The whole notion of an "experienced users forum" suffers from so many flaws that the mere suggestion of it hints at inexperience and laziness on behalf of the poster.
The first thing people have to understand is that any selection process for the "experienced" posters will be inherently biased and favor a specific type of poster. Whether this poster also has what we call "game" remains to be seen, but his capacity to type pretty words on a keyboard have apparently made him worthy enough to post on our "elite board." All invite selection processes will be based on stereotypes and biases, and it will be hard to prove that the individuals selecting have any experience of their own to draw judgments from. Of equal importance, a 500+ post invite will only add to the senseless posts that we find on this forum, rather than ensure quality advice from people like Fingers (who has less than 500 posts).
Secondly, any notion that their is ONE ideal of Don Juan that should be followed and emulated is flawed at root. Even though there are substantial similarities between women, similar traits that women tend to be attracted to, a true "Don Juan" (or whatever other narcissistic monniker you wish to place on it) should learn how to adapt in order to maximize his success. When the forum rewards people for one particular style of seduction, one particular way of writing posts, and one particular form of pretense, any actual meaningful exchange of ideas will die. In order to maximize the flow information people should be allowed to post their ideas regardless of whether they fit into the supposed "Don Juan" mentality. This forum is capable of rewarding helpful posters simply through name recognition, which the younger members can use to remember which posters to pay extra attention to. The only people an elite board helps is the new posters who have no sense of context or identity within these forums, those people should simply sit back and watch, and slowly they can see on their own what posters have good advice. Learning which people to listen to is a valuable trait that shouldn't be short-circuited by a counter-productive suggestion like this.
Finally, I remember hearing a phrase a long way back that I haven't heard since: Field-Test It! If you read an idea, try it! Rather than sitting their and attempting the same old nonsense from the same "Master Don Juan" who may be a fellow virgin himself, try the ideas that work, and discard those that don't. All people on this forum are different, I guarantee you that 90% of you will NEVER be a Fingers or Pook because you are different from them in your taste of women, in your looks, or in your intellectual build. None of these differences imply inferiority, but each of them notes that not only will you be unsuccesful at being a Fingers or a Pook, but if you were to succeed, you would find their lifestyle borish or unappealing. The main purpose of this forum was to give posters a sense of self-confidence that would allow them to travel the seas, not to break down their sense of self-identity and to mold them into one type of seducer. Thats why posters should try what they read by field-testing it, because I guarantee that some styles that may never work for me may be perfectly suited for you.
So if the reason posters want an elite board is because they are too lazy to understand context on SoSuave and too afraid to try the ideas recommended on these boards, then their problem doesn't lie with the posts they read but with the actions they never take.