Cosmopolitan magazine - even THEY know how to be a dj


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2000
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HAHA. me too. after swiping my gf's cosmo feb. edition with the cover titled, "his g-spot", guess what i got that nite? the old taint-rubbing! HAHA. and the extra point is.....GOOD!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2002
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Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Hey flashdance, it seems that a lot of chicks who I've dated or hooked up with read maxim. One chick and her roommate even have a subscription. What does that tell you? It's more proof of what you said. Chicks like maxim because it's written by chicks and so they naturally like it.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2002
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yeah it makes sense that chicks like it. it makes them feel better about themselves. i think each issue is approved and the propaganda is inserted by the feminist police before it hits the stands (the half-naked chicks on the cover are just bait).

as an example, heres a quote from a maxim article called "how to make her (your girlfriend) DUMP you", taken from the world of sex section:

1. MAKE HER WAIT -(ie. let her get your voicemail and be unavailable)
2. MAKE HER SWEAT -(ie. check out and give attention to other chicks)
3. MAKE HER LONELY -(ie. tell her your busy and dont want to deal with all her demands)
4. MAKE HER SICK -(ie. in this one they say you shouldnt
clean your house, you should leave porn out, etc)

could this advice be any worse? a DJ *SHOULD* do these things in moderation. i would say making her sick is an exception... but it never hurts to have her help clean your apartment! ;)


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Wow I never noticed the bad advice in Maxim. Too used to seeing the hot girls.

They have had a few good ones on picking up girls though, but there are bad tips littered in with the good ones.
Mar 12, 2002
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Originally posted by seloifter
Now, I'm a pretty avid reader of Cosmopolitan magazine....... yes yes I know it's a magazine for college chicks...... but it's the most interesting and educational magazine I've ever seen! Some of the articles make me sick, but most of the time they're really good, and reveal alot about women.

In the issue currently in my lap, I found two articles that just made me think of this site..... so.... I'm gonna go thru the trouble of typing out the entire god damn articles..... (this should only take half an hour...... *sigh*) :)
Good on you for typing it out. I hope you didn't do it in the reply window though. A good idea would be to type it out in your favourite text editor, this way you can save it and minimise the risk of losing all your work.

If you type it in a text editor, but forget to save, well there's no difference then though.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
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What is interesting is that women are starting to openly notice the trend that men are becoming masculine, a trend that women started to begin with.

I think it all started back in the 80's when suddenly the term 'Sensitive New-Age Guy', or SNAG, was termed. As women started to feel that they had a voice to be listened too, they began expressing their inner thoughts about what they wanted from a man. And what did women SAY they wanted from men? Sensitivity. Magazines such as Cosmo and Dolly jumped on the bandwagon, spoon-feeding teen girls with the ideas that men should be more sensitive and caring to their needs and way way less macho (ie less manly).

Women in general didnt seem to understand that all they were doing was turning their boyfriend into a girlfriend. And nobody was brave enough to mention that this might not actually be a good idea.

Once the magazines had effectively 'brainwashed' millions of teen girls into thinking that they wanted a man that was sensitive, the movie makers came into the picture and a new fraze became a common term - the 'chick flick'. The large screen was filled with romance stories about independent women falling in love with men whose sensitive side the women had brought out of hiding. The women ate it up and suddenly teen boys where exposed to the concept. Not knowing any better and seeing how all the girls were swooning over these romantic big screen snags, teen boys assumed that they would get the girls by also being a snag.

We could blame women in general, or we could blame the media, or we could even blame our fathers (who should have taken us aside and told us better), but largly I blame feminism. Feminists have created a myth in our society that emotions are more important than sex. Works well if you are a woman, but suxs big time if you happen to have balls. The problem with feminists is that they believe that whatever they feel and think is normal and that anyone who doesnt feel and think that way is not - and if it happens to be a man, they are also a sexist.

Its nice to see that women are starting to wake up to themselves, though I noticed that article was happy to avoid mentioning that women really only have themselves to blame.


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
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Queens, NY
Hello guys, This is my first post. I've been reading most of the Bible posts for half the day and I'd like to say Thanks to Pook for instilling confidence in men of the new age here in 03 and other contributing posters. I have gained a great amount of insight today and I look forward to improving myself knowing that most of the time the hardest part is imagining the goal and then getting off your ass and realizing that the result of your effort will be worth it.

Back on-topic:

Maxim may very well be subversive it took off too fast and is just too well read. Some of those thought tricks that I was just reading about must be at work here. That and good marketing. Is there a difference? :confused:

Anyway I found this quote on the message board on that cosmo/ivillage website, dated Jan. 5 2003. It's kind of long but ironic to me at this juncture. As I am just re-entering the dating scene after a 5 year relationship, I see that it is a strange new world. Thanks again to for the leg up on the competition.

