Conversation topics


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
anythign and everything, if you have this question Id suggest first go get some social skills, anyways oppinions are awesome ways to start a conversation with girls, theyre always into that whole giving their oppinion in stuff thing.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
like that guy said, i'd suggest you learn some better social skills first.

but as for girls, just talk to them as if you were tlaking to ur guy friend.
treat her like a normal person, nothing more, nothing less
notice what she's wearing and make a C+F comment about it...

there are so many ways to have convos, it'll become easier with experience


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
had your same problem kid,let me clarify this for ya
don't talk about



if your talking about cultures its funnier to make fun of yourself,like the things that bug you the most.Don't

if you can get the book called the Art of mingling since i am going to be basically paraphrasing parts of it.

you need to get the most interesting objects you can find so you can talk about them.Say you have a psp with a lanyard that says nurses care in red and white *my peacocking item*,i usually let the lanyard hang outa my pants.Girls usually tug on it or ask whats it connected to.Thats when i pull out my psp,they instantly love it works 100% of the time since i bought a skin for it( with black and red hearts all around it and a red/black/white heart shaped wallpaper.But hey you don't have to get one you can use anything that looks unique.FullTimeHero uses my sisters cheerleadeing medal and says that its hers,girls say its so sweet and touch all over his chest,they didnt even ask WHY did he had a cheerleading medal,they just adored it.

second to actually start a convo most people use opinions.Thats great and the easiest way to start one,but i use that and stories that i find on the net,and ones that have actually happened to me or ill make em up if things aren't going well.To start a convo it has to interesting,so whatever your using make it so it includes everyone and its good to talk about.Yahoo odd stories have great things to talk about
Ex's :
who would win in a fight ______ or ______
who here hates _____or ____
o man...don't you guys hate it when someone is funny and he thinks their funny but their not so you don't want to be mean and say STFU!
what works best for me is now am trying to think outside the box,like if i get a mind block and can't think of anything to say i usually say whatever comes to mind
and ill just think of the weirdest funniest thing and try to play along with that idea. thinking fire
me: what if you were in a cabin in pure darkness in the woods with and all you had was a match,newspapers,a lamp and nitrous oxide
the people: blah blah blah
me: well,personally i would make a ring of newspapers around me and strike the match and make a ring of fire,that would blow up the nitrous oxide creating rocket ship like blast ,propelling me into the ski. I would then use the lamp's chord to swing myself "batman style" onto a tree....

it would be something like that and i have never gotten a negative comment from saying these outrages stories,use your imagination for the stories.When telling stories that happened to you,its OK to lie a little exaggerate whatever just make sure its interesting!