I'm very excited to do this properly & I'll follow the advice of you & PIMP(& any other competent users) like the gospel & I'll be sure to post updates & pics at every milestone.Fuglydude said:Kirro,
The 300-400-500 level that I highlighted is actually quite modest. There's dudes like Colossus even on this "how to pick up chics" forums that have 600+ lb deadlifts and 500 lb squats. I've been lifting for around 12 years and still am not at this level. I'm close, but not there yet... but then again I don't train solely to be strong.
No doubt being able to deadlift a tiger would be one cool ability to have however is it totally impossible to be very strong while retaining my speed & flexibility? (I do yoga on sundays alone)
As some of the guys said, a program like starting strength is a good place to start. If you put together a reasonable strength/hypertrophy/conditioning program combined with a good diet, there's absolutely no reason you won't be able to hit 230-240 lbs within a year. I'm a huge believer of initially adding mass and developing a muscular/metabolic "base" before you try and cut and get lean.
I've done the research, you all seem to be correct in this stance, whether I can add 30-40lbs of muscle, well obvious I'll keep you all posted.
Remember, muscle is very metabolically expensive to maintain. Having lots of muscle will jack up your metabolic rate and make it much easier for you to burn fat. Muscles are like metabolic armor... I remember one of my pharmacology profs who is an expert in potassium channels, stating that having a good amount of active muscle mass was one of the easiest ways to avoid diabetes/metabolic syndrome, etc.
"Muscles are like metabolic armor" I love that. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
The routine that I'll recommend to you is what I recommend to most newbies. Its a very simple format w/ 3 weight days/week:
1. Squats/chins w/ accessory work.
2. Upper body push/pull w/ accessory work.
3. Deads/Dips w/ accessory work.
Work abs every day you train. This program uses the principle of antagonist muscle groups to get the most work out of your body. By only training 3 days/week you are unlikely to overtrain. Rest assured that if executed properly it can be a very productive program for a beginner. Let me know if you're interested and I can give you a more detailed break down.
Come on Fugly, my OP asked specifically for you of course I'm interested in a more detailed breakdown, I want to know what accessory work I'm supposed to do, I want to know the rep system, the sets, the rest intervals etc. Details man, details.
Your agility/conditioning will suffer at the start as your body struggles to adapt to the new weight, but you'll see that its quite easy for your body to adjust to new body mass as long as its lean mass. There will be an adjustment period, but if your conditioning and body composition are good you won't have issues even at higher weights. I personally find that I can't really jog that much anymore since I'm heavier... my ankles and achilles tendons can't take it. I do have "loose" ankles though.
Loose ankles? I enjoy sprinting, swimming & martial arts, I really can't afford to become some immobile show piece. The entire point of me getting in shape is to bring out my body's maximum potential in all areas, strength, speed, agility, durability, physical attractiveness. Am I being unrealistic here?
Regarding your comments about the food tasting shiity, just remember that its just fuel... not food. You'll get to eat plenty of good stuff, but will have to gag down shiit that you don't like once in a while. If you like eating meat you'll be happy as I'm gonna recommend that you get 1-1.5 lbs of meat/day along w/ other protein sources from whey, eggs, nuts, etc.
Yeah I loveth lamb, chicken & beef, I've also gotten used to eating egg whites. As for the shiit I don't like I'll find a way to get used to it, if it means achieving my goals properly. Question since I'm a n00b...1-1.5lbs of meat = how many grams of protein?
Overall man, just get onto a functional strength program w/ some hypertrophy elements and work on building your base up for a year or so. You're still VERY young and have a ton of time to grow and develop. Just be consistent and train and eat smart.
Sidenote 1 - I'll be doing training to become a lifeguard(for a new job I plan to get paying me twice as much as I make now). How would swimming affect my progress if at all?
Sidenote 2 - (More suited for the DJ discussion topic but I trust the advice of yourself & PIMP). A HB7 from work has taken a liking to me for nearly a year now, we've kissed, felt each other up & simple stuff like that. She's your typical western female, attitude, loud, self centered, shallow, giant ego...the type that most users seem to struggle with. Its clear she's physically attracted to me(meh) & my aggressive & indifferent attitude has destroyed all her fronts. She's super submissive at literally a snap of my finger...she has a bf, I don't care at all, neither does she. Everytime I touch her she shivers & smiles with what I like to call the slutpression...she's told me I can come to her house if I want to.
Basically I'm probably gonna go but as I'm not pleased with the current Kirro. I'm actually wondering if my current body is adequate for even a HB7. As I told PIMP, my personality is more suited for a better physical shell than the one I currently pilot. All the friends I've told are encouraging me to go regardless. Just wanna know what you guys think.