

Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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Ok so i started hanging out with this one girl about 2 months ago. We had run into each other before and i randomely came across her online and e-mailed her. So we talked a little about what we wanted, friend with benefits for each other.

anyway we get togethor and i got as far as sucking on her nipples and so forth.

The next couple nights she would not go futher... so i figured she was trying to get to know me better and show that she is not a slut.

A good 6 or 7 times pass and we make out and everything. So then on the 7th night she said she wanted to **** me. I ended up being a little to much of an ass because i was rubbing in how she didnt put out yet. Yeah she got mad.

anyway i ****ed her the next time. and a few more times. She would send me messages and thing saying thanks for the **** and so on. I'd pull back and only talk to her to set things up. Then she starts calling more often showing very high signs of interest. She then wanted me to hang out with her more. She's say things like "i dont want to be exclusive" but would also say "all i wanna do is **** you all the time" or "2 bad we were not exclsuive cause then i could taste you". She got me into one bar by grabbing my arm and saying "we are a couple"

wanted me to hang out with quite a bit, and we'd have a lotta fun play fighting, wresteling, biting and all sorts of things.

now keep in mind i have been C&F, and pulling and pushing. I know i do not seem desperate, if anthing i'v been a big ******* to her. I did however buy her a ticket but thats cause she did not have the money at the time and owes me.

anyway Then all of a sudden i find out she's going out of town on a weekend to party and find some other guys to ****.
I got pretty pissed, but we did not agree to go exclusive, and i thought that was good at first cause i wanted to **** this other girl that was a friend of hers that was pretty much begging me for it, she was just a little less attractive but still worth one.

"but yeah i decided i didnt want to **** her if other guys were. i sent her this:

but yeah if your gonna be nail'n other guys while im sticking it in you, i think i am done ****ing you then. i just like to know what im sticking my **** into.

its just a huge turn off for me. 2 many ppl i know have caught some nasty ****. guess its that whole male "territory" thing built in our brains as well. I'd rather deal with it than ignore it.

if you wanna be a multiple **** *****, thats fine by me, i'll just **** somebody that isnt.
yeah im a greedy bastard.....but thats cause im just too dam full of myself

I dunno if she repelled cause she was honset or cause this massage makes me look like an ass. (keep in mind we talk to each other like this all the time, but i might have went too far)
anyway she replied back that she isnt really looking to tieing herself down. Im lost because not that we were looking for something serious, i thought it was gonna be a close friendship.

anyway I dunno wether to next her cause i have some mild feelings for her, or keep her around to **** while i find what im looking for.

The other option i had was to try one more time but be a little romantic since i look like an ass.



Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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the other thought i had was not replying back and see if she contacts me.
Mar 18, 2006
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Haha, you sound like a fool!! You want to be "romantic" with a giga-hor??? Are you taking drugs? Because your head is fvcked!!!!

She is a hor - hors are for everyone -- get that in your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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You and she are way too young and immature to be able to hold down a healthy, loving, and appreciative LTR.
You got thrown off by the p*ssy, that's all. You want her all to yourself, but you and she know that's not what she wants.
She told you.
You're getting possessive about a promiscuous, free spirited...ahem....Lady.
This drives you nuts because you want to be exclusive, you just don't want to admit it, and you can't handle this chick's wanderings with other men.
She's going to do other guys whether you're on board or not.

"If you want me, then you have to accept me as I am, If not, good bye."

She will end up telling you this very soon.

Dude,'s Sex on the Brain.
You CANNOT let it throw off your Compass. Your Objectivity. Your Self Control.
Do not let a Woman, ANY WOMAN, Own you.

If you want more pain and suffering, keep going after her like this,
If not, work a girl here and there and keep this chick on the back burner.
A DJ never burns his bridges.

She's say things like "i dont want to be exclusive"
"2 bad we were not exclsuive cause then i could taste you"
Yes, they ARE Contradictions. It is intentional.

She's playing with your mind.
She is playing you.
She is throwing you off her gaming and she is enjoying her P*ssy Power.

Then this:
anyway she replied back that she isnt really looking to tieing herself down.
So she said it AGAIN.
But you said this:
i thought it was gonna be a close friendship.
You are confused. I know. You want a "frienship", but you're really telling yourself you want Exclusivity.
It does not look likely. A "friendship"? Why does she need you as a "friend"?
She HAS girl "friends". She doesn't want you like that, dude.

Your downfall, and weakness:
cause i have some mild feelings for her
This does not look good for you.
She is playing you, she will f*ck around on you, and you have......."feelings" for her.

Let me ask you...
Do you think she is right in assuming you are naive, and easily fooled?

Bottom line, don't burn your bridges.
No "romance" for her, unless she has a 180 Degree turn around, which is highly, highly unlikely at her age.
And yeah, keep your eye out for new prospects.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Last Man Standing said:
Haha, you sound like a fool!! You want to be "romantic" with a giga-hor??? Are you taking drugs? Because your head is fvcked!!!!

She is a hor - hors are for everyone -- get that in your head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.....or you can just read LMS's post, and get the same idea. Just not so nice.
Mar 18, 2006
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Interceptor said:
.....or you can just read LMS's post, and get the same idea. Just not so nice.
My verbose days are over! These young kids are being runned over by this "modern-day woman" - read "hor"! Being "nice" is doing them a disservice!!
Mar 18, 2006
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Why not give these young, inexperienced, naive men the pain of unvarnished truth - to save them from the suffering due to the pain of deceit and rejection that they will inevitably experience from a hor at a future time!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Last Man Standing said:
Why not give these young, inexperienced, naive men the pain of truth - to save them from the suffering due to the pain of deceit and rejection that they will inevitably receive from a hor at a future time!!!
Great post, LMS!

