Considering moving to LA


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
So I'm a college sophomore at Penn State, and my goal after undergrad is to move to LA and find a job in the music industry, or if I can't right away, go to grad school at USC.

I'm wondering if maybe I should just try to transfer to USC after this schoolyear. My current plan is to wait until I finish undergrad, but I feel like it could be a good idea not to wait. I want to work game on random girls, smoke really good weed, play guitar and meet more people who actually know music, and obviously LA would be the best place to do that. I've got my whole life to live there, but I'll only be in undergrad once.

Not that it's the only factor, but I'm still a virgin, and I feel like there would be more opportunities for me in a big city, and a wider variety of girls. Most of the girls here are preppy. I hear about pickup artists going out every night of the week in order to become good with women, and I'm like, damn, I couldn't do that here even if I wanted to!

How fun is living in a big city vs. living in a college town? Has anyone here ever left everyone they've ever known to move to the opposite end of the country? Are there 18+ or under 21 clubs in LA? Anyone here attending/attended USC?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2010
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I went to school in Chicago. Going to school in a city is a way different than going to school in a college town.

Chicago is basically a party every night if you want it to be, and its a culmination of about 20+ schools, a lot more people, a lot more fine women.

I do some work with the music industry in Chicago and have friends in LA, the west coast is awesome and I am considering moving out there myself for a little bit. Hit me up if you want


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
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LA is best viewed when watching Randy Newman do his stuff. I grew up Southern California. This video is so LA. :rolleyes:

BTW, I am changing my tune on here. Just going to go along with the program. LA, for example, is loaded with blonde broads. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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Portland, OR
Where are you hoping to meet these girls? I grew up in LA and it still feels like a proving ground for solid game. Whatever holes there are in it will be feel that much bigger in the city. Not trying to be negative, just making sure you know what you're getting into over there. Also be prepared to be relatively less attractive than you are used to; the standard is higher.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
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Well theres no NFL team here, so you won't be able to go to an NFL game, I know that has nothing to do with what you are talking about here, if you are into Sports, then that is the lame, boring part of L.A.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
BigJimbo: A post that isn't bashing America?!?! Wait, you grew up in cali and you spend all this time complaining that America is full of fat, *****y women? Uh....

Bucket: I don't know, where could I meet them? Are there a lot of 18+ venues? I'm not 21. And yeah I'd like to bulk up a bit before moving out there just for that reason; everyone is super attractive there, I love it! They seemed more approachable though despite that.

initiator: That's definitely a perk. When your city's football team is the Steelers, it's all you hear about. I could care less about sports.

f28: I have the chance whenever though, I'm definitely moving to LA, it's a question of whether I'm leaving halfway through college or after undergrad.

Any other input from people who have dwelled in LA for longer than a week (which is how long my visit lasted)?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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Exhumed said:
f28: I have the chance whenever though, I'm definitely moving to LA, it's a question of whether I'm leaving halfway through college or after undergrad.
big difference in being a college student in one of the big cities (la, nyc, chicago) than working there. Sure you will still have a lot of fun but not the crazy fun you will have as a college student.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Exhumed said:
Bucket: I don't know, where could I meet them? Are there a lot of 18+ venues? I'm not 21. And yeah I'd like to bulk up a bit before moving out there just for that reason; everyone is super attractive there, I love it! They seemed more approachable though despite that.
At your age perhaps. Once you go to the big boy bars/clubs the "wall" is up. In my experience girls in LA are tougher to crack, but your results may vary. I don't know about the 18+ clubs, but I know there are options out there. I couldn't say how that scene compares to other cities, though.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
f28: Good point. What are you basing this off of? Did you go to college in a big city or you've heard stories from friends?

Bucket: There's only one 21 and under club in Pittsburgh, and zero 18+ clubs. Other cities don't matter as there's no chance I'd want to live anywhere else. Some of my favorite things in life are music, girls, cannabis, and summer weather, which really narrows it down.

I wonder if I would have more crazy fun there than I would, probably...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Born and raised in LA, if you are able to get into USC, do it. However, be advised that LA is definitely not all it's cracked up to be, and is losing its luster very fast.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I've lived and worked in LA for four months.

Everything you've heard about the traffic is true, and then some. Girls have an even higher sense of entitlement, here. They're rich and/or have sugar daddies and a great deal of the hotties drive at least a Benz and chicks in their 20's driving a Lexus, Jags, Ferraris isn't uncommon. You'd probably have the most luck with the college chicks who haven't yet been swooped up by one of the old d-bag "established filmmakers" who give them the world.

The main places to go out and party are Hollywood, Venice, and somewhat downtown...although all three suck in my opinion. Venice is cool for just hanging out and walking around, though. I'm not sure about the 18 and over spots.

Living in LA is a unique experience. It's unlike any other city out there, and there's a whole lot going on here. There's all kinds of people and communities, and lots and LOTS of starving musicians/actors. You won't have a problem finding people that you have a lot in common with. It's tough to find a place to live that's affordable and safe, but if you look hard enough you can find a happy medium. I don't know what your price range is like, but just try to stay out of most places south of the 10 freeway (besides west LA) and anywhere really close to downtown. Try to get a spot that's close to where you work, because if you get a job say, in Santa Monica and you live in Pasadena or Glendale or something you'll be hating life REAL quick after the 2nd or 3rd commute.

That's just some of the advice I can give you. Oh, and the cops and parking attendants are complete Nazis that will bust you for any infraction they possibly can. I almost got a ticket while I was sitting in my car reading a book after the meter had expired. I sped off before he could write it, but that would've been a cool $55.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Drewskie: I only ever hear that from people who grew up there or near there, and from people who don't have any of the same interests as I do. People who move there by choice never seem to feel that way. Please elaborate. I feel like people who grow up there complain that it's dirty, there's too much traffic, and there are too many Mexicans...of those, traffic is the only legitimate concern.

Just a Shot Away: Sounds like what I've heard, including the part about the cops. So if you think those three spots suck for partying, where doesn't suck? Another city altogether?