Control your destiny!


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
In honor of my 500th post, I though I would give you some words of wisdom.

One thing that stands between you and your perfect self are emotions. Emotions blind you from the truth, they mislead you, they trick you, and they scare you. One thing you must learn is to understand your emotions. And by doing this you take control of your life and you can take control of your destiny.

When attempting to understand one self, we go through many stages. When you understand yourself, you can being to change who you are. This is the same with understanding ones emotions. When you understand your emotions you can control who you are, who you want to be, and who you will become.

The first step in every recovery plan is acceptance. This is true with Control as well. When you accept that your emotions control you, other than visa versa, you can begin to change for the better. This can be hard to make, especially in this society where anger, fear, and sorrow guide almost every action we make. People have learned to take advantage of it, with advertising and similar things. Now you can too!

The next step in the Control process is identifying your emotions. This can be hard at times, especially when some are hidden under layers of denial. Plus at times, it feels good to let out your emotion, but this can lead to regret, and will allow your emotions to control you.
Situation A:
Today at work I was getting upset. It was very busy, I wasn’t handling the situation well, and I was starting to get very angry. I was yelling, hitting things, etc. I took a second to identify that I was getting angry. This is the first step.

Whenever you identify an emotion, you are halfway there to determining what you can do to change it. The next step in Control is to identify what is causing your emotion. This can be one of many things.
Situation A:
After I identified that I was angry. I took a second to think about what was causing it. I realized that I was allowing stress to control me. This is the second step.
The controlling factor, also referred to as the X factor gets easier and easier to identify as time progresses, and first it can be difficult, there might be many, but usually its another emotion attempting to control you.
Lets take for example a situation of Fear:
Situation B:
NonDon sees a HB, and is too afraid to go talk to her. He fears what will come. Its not that he fears her personally, but he fears the rejection that could POSSIBLY happen, he lets the situation pass.
Situation C:
Where as Don Juan sees a HB, and feels the fear. But he realizes that the fear is coming from the fear of rejection. When he understands this, he controls his fear by understand that the rejection will only hurt temporarily, but he will understand the pain, and begin to control it.

The final step in Control is guiding your actions to finally control who you are. This step is easy and hard at the same time. When you identify your X factor you need to figure out what you have to do to change it. In some situations you can find a solution very simply, whereas other situations involve something more complex. But in every situation you encounter, your control will guide your actions
Situation A:
After I identified that I was getting angry from the stress of my job. This anger was making me work sloppy and inefficiently. So I realized I needed to relax. If something was a little late, it wouldn’t matter, and that if I kept going my work would eventually be completed. I changed my actions to relax and I finished my work, and did so successfully with no errors, that would have happened had I let my anger control me.
Situation D:
One day I was driving along, and the person in front of me was going 5 below, and I could keep my speed at his easily. I was not getting upset, but apparently he was. He thought I was tailgating him, which I wasn't, there was a good cars length between us, so instead of controlling his anger, he let it control him. Instead of accelerating to find out I wasn’t tailgating, he decides to brake. I was still calm, but he was still angry, and slowed down to 15 under the speed limit. At this point there was an opening in the other lane, so I got in it, and passed him. I continued to where I was going, unbeknownst to me, he was still following me. I get to my final destination, and I see him pull up, still angry. Instead of letting myself get angry at this guy, I drove away, and let him stew in his own lack of control.

If he had just controlled his anger from the beginning, he would not have had any problems and would have enjoyed his ride. He even risked doing something he would have regretted later, and possibly getting arrested for. But he didn’t control his anger.

Every emotion attempts to control you. Whether it be anger, fear, pain, love, hatred, greed, lust, and so on. What you must do is to understand these emotions and control them. Also, don’t hide and restrict your emotions, but learn to understand them and contain them so they don’t control you.

Master your emotions and you can Control your destiny!

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Senior Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Jeez, you tailgate the guy and expect him not to get angry. I'd make you rear bump me and then pay for my repair since you're such a smart ass.

Even though I understand where you're coming from don't give such idiotic examples. It's like hitting a guy in the face and expecting him not to get angry.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Ebach
Jeez, you tailgate the guy and expect him not to get angry. I'd make you rear bump me and then pay for my repair since you're such a smart ass.

"See profile"

Even though I understand where you're coming from don't give such idiotic examples. It's like hitting a guy in the face and expecting him not to get angry.
If i were to be hit in the face, i would not get angry. Getting angry only stimulates more violence, I would instead calmly stand up, turn the other cheek and wait for him to get tired of it. That is what a good don juan would do.

I can tell your letting your emotions control you. Your not understanding the big picture. By "forcing" me to hit you, your not looking at the long term picture. What if the person leaves the scene? What if they don't have insurange? Why go through all the trouble of getting your car fixed just because you let your emotions control you.

The situation was valid and stands. Fixed the wording to help you understand i wasn't tailgating him. I can even tell from your reply, your letting some emotion (resentment?) control your answer. Take a second to re-read my post :D


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Aurora, CO, USA
When you stop trying to control your emotions, your emotions will be released.

The only thing holding you back from releasing your emotions is resistance. When you resist how you feel you suffer and the emotion lingers. It is not the emotion but the actually resistance which causes your suffering.

One way to combat resistance is to take up the position as the watcher. Go here for instructions: Taking up the watcher is a one step solution and is more simple than people make it out to be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Beatflux
When you stop trying to control your emotions, your emotions will be released.

The only thing holding you back from releasing your emotions is resistance. When you resist how you feel you suffer and the emotion lingers. It is not the emotion but the actually resistance which causes your suffering.
That is your take, but when you allow your emotions to be release, they control your actions. If you believe that releasing all your emotions works for you, then enjoy the lack of control. If you want to control your actions, control your emotions.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Originally posted by Vincent
Whats that?
It's lame. They even have a website. Some people have way too much time.

I agree about controlling your emotions, but not about the punch. If someone hits me, i'm not going to be a pvssy and walk away. I'm going to stick it to them so they have nightmares about talking to me. If you don't defeat your enemies at the first encounter, they will cause more **** for you.

If it's an honest accident like if someone walks into you and they apologize or even if they don't, I'll just forget about it. But punching/spitting in my face? I'm going to make them bleed a river.