To whom it may concern;
I write this letter to any who may listen. I was once a nice sweet guy, great sense of humor, a tad weird, and a self proclaimed romantic, I am 33 now, never had a true relationship, only had one woman in my life I ever truly loved.
I lived in Massachusetts all my life. And over the years in my search for the love of my life, I have found that from the time of birth. Women have been told that men are pigs, scum, and jerks.ect. On the other hand…women are supposed to be the sweetest things, sensitive and caring, affectionate creatures.
I tried many tactics to entice a woman’s attention, from personal ads, dating services, bars, dance clubs, book stores, supermarkets, you name it, I been there. Even the train, on the street. One thing has never changed, the wealth on SNOBBY women!
No matter where I been, the plan was simple…SMILE! And say “hello.” In almost EVERY ENCOUNTER the result was…she ether (1) she completely ignored me, turned her head in the opposite direction than me, (2) she makes a sigh or a grunt in response, (3) or she gives a look that could most likely mean “how dare I say “hello” to her!
Now I have been told I am negative, but how does me being negative EXCUSE these rude women of Massachusetts?!
Another example you ask?
I was at a news stand and I noticed a cute lady reading a woman’s magazine…I noticed the article she was reading was entitled: “how to attract today’s man” so I worked up my courage and said “hi there.” She looked and me with blank eyes and went back to her magazine!
How about this one, I had to one day put change in parking meter 3 cute ladies walked towards me.did I say a form of greeting…you bet “hello” I said…one gal grunted. And all 3 kept walking. And I’ll bet you money they were out for drinks later and someone had to have complained, “I just can’t seem to find any nice men!” ahh if only she had said “hi!”
I think you get the picture of what I have had to deal with in the past several years in my search for female companionship! You cannot honestly say it’s all in my mind.
Now we have dating services out there ready to help…themselves all geared to help ONLY women…women get to call phone chat lines for free…while men have to pay anywhere from $1.99 and up a minute. We have bars that offer “ladies night”
We have dating clubs that women can join, no fees, and no obligations. While men have to come up with $2000+ in some cases!
Now for some reason…some women are still complaining there is no equality among the sexes! This much is true…men are getting railroaded, ripped off in the dating game big time!
Of course you may argue, “Not all women are like this…you’re stereotyping all women on the acts of a hand full” ok, I grant you that one I only been single all my life and been looking for love for ever 12 years.
Your right…some women are not that rude. Some women know that playing hard to get is a big mistake because they would be alone forever if they were that rude…they may know deep down they have to offer what they can. I been told I should LOWER my standards and look into dating these women, and so I did!
Now mind you, as I lowered my standards, my goal became simple, find a woman I can ENJOY being with! Not too hard right?
Let me see if I can remember the women I met. Obese, bi-sexual looking to experiment, freaks with glow in the dark hair, body piercing and excessive tattoos, one gal wanted kids MORE than a relationship, women who are more concerned with popularity than taking care of their friends who need them, one woman confessed before we met...on the phone that she had herpes. Ok that’s enough. I want to be able to go to sleep tonight!
I just start laughing when women I don’t like start trying to give me guilt trip "maybe you should lower your standards" or " you shouldn't be so picky." As if I had NO RIGHT to be happy!
Now, for the record, am I bitter, yes, am I angry, no…I am disgusted and disappointed. But I think you can see I have just reasons.
As with all problems, before the solution can be found, there must be AWARENESS of the problem. I pray someone out there has been listening, it would be a crime to the word if the problem got worse, there is no place anymore for women who play hard to get. When shy men are afraid to say “hello” or risk being accused of sexual harassment. Where women only talk to arrogant men and ignore the awkward guy in the corner. There are good men out there ladies, you just refuse to look and listen!



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
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Interesting point here though.

There has to be a good comeback if a girl ignores your hi!
Like oh, I forgot this is the school for the deaf.

On the other hand you could just take it as low interest and move on.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
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Can someone make a link of the maxim sites and post it somewhere highly acessible on this site? Its just hard to keep lookin for this thread everytime I want to go to the maxim archive.

I cant save this to favorites or type in the adress of this site on my adress bar because I share this computer. If someone was to see the website, I would be HIGHLY embarassed.:(


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wolf in sheep's clothing
What is interesting is that women are starting to openly notice the trend that men are becoming masculine, a trend that women started to begin with.
Men becoming masculine? Are we in the same century?

