I just want to show people there is nothing to be afraid of. Not even death. The moment is all you have. If you can truly be happy in this moment right here and now, you have groked existence. Being covid positive has forced me to let go of all past and future.
To me, there is no "recover" in the future. I'm okay now. I feel like my life is full now and it's all I could ever ask for.
A funny thing happens when you face mortality. All time stops. And you realize it is only the Eternal moment. Everything else is mind and thought. There is only present awareness right here right now. It is the only thing that is real.
The "I" that perceives. It existed long before you were given a birth name, And it will continue to exist even until the end of time. It always is and always will be. The universe arises and die and The "I" will still be here.
You are not your body. You are not your name. You are not your sex. You are not the image the world gave you. You are the ever mysterious presence awareness.
This presence awareness visits you at your final moments when you lose everything. When you are about to die, you realize the presence awareness was the only thing that was ever real.