COVID is a lie.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 16, 2019
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Only a virus with less than 0% fatality rate needs constant media reinforcement. How else would people willingly give up their civil liberties and livelyhoods.
Well, two weeks ago the media was wall-to-wall COVID coverage. Last week it has been wall-to-wall race-riot coverage. Yet the rolling average of COVID deaths worldwide was essentially unchanged between last week and the week before. Seems the virus doesn't really care about its level of media coverage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I wonder how much the lockdown has contributed to these riots and the violence. There's no question it has contributed, it's just a question of how much.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2018
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Yes meant to say 1%.
The media don't come up with the numbers. They use the figures they get from their various sources so the numbers wouldn't change whether they talk about it or not.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Just received this from one of my sources. They were told a more potent virus is planned to be unleashed before election time. Make of it what you will.

Event 201 = Gates ID2020 = Gates Coronavirus patent = Gates Covid vaccine = Gates WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN funding = Gates Fauci/Birx/Tedros funding = Gates New Economy based on Human Activity (060606) = Gates Hypothesize a simulated global outbreak, required steps, various phases, overall timeline and expected outcomes (Rockefeller - Lock Step, 2010). -Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan (SARS/HIV hybrid research strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab from 2008-2013 as part of a research project to find out why coronavirus's spread like wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans (hence the 4 HIV inserts, aka the missing key to infect the human ACE-2 receptor) -Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a "BACKUP plan" ready to be released in phase 3 BUT ONLY IF NEEDED (SARS/HIV/MERS weaponized tribrid strain created at Fort Detrick class 4 lab in 2015) -Transport the research strain to a different class 4 lab (National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg Canada) and have it stolen and smuggled out by China (Shi Zhengli) on purpose and taken to China's only class 4 lab (Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan China) for added plausible deniability and to help cement the wanted BACKUP public script as something to fall back on IF needed (primary script being its natural, backup script being that China created it and released it by accident) -Fund all the talking heads (Fauci/Birx/Tedros...) and agencies (WHO/NIAID/CDC/UN...) that would be involved with pandemic response prior to the planned release of the research strain to control the wanted script throughout the operation. -Create and fund the vaccination development and roll-out plan so its capable of being rolled out on a global scale (Gates - Decade of Vaccines: Global Vaccine Action Plan, 2010-2020) -Create and fund the vaccination verification/certification protocols (Digital ID) to enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll-out is enacted (Gates - ID2020) -Simulate the Lock Step hypothesis just prior to the planned research strain release using a real-world exercise as a final wargame to determine expected response/timelines/outcomes (Gates - Event 201, Oct 2019) -Release the research strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame it's released on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script (the Wuhan wet market, Nov 2019) -Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the research strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lockdown/respond to avoid initial infection -Once a country has seed infection in place, lockdown incoming/outgoing travel but keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible -Once enough people in a country/region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time.
Over-hype the mortality rate by tying the research strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum (if anyone dies for ANY reason and is found they have COVID consider it a COVID death & if anyone is thought to of MAYBE had symptoms of COVID to assume they have COVID and consider it a COVID death). -Keep the public quarantined for as long as possible to destroy the regions economy, create civil unrest, breakdown the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food shortages, as well as cause peoples immune system to weaken due to lack of interaction with other people/bacteria (the outside world... aka the things that keeps our immune system alert and active). -Downplay and attack any potential "treatments" and continue to echo that only a "cure" is viable to fight this virus (aka a vaccine) -Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over and over again (in 2 week intervals) causing more and more people to eventually stand up and protest/defy them. -Eventually end the phase 1 quarantine once they get enough public push-back (~June 2020), and publicly state that they still think it's "too early" to end the isolation but are going to do it anyways. -Once the public go "back to normal" wait a few weeks and then continue to over-hype the research strain mortality rate (~Aug-Sept 2020), and combine it with the increase in deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate then normal due to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation, to help further "pad" the mortality rate and hype the upcoming phase 2 lockdown. -Eventually enact phase 2 quarantines (~Oct-Nov 2020) on a even more extreme level and blame the protesters (mostly people who don't trust their government already) for the cause of the "larger" 2nd wave (we told you so, it was too early, this is all your fault cause you needed a hair cut, your freedoms have consequences...). -Enforce the phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level, increasing the penalty for defiance (replace fines with jail time), deem ALL travel as non-essential, increase checkpoints (including military assistance), increase tracking/tracing of the population (mandatory apps), take over control of food/gas (large scale shortages) so that people can only get access to essential products/services if they are FIRST given permission.
Keep the phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time then the phase 1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy, further degrade the supply chain, and further amplify the food shortages, and alike. -Quell any public outrage using extreme actions/force and make anyone who defy's them appear as public enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit. -After a rather long phase 2 lockdown (6+ months), roll-out the vaccination program + vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone (giving priority access to those that submitted from the start), and have those that are for it attack those that are against it saying they are a threat and the cause of all the problems (we can't go back to normal until EVERYONE takes the vaccine... people defying them are hurting our way of life and therefore are the enemy). -If the majority of people go along with the agenda then let those people enter the new system (new normal) while limiting the minority that defy the agenda's ability to work/travel/live. -If the majority of people go against the agenda then release the weaponized SARS/HIV/MERS tribrid strain as phase 3, a virus with a 30%+ mortality rate as a final scare to push the minority to quickly become the majority and give a final "we told you so" to those that didn't listen. -Enact the new economy model (Microsoft patent 060606 - Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data) which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit (tweaked version of Black Mirror's "Fifteen Million Merits") using food/water/shelter and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new economic system. Basically do what we want and get rewarded (gain credits/score and gain more access to things you need to survive) or go against what we want and get penalized (lose credits/score and lose access to things you need to survive). ...Welcome to the New World Order.. And I would like to add that if anyone thinks that this isn't true then check out parts of China, they already have the cryptocurrency system in place in certain areas.."

