Today we were doing an exercise in my directing class. It's actually a combo acting/directing class and I am in the directing portion. Anyway, we the exercises were improv stuff. So, the scene that I ended up doing was with a woman opposite of me. We had to read from this paper about computers, but we had to act like we were in love with each other. It's an exercise that deals with "Absurdism," which is an acting style. At any rate, it was going fine and then as we got twoards the end, she got a really into it. She started to rub me all over and touched my ass, back chest, and shoulders. Now of course, I did NOT mind this at all. In fact, I thought she was very convincing. Hehe. Of course I choked since I was not expected it, but I was able to finish the scene with my dignity, I think. This is one of those times I REALLY wish that was not just acting. Still, fun none the less. I just thought I would let you know this of this rare occurance. Of course, this does give me some C&F opportunity.