go heavy. Try and get 10-12 reps slow to really perfect your form especially on things like squats and deadlift. You should be working hard but ensuring that your form is good. Use mirrors to ensure your posture is good. There's tons of videos on youtube to help you out with form... better yet just look a some of the guys that squat/pull well and copy their form.

You don't have to eat perfect all the time. Just try and eat enough and stick to your diet plan 90% of the time. As far as brands of whey isolate goes, I use isoflex by Allmax. They're a Canadian company, so not sure if they distribute in the US. Optimum nutrition has a good protein. I use ultimate nutrition's Isomass xtreme gainer. Do you have multis and fish oils? These are also essential supplements.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
Fuglydude said:
To be brutally honest its bullshiit that you don't feel up to par to be messing around w/ girls... take the time to improve yourself, but still mess around with girls. You're not some hairy obese pimple face star trek nerd w/ a 2 inch cack. Women obviously find you appealing even though you think that you're not worth it... so take it and run with it. You can PM me that story if you like.

LOL...I didn't look at it that way makes sense. PM is coming right after this response btw.

Remember interacting w/ chics, dating, sex, etc all require practice. You could be the best looking dude out there w/ a great body, job and a huge weiner, but if you're not sexual and socially/sexually smooth, then you won't be able to get the kind of girls that you deserve. Always interact w/ women, date, screw, etc... women are meant to be enjoyed. Furthermore interacting w/ women is in itself a means of self improvement as you are improving your social skills, social/sexual awareness by practicing.

Wow. That really does make sense, now that I really stop & think about it. I guess I should start exploring the opportunities that are sometimes handed right to me on a platter. Thanks Fugly, along with your diet plan & routine, I'll add this to things I'll work at.

Not sure where you heard sprinting was catabolic... Ever seen what an olympic sprinter looks like? Due to the high intensity of sprinting/interval training, there's a school of thought that states that your metabolic rate will be high for many hours after a sprint/interval session. Obviously you're diet has to be adequate, but sprinting/interval training, in my opinion is less catabolic than slower cardio... especially for natural, non-enhanced athletes.

Yeah, the olympic sprinter body is kind of what I'm aiming for...sort of. I ran around a track today, it was amazing how much energy was sucked out of me(haven't done it in over two years, its always been treadmill here in the US). I felt like a brick, I had to exert 5x more effort to maintain any kind of speed. However I loved it & I've felt great all day long because of it. How often should I do HIIT though?

Its important that you find someone who knows what they're doing for the olympic lifts, as you can get hurt if you're lifting heavy w/ shiity/incorrect form. There's a lot of other ab stuff you can do. Weighted crunches are good but also consider:

I really don't want to get hurt so I may take some time to find an expert to teach me. The challenge excites me though.

- Hanging leg raises
- front/side plank.
- reverse crunch
- cable crunch
- partial crunch on a swiss ball.

I think its crucial to mix and match a large variety of ab stuff. In the past I've found that a heavy front squat is also quite taxing on the abs.

I'll be youtubin' all of the above so I can use em.

The big compound movements take practice like anything else. Really nail your form and train the movement before you go heavy. Try and get 10-12 reps slow to really perfect your form especially on things like squats and deadlift. You should be working hard but ensuring that your form is good. Use mirrors to ensure your posture is good. There's tons of videos on youtube to help you out with form... better yet just look a some of the guys that squat/pull well and copy their form.

Yes sir. I'll take this as gospel.

You don't have to eat perfect all the time. Just try and eat enough and stick to your diet plan 90% of the time. As far as brands of whey isolate goes, I use isoflex by Allmax. They're a Canadian company, so not sure if they distribute in the US. Optimum nutrition has a good protein. I use ultimate nutrition's Isomass xtreme gainer. Do you have multis and fish oils? These are also essential supplements.
I use Optimum nutrition's whey & casien powders...I'll google the products you use & see if I the US has them. I don't have a multi yet but I do take fish oil. (3 capsules daily).

EDIT - This may be a stupid question but when you tell me to do squats 1 x 8....does that mean 1 rep & 8 sets? Or 1 set with 8 reps? Just want to make sure.
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Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
1 x 8 = 1 set w/ 8 reps.

GNC has some good multis. I'd incorporate interval training/sprints 1x/week. Swim 1x/week and interval work 1x/week is plenty of cardio to keep your bodyfat in check. You definitely wanna keep these sessions in the 30-40 minute range as you don't wanna overtrain. Remember your diet/rest will be integral in preventing overtraining. Get in enough protein, enough calories and tons of high quality unrefined whole foods to supply your body with the nutrients that it'll need to remake itself.

Up your fish oil intake... I take 6 caps/day, and have a very highly concentrated one that gives me 900 mg of EPA/DHA per tab. Costco sells them up here. Not sure if they're available in the US. Its very cost effective.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
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Perfect. I checked out GNC's website but I won't be able to buy anything until I finish this course & hopefully get this new job where I get paid double what I already make. However 1 day interval training/sprints & 1 day swimming is perfect as I can appease my boy a bit without killing my muscle gains. I'll remember not to exceed 30-40 mins.

So to get in all my macros, I basically need to follow the diet you set out for me on page 1 yeah?

I only take 3 caps/day because that's what it says adults should take. However if I can take 6 & nothing goes wrong, sure I'll up the intake.

I have to thank you & PIMP again for all your help & I'll be sure to start a topic tracking my progress as soon as I get everything organized.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
@Fugly - PIMP mentioned that I should do 1 month on a stability ball. I'm really interested in doing so before starting your routine full time. What are your thoughts & to ask again. Can you give me an estimate on the amount of calories your diet has? I'm asking because it seems really simple & I can stick to that daily.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Kirro said:
@Fugly - PIMP mentioned that I should do 1 month on a stability ball. I'm really interested in doing so before starting your routine full time. What are your thoughts & to ask again. Can you give me an estimate on the amount of calories your diet has? I'm asking because it seems really simple & I can stick to that daily.
I'm not a huge fan of stability ball work. I've never done it... and to be honest, I'm quite ignorant to potential benefits of stability ball work. I use swiss balls for partial crunches and a couple of other ab things, but maybe push ups to stabilize/strength rotator cuffs, but nothing else. I was a personal trainer for a short while, and never had my guys do any stability ball work, except for the aforementioned kinds of stuff. My strategy with them was always about intensity, balance, and basically beating the crap out of them when I saw them. Everyone got results, but then again they were all newbies.

If you want stability type stuff do unilateral work. Stuff like pistols, single arm incline press, one arm overhead DB squat, etc.

For you, I'd recommend you try and get 4000 cals/day. If you're eating healthy, this is a shiit load of food. I suggested it because it is really simple, and usually simple = easy to follow. However, simple also can mean that it tastes like crap. Dont' be afraid to throw in crap once in a while. I routinely eat 3-4 cheat meals a week. When you're bulking and eat good 80-90% of the time, and have a good metabolism/muscle base, you don't have to worry about getting too fat.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
4000 is a lot on well whatever it takes. I'm willing to stick to the simple stuff regardless of taste, I recall my cousin & other males in my family eating a lot of the simple stuff you mentioned, tasted like crap but they're all in decent-great shape. I'll get used to it at some point.