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
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Some well known conspiracy theorists say the virus itself isn't even real. That the elites are using the flu as the vessel of covid to create the plannedemic as the flu deaths numbers down by 80% than what they normally are.

I'm not going to say the virus is fake. There is a ton of red flags that should make one question what the real agenda is. Why would they blatantly kill patients in hospitals, why would they list just about every death as corona, why are a lot of hospitals empty, why are nurses saying their bosses are taking their patients away cause their doing proper treatments only for those patients to later die, why is hydroxycholrone all of a sudden being blasted when it was praised for the last 40 years, why were the figured from Fauci way the fuk off.

Now you have the media manipulating the mass's with the Arbery killing. Constantly showing a 7 year old high school grad pic to touch you heart. You see schools force you to smile and wear a suite. The expression is forced, meaning when you look at it you think aww what a good nice boy he is. Thats not the real person you're seeing, it's a deception the media uses as operation mocking bird is an extremely effective mind control method. The media shows you certain clips to deceive you into hating the white men and loving the black man. Not saying what they did to him was wrong cause it was. What I am saying is the media is forcing a certain narrative to manipulate your mind to believe what they want you to believe.

Then you have the 100% staged death of Floyd. There were enough red flags with that one to make it obvious it is staged. One of the biggest red flags was the ambulance pulls up to supposedly help the victim but not one EMT was actually there? All cops wearing body armor. Zero medical help for a victim who's laying on the ground unconscious, zero medical equipment on the scene. Only cops come out the back of the ambulance, pick up the body and put it in the back of the truck. The more awake you become, the easier it is to see the blatant deception right before your eyes.

All of this is preplanned to cause a racial war, riots & looting. Deep state is becoming desperate. Come election time they will probably pull another rabbit out the hat. Soros is funding all this chaos. Paid protesters, people spraying Fuk Trump on buildings which is 100% paid to spread hate. A undercover cop was caught breaking windows during a riot to instigate others to start rioting, I've seen a pile of bricks next a building that were deliberately placed to entice rioters to use them. Some kids even knew it was staged saying there is zero construction in this area.

People are shouting fake news to the media outlets at protests which causes them to leave. News outlets caught on live tv lying, saying people aren't wearing masks when a guy walks up saying neither is your camera man. Most all the rioters who were arrested in MN were from out of state. All paid actors crisis actors. It's so hard for the average human to believe this kind of stuff due to being conditioned by the fake media. I even went searching to look for ads on sites for paid crisis actors and couldn't believe my eyes. They make them sign confidentiality contacts.

A few years back I went to a Carmax and saw a bunch of people protesting against them in front of the dealership. Me being the curious man I am I walked to the crowd to spark a conversation with one of them. I asked the guy what they protesting against Carmax. He straight I said "I dont know man, I'm just here to get paid to hold this sign". Kinda blew my mind as he said all the protesters were there strictly for the money.