We could blame women in general, or we could blame the media, or we could even blame our fathers (who should have taken us aside and told us better), but largly I blame feminism.
Don't blame feminism. It is just rot that gets in our heads, our heads, that we must remove.

Rather, blame me. I am at fault. Being a former Nice-Guy, I am to balme.

Feminists have created a myth in our society that emotions are more important than sex.
It's not feminists but it is widespread in this time.

Many women today do not know the difference between sex and money. They treat sex as a medium of exchange, and it treats money like sex since they expect the money to get pregnant and reproduce.

Many women (and people in general) may be entirely sexual but are clueless about sexuality. The women who take full advantage of their 'liberation' wonder why their face becomes hard and tough, and why they look 32 when they are 22. They think they are smarter and more free than all their female ancestors, yet they are so clueless.

The problem with feminists is that they believe that whatever they feel and think is normal and that anyone who doesnt feel and think that way is not - and if it happens to be a man, they are also a sexist.
No, the problem with feminists are not men but women. Feminists are women at war with being 'woman'.

Flashdance said,

we need an inspirational magazine that appreciates and doesnt insult men, something that encourages them to live the best lives they can. something more aligned with the DJ philosophies. men are supposed to be leaders, artists, philosophers, champions, and lovers... not court jesters who learn stupid pet tricks and memorize one-liners to get laid.

Ricky said,

There has to be a good comeback if a girl ignores your hi!
They are endless:

"Look girl, just because you so badly wanted me that you were too scared to say 'hi', doesn't mean you can just walk away from me like that. I AM NOT A SEX OBJECT!" and then go on at how she should stop lusting you. Usually she'll start laughing and it'll break her 'shield'.

Don't aim at revenge. Aim that YOU are the prize to be won... and she ought to know it.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Pook
Men becoming masculine? Are we in the same century?

Eep! Well that bit was a miss-thought typo. Replace the word 'masculine' with the word 'feminine'. I blame work, it keeps getting in the way of quality web time :D

Originally posted by Pook
Don't blame feminism. It is just rot that gets in our heads, our heads, that we must remove.

Rather, blame me. I am at fault. Being a former Nice-Guy, I am to balme.
'blame' was maybe the wrong word to use. It somehow implies that feminists have a responsibility in this issue, where I do agree it is you Pook who is responsible for pulling us out ( :p )..... um, it is we ourselves who are responsible for changing our snag ways. I was more suggesting a cause and effect perspective of why men started becoming snags. True feminism has largly died out (and we are left with the fat ugly feminists). What we have left today is a social wasteland after the all feminist herds have trampled by. It is time for men to dust off the trample marks and regain some of what we have lost.

Originally posted by Pook
No, the problem with feminists are not men but women. Feminists are women at war with being 'woman'.
Actually I agree, but then I didnt say anything to the contrary. As I said in your feminism post, most feminists today are the 'fat ugly' type of feminists - they hate men only because men dont want them, and they hate female sexuality because it is something they dont have and it reminds them of their uglyness.

Anyways, this is getting a little off track. The only reason I brought it up was to allow us guys to at least understand why this situation might have occured. I am not making excuses for myself, just learning from past mistakes.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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Relax Wolf. I wasn't criticizing you. I was just bouncing off your post.

they hate female sexuality because it is something they dont have and it reminds them of their uglyness.
Yes! They don't even understand sexuality. Ms. Woman, a feminist magazine, gave a 'woman of the year' award to some aging actress or so who showed her fat belly freely and proudly. We men, without even knowing it, are somehow 'oppressing the woman with our feminine ideal'. So an aging fat woman expresses her non-femininity and this magazine (and feminists in general) praise her.

But get a woman dressed up, looking great, admired by all, and she will feel truly great. It makes the man happy. It makes the woman happy. It makes everyone happy (except for feminists who can never be happy).

I don't see any happy feminists. It's not that they are ugly, it is that they are so unhappy and bitter that they might as well be ugly.

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Senior Don Juan
Feb 11, 2002
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Originally posted by Pook
Relax Wolf. I wasn't criticizing you. I was just bouncing off your post.
Wasnt taking your reply as a criticism, just taking a lively interest in the topic :cool:

Originally posted by Pook
But get a woman dressed up, looking great, admired by all, and she will feel truly great. It makes the man happy. It makes the woman happy. It makes everyone happy (except for feminists who can never be happy).
..and its not the want for equality that drive feminists, but simple jealously. A man seeks social validation through his accomplishments - the things he has done and the things he owns. Men admire him and women desire him. But how does a woman seek it? She may be accomplished and she may be wealthy, but these do not really gain her social status. It is her femininity that gains her social status, through her looks and the man she is with.

