I have done a lot searching on this topic. My advice is to check out Wayne Elise at Charisma Arts. His whole essence is about conversation. One of his former instructors has charismatips.com. Both are good. Take the time to read through the articles. charismatips.com has a bunch of downloads on itunes as does Charisma Arts. Very good to listen to in my opinion.
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1) Know yourself.
Exercises A:
List 10 emotions
Next to every emotion think of your life & stories in your life about you.
Write a headline that hooks the story. Try to have at least one story per emotion.
As soon as someone tells you something, try to figure out the emotion behind the story. People connect through emotion, not so much the surface structure of facts.
"I can relate to that, One time [insert headline]. [Tell story that relates to her emotion]." Describe with great detail & how you felt at that time. The situation that caused you to feel that particular emotion.
Exercise B:
Figure out 5 things you like to talk about and a story for each. Again create a headline about the story and then go into describing the story about your interest that you experienced.
If your having trouble then find a good book to read, no seriously, and pay attention to how the paragraphs/book structure are written. Pay attention to describing details. Women like details.
The following are my notes of the Juggler Method. Not all, but the basics.
1) Opening
Daygame: Venue, Weather, Situation, Floppse, Focus
Nightgame: Focus, ...
Floppse - Anticipate event happening and make a comment
Focus - Know what they are thinking and ...
2) Commitment
People value things they put effort into. Commitment is effort.
-Open ended question
-Create a vacuum
a)being quite
b) not moving around
c) looking at her expectantly
d) freeze your body language
Ask for something little and you get something little. By going big it's easier to get more of an interaction to create conversation. Have more value by showing your are not going to work. Don't want to show you're making things happen, forcing the conversation. Don't take pressure off is she is not reacting right away.
Don't drive blind.
-Ask this after the vacuum.
-What is your relationship situation?
-Who you here with?
-She won't commit when your driving blind. Example, perhaps the boyfriend is nearby.
She needs to know.
-You can see the road ahead
-Steer around obstacles
-When she knows, she will feel free to escalate and go ahead.
"Always cloak everything we are doing in a frame we are actually interested in."
Get into what you are talking about. Show that anything you bring up, you want to be interested in. Always show why you are talking about something.
What do you care about?
Make statements
3) Rapport
A state that you enjoy:
If your not having fun, then you are not in rapport. What can you get from her top justify the escalation?
-Give as much as you get
-Lead by example
-Put yourself out there
So avoid talking in the God perspective. Tell about your experience.
-Do say,"I felt like [this]."
-Don't say, "I did this."
If she relates on same basis then I can justify being interested in her. She needs to hear that you are intersted because of what she puts out there.
"Value is shown by being interested in people who have done something to be interested in."
How do you handle demands? She says, "buy me a drink."
a) make a counter offer demand, "I'll buy something I think you would like and you can buy me something I may like."
b) never be upset
Enjoy Bad Reactions
Keep the interaction positive, people take risks when in a positive mood.
Don't argue with negative....Presume the opposite, she says, "Traffic Sucks!"
You say, "Oh, you must like to ride bicycles." Don't force positives, like making value assumptions for them. "That steak is good isn't it."
- A way to introduce topics
"Whats a good book you recommend?" Presumes value that the other person has. It says, I have more value because I'm used to interacting with high value people. Presume they will fulfill the request.
movie- Whats the last good movie you saw?
books- Whats a good book you recommend?
Art- What kind of art do you create?
Bring up any topic, just have a common thing from each topic.
Exercise: What do puppies, movies and Saddam Hussein have in common?
a)You and b) her
If you don't do this, then you're not having personal conversations. Once you talk about how you feel or interact with something that leads her to talk about that thing to.
A person in conversation makes value assumptions about people
How to respond
1) Agrees to DQ - bad, seeking approval, supplication, confirms her qualification is important
Real confidence is accepting yourself exactly as you are and not fitting into her role.
2)Disagrees - Your saying her qualification is important, You don't want this.
3) Proper Way - Is to agree always and claim to be in the bad category. Makes them more comfortable. "Yeah, you're right, sometimes I do that" Kid sometimes, serious sometimes. Disqualification lends itself to natural humor.
"Yeah, your right, my penis is the size of a field mouse" She won't really believe you of course.
4) Information Gathering
Don't trust guys can escalate, because they don't know the road ahead.
"Who you here with?"
-What are the social dynamics going on.
-Can make judgements on proper decisions.
"She has to know that you know" you will not do something stupid. This is more geared to stealing away from boyfriends and general opening, but still applicable to everything else.
5) Statement of Intent
Put yourself out there "I just realized....not only are you sexy, but [find and insert a good quality about her here]"
sexy + compliment = SOI
sexy shows your intent, not something a friend would say, don't smile or joke when saying. Nor should you stare blankly waiting for a reaction. Change the subject and talk something else. Let it simmer in her mind. Tie sexy into behavior, not looks. You want sexual tension. Go back into rapport, ie fun, if accepted. If not accepeted, don't have rapport or she just thinks your a blind driver. SOI is good way to filter women, so you're not wasting her time and you're time.
Let her know what you want to do in a way that forces her to imagine it in her head, she can accept it or reject.
a) Gets her thinking about sex with you.
b) Shows her you're bold and candid enough to take her all the way.
c) lets you know if enough attraction has been created.
6) Close
Do Statement of Intent well and closing is easy. "I like you. I want to see you again." Do phone number exchange, hand phone to her to input numbers, name. Always leave a message if you call, it's weird otherwise.
Never say, "Call me back"
To summarize
The three escalations of conversation
1)Open by telling a story or situational comment, exchange situational stories. Ask one very open-ended question for more information if needed. Assume rapport and get nice exchange of stories going.
2)Get rapport(fun). Ask an open-ended question that can get personal. Like, "Whats you're story?"
3)Find out relationship situation, discuss yours. Discuss in general.
4)Make Statement of Intent, personal to sexual escalation happens here.
key is handling responses. The
method is amplifying and using responses. Gain the skill to read and use a wide range of responses - thats fun, flexible and makes for real connections. Not so much about deep rapport, but wise rapport. The feeling to talk about anything.