Anyway, seriously, my 'verbose" post is for the benefit of more than just the OP.

It's intended to help, and for some, even "educate". They will still see rejection, pain, suffering, the "Mind F*ck", and plenty more. This is a given.
I'm just trying to illustrate some key points to be considered. That's all.

But it's true, a Hor is a Hor. Don't fall in LOVE with a Hor.
A Hor is not LTR material. A Hor is not worth your "romance' and real affection. Save that for a Good Woman, a High Value woman. Whom demonstrates her worthiness to you.
Learn to be your best self and be the kind of man you've always wanted to be. To be the best Lover, Boyfriend, Husband you can be.
Don't become Cynical, but don't be naive, clueless, and live in a dream world.
Mar 18, 2006
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Interceptor, It was not of your verbosity that I was referring to - I have over 6,000 posts from days gone by in which I used to expound upon, in detail, the solution to the poster's woes -- but now I just give them the solution without the extravagant and long-winded response!


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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Interceptor, i cant thank you enough, you have really shown me everything.

yes i got desperate. prolly cause she took my virginity.

I let it get the best of me cause she still wanted to do some little romantic things and she is really really fun. She wanted to do a godfather night where we'd stay up all night cuddle and watch all the god father movies.

I didnt really intend to burn any bridges cause i still woulda kept her around as a friend anyway.

but yeah, i figure i'll keep her on the back burner while i try and find another girl.


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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life sucks sometimes. but yeah im not gonna let her control me anymore. Im gonna be a challenge, and not cause i want her, but because im going to invest time in other girls.

i just dont get how such a slut would put off having sex with me for so long????

I think its fear as well cause it took me this long just to get this slut, and im afraid it will be a while before i find another girl.

but who am i kidding? im 10 fold more confident now than before.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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You're Weclome, Passionman.
Get your head screwed on straight, and stay strong.


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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yeah so i sent this back:

"fair enough. haha i thought it would have been fun to do some more dirty things, cause im a horny bastard and thought we could have gotten a little crazier.

but its all good

guess you'll never get to find out haha. ( like stawberries and whip cream..mmm)

but who am i kidding, i was definately trying to pull that **** on the wrong kind of girl.
yeah i still would not mind sticking my hard **** in you and ****ing you until your insides bleed.

but in the mean time i'll have to look for a girl willing to do the other stuff, so we'll see what happens.

just dont expect me to cook for ya, I like a girl to work hard for that.

anyway cath ya later"

yeah im starting to think better now.

and i am being an idiot, if i pick up a hot girl, she'll **** her 2 so i can get a 3some.

man i gotta think with my ****.


May 22, 2007
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Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
If you want to never find yourself in this situation again then listen up. Here are some statistics from my book Dong Fu.

75% of women fake orgasm every time, 15% fake it most of the time and 9.5% occasionally fake it. This leaves only 0.5% who never fake it. Is there any question why the world is so insane, given that regular orgasms are the stabilizing factor of a woman’s emotions?

This equation can be mirrored to demonstrate the sexual effectiveness of men. Basically, 75% of men have no idea how to give women an orgasm, 15% can pull it off some of the time, 9.5% get really lucky once in a while, and only .5% can deliver on a consistent basis. Talk about a competitive edge. If you want to own the market outright then listen up.

You may think that you are part of this .5%. This is perfectly natural. No man wants to believe that he is ineffective in bed. If you feel that you are one of the elite, then I would like to know on what basis you have arrived at that decision. Have you studied with the Masters? Do you have a harem of female advisers who have positively confirmed your skills? I will tell you for certain right now that if 50% of the women you have sex with do not become stalkers, then you are not in this .5%.

You see, when you learn the Indirect Nudge, discussed in step #7, you will be in this .5%. This is the only way to rule the vagina universe

for more info check out


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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haha yeah she prolly did fake it.

anyway she sent me a message that was not very nice and i feel week........... god this sucks.

at the same time im angry and have compsed a messages that is like this:

yeah haha that mind ****ing is not gonna work on me. Your forgetting im smarter than you.

Oh well i do admit i liked you a lot, a lot more than i should give you credit for. prolly cause your just another crazy *****, and yes you did play me like a fool, so you can enjoyr that littel vicgtory. prolly even faked it every time.

as for me.............i actually didnt *** once. NTM is was hard enough try'n to keep it hard.

so go aead and try cheap shotting me, i'v heard it all before.

and by the way i did learn shine on you crazy diamond but like you'll ever hear it play.

so yeah, its 2 bad, i knew we coulda had more fun, ntm i had a blast party'n with yeah.

i know it will hurt her real good........ cause even though she is a slut........ she does like me.... she thinks i'll be going back to her.........but i really do need to stay strong.


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
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i changed my mind, that was nice writing that out, it really let my anger out.

im actually gonna send something nice instead, cause it will drive her nuts... i'll just say i had fun and good luck in the future.
Mar 18, 2006
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Quit giving her satisfaction by showing her your anger -- your best bet is to never contact her again!!!!