Take Britney Spears, for example. Would she be anywhere near the social icon she is if she still had her music talent but looked like Rosanne Barr? Doubt it.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2002
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That was an interesting story that guy wrote. Pretty depressing... I'm about ready to cry lol. Maybe you should send that guy a link to this website. Otherwise, he may just stay in the venting stage... unsure of what to do next. Complaining is normal and totally understandable... but it obviously wont get him the results he's looking for.

I too, want to thank Pook for the terrific posts. I've done a lot of reading, but havent found such inspiring articles about being a man anywhere else. Pook, I hope you have plans to write a book!

Sin and Vice

Don Juan
Apr 2, 2002
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Just wanted to comment on several things here lol...I agree masculinity has become dead. I look around most of the guys I see are just a few chromosomes shy of being female. Some can be blamed on media...movies...and anything that influences mans thinking today on what women want. All this equality stuff....seems silly. Yea most women want equality until the check comes or you mention the military draft. Hey, equality is EQUAL in every way, you want it you got it. If not, then I really don't wanna hear it. All these 'chick flicks today'....well they show what women THINK they want....and so it becomes what todays men see and THINK they want....but there's a huge difference between what they *THINK* they want and what actually drives them to attraction. These movies MIGHT cover some things ladies want deep into a relationship or even marriage, but if you start out actin like these dudes your gonna be an old lonely guy. Movies like Gladiator *awesome movie* are a lot closer to what women want.

Commenting also on a few odd thoughts about todays guys and masulinity.... If I see one more carload of 4 guys in a Jetta going to the GAP Im gonna puke. Im not knocking those of you who like GAP apparrel here, but the weakness of men to make choices of their own today. Seems everyone follows the crowd, no men want to be leaders anymore. I go out with people and make every decision because its always well what do you want to do, I donno what do you want to do. Get an opinion! If you like shoppin the GAP do it, but do it because you like it not because everyone does it. I see so many carbon copy's no wonder a girl jumps when they see something different. You CAN disagree with things it's ok. You CAN wear non major label clothing and look good. Its OK to drive a car with some balls. It's OK to have a different hairstyle even though everyone else looks like Joey from Friends. It's OK to be D I F F E R E N T. Have the courage to be who you want to be, not what everyone else wants you to be. Seems to me sometimes like there must be aliens in outer space someplace SUCKING the testosterone out of men and using it to power their spacecrafts. In my opinion this is a big part, at least in my area, in guys that just make me roll my eyes :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2003
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Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Sin and Vice makes some good points about the followers.

There is one entire neighborhood in my town like that. It is like guys dress like clones of each other and have to drive a VW Jetta or something.

I like the area for the chicks, but I hate seeing the dudes there all acting identical.


New Member
May 4, 2003
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Don't aim at revenge. Aim that YOU are the prize to be won... and she ought to know it. [/B]


I see your point and I have read it on this board a few times.

But how about if every dude in America thought that way, it would be ridiculous.

How about this ugly, idiot, dropout guy thought that?

A HB would probably laugh at him no matter how "hard to get" he played.

The DJ has to have something besides DJ skills going for him. DJ'ing though would imply self-improvement, but you still he would at her level at a certain point.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 6, 2003
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ASav, that's an interesting letter. Do you have a link to it by any chance? I'd be curious to see what some of the replies over there were...


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2003
Reaction score
Queens, NY
Originally posted by Dirk

I see your point and I have read it on this board a few times.

But how about if every dude in America thought that way, it would be ridiculous.

How about this ugly, idiot, dropout guy thought that?

A HB would probably laugh at him no matter how "hard to get" he played.

The DJ has to have something besides DJ skills going for him. DJ'ing though would imply self-improvement, but you still he would at her level at a certain point.

But dude isn't that how girls of today are? I see fat chicks wearing tight pants, talking on cell phones like they're the best thing since sliced bread. Guys walk around with their tongues hanging out drooling over every pair of tits that walks by. Like Machiavelli said: you empower others from loss of your own power. (or something like that, I'll look for the exact quote later).

My take (I may have stolen it from someone here) is that since roles for women have been redifined, women are at a loss as to what they need from men. Think about it. Women used to need a man to provide for them and protect them. Now women go to school, study and get great jobs. They are the man's equal professionally. They are no longer intimidated by men. We are now intimidated by their new found power!

They want a man who is at least doing better than them. Not that its going to change what we need from women. As we move closer to equality we need to look at women as more than just sex objects, hell we need to look at them as competition. But this is where we have the advantage! Men have been honed for millenia to compete for the best, hunt for the food, search for the shelter and trust in their decisions. Its in you. Question is, when do you let it out?