Cowardly friends?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Cortex said:
ElStud is describing himself. Read his other topics and you'll understand.
Yeah. They'll understand you're a moron when they see that my last five threads have something to do with approaching women, infact most of my threads are actually FRs. While you, the 8 posts you have are really nothing but either trolling post or one line sentences.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
superchill89 said:
i'm gonna have to agree with potbelly here. you are being a pr1ck for trying to pressure him into approaching. if he doesn't feel like approaching then don't make him, you're just making him uncomfortable and pissed off. let him decide what he wants to do. more important than just being a PUA is being a decent person too, and it's pretty obvious that you are letting whatever small steps you have taken towards becoming social get to your head. it's pretty clear in your initial post that you must have had a couple good interactions recently and this is your way of inflating your ego by showing off your slightly improved approach skills. keep up the good work but don't let it get to your head.
Will you listen? The guy wanted to approach. And I'm not letting crap get to my head, I'm trying to help a friend get over his approach anxiety. He even told us he could approach at least ONE girl and he didn't. Do you think I would honestly go up to a girl and say "Hey, my friend Ike wants to talk to you" to mess with him? No, me and my other friend did that to try and help him, since he didn't want to help himself and even then he STILL cowarded out. If he wanted to help himself he would've just approached and stop cowarding out.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2005
Reaction score
Not all people like to approach people on the spot. "Hey, look at that chick, go get it!!"....Like me, I do not approach when put on the spot. I approach when it is right for me.

Master Bates

Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
Regardless of what you think, pressuring somebody who has anxiety approaching strangers into approaching some random girl on the spot is not helping him. He wants to be able to approach girls? Of course he does. Who doesn't. Approaching girls means getting girls. But that doesn't mean pressuring him to do it on the spot and inevitabely making him feel worse every time he doesn't do it is going to help him in any way.


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
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J. J. Flash said:
ElStud, your friend might have something called Social Anxiety Disorder, also known as Social Phobia. This disorder causes the person to experience anxiety or even panic attacks when put in certain social situations. Take a look at those links:

If you decide to show your friend those links, take care on not hurting his feelings - if he has social phobia, he will probably be VERY embarrassed to admit it.
+1 on that even if it's not it. don't be ignorant.