Most people have no clue a lot of cops are Freemasons. Who to do freemasons worship=Lucifer. This is a spiritual war we're fighting right now. We're seeing a great awaking before our eyes. I personally do not think we've seen the worst of what is going to happen. I truly hope what I feel will happen doesn't happen. These elites will stop at nothing to get to what they want.

Lastly-I'm not cray
Glad to see some people seeing this for what it really is...IMO this is likely the beginning of something much, much bigger.
All we can do is get prepared. With covid happening, and all these early ballots going out, there could be voter fraud on a huge scale.
Joe 30330 gets in, and who knows what will play out @ that point.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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As someone who works in EMS i can definatively say that this virus is way overblown. We are not seeing the deaths that the news media is claiming.

The vast majority of people that do show symptoms recover fully within 5 days. The death rate is actually less than .5% and this is confirmed by the NEJM. Not 1 EMS personel from my station died from it. It cant be that contagious and deadly. I do know 1 guy personally who supposedly died from it. But he was a personal acquaintance and he was old. Its still tragic and he will be missed. But that doesnt justify imploding small businesses.

This was a planned economic melt down. If the virus was so deadly then homeless people, cashiers and EMS would be dropping like flies. Dont be retarded.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I will add that there are certain "hotspots" especially in the tri state area. The "virus" also kills people in bizarre ways usually involving small blood clots. Physicians have candidly told me that they really dont know what is going on.

I personally dont think its a virus killing the small percentage of people that die. Its some other environmental factor that we have not discovered yet. Whatever it is..its not nearly as lethal as they make it seem.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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^^Well pandora, it’s MUCH worse...


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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As someone who works in EMS i can definatively say that this virus is way overblown. We are not seeing the deaths that the news media is claiming.

The vast majority of people that do show symptoms recover fully within 5 days. The death rate is actually less than .5% and this is confirmed by the NEJM. Not 1 EMS personel from my station died from it. It cant be that contagious and deadly. I do know 1 guy personally who supposedly died from it. But he was a personal acquaintance and he was old. Its still tragic and he will be missed. But that doesnt justify imploding small businesses.

This was a planned economic melt down. If the virus was so deadly then homeless people, cashiers and EMS would be dropping like flies. Dont be retarded.
What about these stories of all these deaths in NYC?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
What about these stories of all these deaths in NYC?
Yes they are stories. Exagerrated. My physician friend works in NY. He tells me one thing. I have another physician friend who also works in NY and he tells me a conflicting story. I am not sure who I believe more.

I believe that people were dying just not nearly the rate that the media was reporting. People that live in NY also filmed NY hospitals and have video proof of the hospitals not being over run.

I saw it myself due to my job that the hospitals in my area, a major metro area were not being overrun. Something strange was happening. Some ( small percentage of people) were really dying in strange ways...again I think its an unknown environmental factor.

I can tell you for a FACT that most people we take that have COVID end up being just fine in a couple days. This even includes the elderly people. Very few actually die from this but the people that do die, die in a very scary manner.

Lynx nkaf

Nov 17, 2019
Reaction score
It's not a lie but its not the end of the world if you dont have heart issues/anxiety isssues, or any allergic reaction to antibiotics. If you are relatively normal than you should be good to go.

Here's my diasnosis.

The 10th day was when it hit me the hardest. Makes me feel like I had Malaria in the jungle or something. I legit felt like I was attacked by the chinese communist party. Didn't feel natural at alll, All sense of tatse and smell was gone. Replaced by a sense of dread and incoming death. And nothing they give you will help you overcome the "test of heart." And I literally mean "test of heart" because your heart will beat 100 miles per hour and will be tested. You just gotta suck it up. Some people probably will be hospitalize. I was, twice, lol. First time I was a drama queen and got an ambulance to pick me up because I felt like I was about to die. Second time I almost died yet again due to an allergic reaction to azithromycin - out of all things. After the test of heart is when people diverege. Some people have a very high blood oxygen level like myself (Edit: Still recovering so don't wanna speak to soon) and can go home and just take tylenol for another week or two. Some people deteriate due to pre-existing condition.

View attachment 4254
hey, I appreciate your posts here and I'm glad to hear you recovered.
Stay well and stay strong. Be epic.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Im diagnosed with psychosis, and O.C.D its all under control now, but a panic attack comes on much easier than it did 20 years ago
Are you having sex?

