Contact from crazy exes


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2014
Reaction score
Tucson, AZ
I don't know what it is with my exes. They all want me after I have moved on. I guess it's my fault for picking crazy ones. One thing I've learned is not to date divorced/single mothers. I know it's easy shooting fish in a barrell.

I found this article:

It's worth a look if you have time. Some of the excerpts had me rolling, I guess because it struck a little close to home.

Here's one: When you meet a divorced single mother, immediately start looking for the flaw. It’s something big. Something that drove another man to pledge his undying love to her, to have and to hold, from this day forth, and then sometime later decide “**** this ****. I’m outta here”. Stand firmly on guard. Scan the horizon, dude. Something wicked this way comes. Or it soon will.

I would venture to say that most of us won't look for the "flaw" because we're caught up in trying to **** her. My ex is bipolar, depressed, has a spending problem and is a closet alcoholic. She hid all of those quite well from me for quite some time.

Here's another that hit a little too close to home but it made me laugh: Divorced moms who escaped abusive marriages with drug/sex/gambling/whatever addicts should not get a free pass from you, either. Even if it’s TRUE that the husband was a colossal ****-up, you need to ask yourself what kind of imperceptive moron couldn’t spot that? What kind of insecurities plague a woman who thinks getting married to a drug addict is good idea? What kind of delusional self-image does a woman have, if she can fall for a con artist with a gambling habit that would shame Charlie Sheen? Be very cautious around a woman who takes none of the blame for her failed marriage. You might not be the FIRST man she blames all her problems on, but you sure as hell can be NEXT.

This is my ex in a nutshell. She contacted me 2 days ago. She facebook messaged me and told me that she just lost custody of her kids. No, I didn't respond and I don't intend to and no I'm not friends with her on facebook either. She doesn't know where I live and that I've moved across the country either.

I looked her up on clerk of courts public records(I learned this trick when I was in the military). All you do is insert your city clerk of courts public records and saw that she had gotten married to her ex, gotten it annulled 2 weeks later, had a speeding ticket/reckless driving charge pending in the system and had been arrested/charged with a DUI all within the span of 3 weeks. Can I pick them or what???!!!!

So, the moral of the story is be careful out there when it comes to dating divorced/single women!
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searching solace

Don Juan
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
And that's not even reserved for divorced women/single mothers. I would assume they were this way before they were married the first time.

I've always thought multiple driving charges were somewhat a sign of instability; it shows recklessness, lack of concern and disregard for others and failure to learn from mistakes.