As the title says, this is a rant about the downward spiral this forum has taken. I know this has been done before, but this one will have a different point of view. I've been here a long while and rememeber the day I found this forum. I thought I was lucky as anything. I took all the advice I could handle. Pook, terminator911, A Turtle Named Adrian, Wyldefire, Rebel Leader just to name a few where some people that helped me turn it around. Sure, I had one or two threads back then, but they were asking for help on stuff that hadn't been answered yet!
What happened to the good old days? Search sites, that's what. When I first joined, I was something like #3,037. Now look at the counter! Well over 7,000! But that doesn't always mean good things. Look at the "members" section and see how many people have fewer then 10 posts! Now I realize that even though this forum has gotten worse throughout the past year, in some sense, it's also gotten better. Matrix:Reloaded, Madskater/Nocturnal, KinoOI/Red Blue OI, and whatsupwiddat are a few new additions that have tried to help pull us out of the rut that we are clearly in. Even some oldies are coming back to try and help.
I realize that there are only so many questions that can be asked, but for the love of this site, SEARCH AND READ THE BIBLE FIRST!!! If it's not in there, wait until Matrix and WUWD finish the "Everything you ever wanted to know about high school but were too afraid to ask" thread. If it's not in there, THEN post the question. As far as all these "will not jacking it help me?" threads, look around. It's been discussed before. No need to bring it back up. If this forum is going to survive, newbies have to start pulling thier weight. First, they need to stop trying to look cool by flaming people. Then they also need to stop stealing the older Don's advice! It can be traced back morons. I think the biggest difference between now and then is: back when I first joined, the newbies wanted honest help with real situations and the older Don's where more than willing to help. But now, the newbies want to try and act like they know everything.
Older guys: The newbies need help and some of thier questions will be redundent. That's a given. BUT, instead of flaming them or saying "Read the damn bible," try and help them, otherwise, they might start to think your stuck up and will flame this board.
Newbies: For the love of god, read the damn bible! Ok, you knew that was coming
. Honsetly, if you have nothing that's important to ask, don't ask it! "Am i a don yet?" If you have to ask, then the answer is "NO!!" Over the years, I've begun to realize that being a Don isn't about what you look like or how you act, it's already a part of you. You don't just "become one." You build it. Everyone has Don Juaness in them. Some more than others. Posting useless junk such as "If i do *this*, will *this* happen?" Why don't you go find out first!? A better topic is "I did *this* and *this* happened, need help."
That's my rant for now.
PS- WUWD, wheres the thread on how your date went and wheres the "be all, end all" post?
What happened to the good old days? Search sites, that's what. When I first joined, I was something like #3,037. Now look at the counter! Well over 7,000! But that doesn't always mean good things. Look at the "members" section and see how many people have fewer then 10 posts! Now I realize that even though this forum has gotten worse throughout the past year, in some sense, it's also gotten better. Matrix:Reloaded, Madskater/Nocturnal, KinoOI/Red Blue OI, and whatsupwiddat are a few new additions that have tried to help pull us out of the rut that we are clearly in. Even some oldies are coming back to try and help.
I realize that there are only so many questions that can be asked, but for the love of this site, SEARCH AND READ THE BIBLE FIRST!!! If it's not in there, wait until Matrix and WUWD finish the "Everything you ever wanted to know about high school but were too afraid to ask" thread. If it's not in there, THEN post the question. As far as all these "will not jacking it help me?" threads, look around. It's been discussed before. No need to bring it back up. If this forum is going to survive, newbies have to start pulling thier weight. First, they need to stop trying to look cool by flaming people. Then they also need to stop stealing the older Don's advice! It can be traced back morons. I think the biggest difference between now and then is: back when I first joined, the newbies wanted honest help with real situations and the older Don's where more than willing to help. But now, the newbies want to try and act like they know everything.
Older guys: The newbies need help and some of thier questions will be redundent. That's a given. BUT, instead of flaming them or saying "Read the damn bible," try and help them, otherwise, they might start to think your stuck up and will flame this board.
Newbies: For the love of god, read the damn bible! Ok, you knew that was coming
That's my rant for now.
PS- WUWD, wheres the thread on how your date went and wheres the "be all, end all" post?