And with OCD, anxiety, obsessive thoughts, panic and quite a few other anamolies you will find additional stress triggers it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Glad to see some people seeing this for what it really is...IMO this is likely the beginning of something much, much bigger.
All we can do is get prepared. With covid happening, and all these early ballots going out, there could be voter fraud on a huge scale.
Joe 30330 gets in, and who knows what will play out @ that point.
Sadly my spiritual intuition is telling me the same. There is something much bigger planned. The devil will stop at nothing to get what he wants. They already busted and charged a local mail driver for having a crate of ballots from another state. That's a drop in the bucket of what's going to happen.

I've seen numerous people in CA who received 2 ballots for being a certain party, their parents only getting 1 each for being the other. I will let you figure out which party sent out the 2.

Someone I know has a friend who works in the White House. Can't go into much detail as this type of talk isn't allowed here. I'll just say the friend has become ill from seeing the extreme amount of corruption on a daily basis but more so how these people are celebrating it, laughing about it and keeping a smile on their face.

What about these stories of all these deaths in NYC?
We can blame Communist Cuomo for blatantly putting positive tested patients back in retirement homes with healthy people when that is a big no no That creates a domino effect of infection. What they also don't tell you is most deaths via the virus are mostly affecting people of old age and those with underlying conditions. Hence why most death were from the elderly or ones with underlying conditions.

I've mentioned it before. Hospitals were blatantly killing patients by not giving them the proper treatment. They are driving the numbers up on purpose. When nurses told their boss their patients aren't getting the proper care, they would take their patient away from them, move the nurse to a different dept or transfer them to a different hospital only for their patient to later die as a result of improper care. Look at the map of supposed Covid deaths across the country and you'll see a pattern in which I won't mention.

A top NY ER Dr. committed suicide I'm "guessing" was for that very reason. The guilt she probably felt for not being able to help or do anything to save these people we're too much for her to handle.

This whole thing is deeper than most people could even process in their brains. There is web of Satanists who are all puppets for the top 1%. Once the corruption comes to the surface they create another distraction so the previous one gets swept under the rug.

Notice how all eyes were on Obama/Bill Gates? Then they "supposedly" kill a black man on camera for all to see in order to start a race war. Just like that our focus is now on riots, looting, protests and BLM? See how they control your narrative? One must focus on the timing of each event as they are strategically done.


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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Sadly my spiritual intuition is telling me the same. There is something much bigger planned. The devil will stop at nothing to get what he wants. They already busted and charged a local mail driver for having a crate of ballots from another state. That's a drop in the bucket of what's going to happen.

I've seen numerous people in CA who received 2 ballots for being a certain party, their parents only getting 1 each for being the other. I will let you figure out which party sent out the 2.

Someone I know has a friend who works in the White House. Can't go into much detail as this type of talk isn't allowed here. I'll just say the friend has become ill from seeing the extreme amount of corruption on a daily basis but more so how these people are celebrating it, laughing about it and keeping a smile on their face.

We can blame Communist Cuomo for blatantly putting positive tested patients back in retirement homes with healthy people when that is a big no no That creates a domino effect of infection. What they also don't tell you is most deaths via the virus are mostly affecting people of old age and those with underlying conditions. Hence why most death were from the elderly or ones with underlying conditions.

I've mentioned it before. Hospitals were blatantly killing patients by not giving them the proper treatment. They are driving the numbers up on purpose. When nurses told their boss their patients aren't getting the proper care, they would take their patient away from them, move the nurse to a different dept or transfer them to a different hospital only for their patient to later die as a result of improper care. Look at the map of supposed Covid deaths across the country and you'll see a pattern in which I won't mention.

A top NY ER Dr. committed suicide I'm "guessing" was for that very reason. The guilt she probably felt for not being able to help or do anything to save these people we're too much for her to handle.

This whole thing is deeper than most people could even process in their brains. There is web of Satanists who are all puppets for the top 1%. Once the corruption comes to the surface they create another distraction so the previous one gets swept under the rug.

Notice how all eyes were on Obama/Bill Gates? Then they "supposedly" kill a black man on camera for all to see in order to start a race war. Just like that our focus is now on riots, looting, protests and BLM? See how they control your narrative? One must focus on the timing of each event as they are strategically done.
It's always political, huh?