You need to create a “tension loop” to create attraction for you, these tension loops create attraction for you without your looks getting involved.
Tension Loop - Create the feeling of wanting and reaching and eventually chasing for you.
This tension loop leads to the Push/Pull situation...
This is when you emotionally pull her into you then you push her away from you and the cycle is repeated.
Its like going without your favourite food for a whole month, the pull for that food will be massive.
Your goal is not to hurt her but to mess with her.
At some point while interacting with a woman I might take her hand and praise, "You have the most amazing smile I've seen tonight...It makes me feel so happy inside!" She'll usually respond with, "Thank you!" Then I'll count the fingers on my other hand and say, "You know what: actually there were four other girls with really amazing smiles tonight as well. Out of them, you have the fourth best smile. I'm going to call you number four." And then I'll push away her hand. More often than not, women demand, "No!!! I want to be number one!" I'll usually retort with, "Alright, I'll promote you to number three for being feisty."
If the girl is emotionally disturbed she wont enjoy this but most girls would find this attractive.
Obviously, Im doing the push/pull situation where one night I kiss her then the other I dont.