

New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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I hope someone or any one for that matter can help me out.

I have been dating this one women for about two years now. Up until about two to three months ago she would on a daily basis either call me or e-mail me. Now she hardly does either and we have not seen each other in over two months. I am the main one either calling her or e-mailing her and i have also cut back but not as much as she has. When i do call her or e-mail her and get her she says she is busy helping her daughters or just to tired and etc. She is a nurse and most of the time she works 12 hour shifts and they are back to back. Also sometimes during the week and these are pm shifts. I am just confused i do not know if she is someone else, lying to me or what. I would like some advice on this in so far as how to handle this,what to do, say to her and etc. Thank you for helping me out.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
She's already got a new b/f and just hasn't told you yet. Move on. Stop calling her and it will become evident. She is not that busy all of a sudden, she's lost complete interest in you.

Don't even tell her its over, thats what she wants, just move on.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Thanks for your great advice Demon and MacAvoy. I have one more question. I should have included this in my first question but did not think about it. When and if she calls or e-mails me what kind of advice would you give me as far as what to say to her or how to handle the situation Also would you ask her if she is dating someone else or not. In closeing this once again your advice is welcomed.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
ccourier512002 said:
Also would you ask her if she is dating someone else or not.
No, under no circumstances do you ask if she is dating someone else. That is AFC.

When she calls / emails, act aloof, only answer her questions, don't start any new conversations. Act preoccupied. If there is silence, say "Well if there's nothing else, I have to get going"

She is then going to try and turn it around on you. She's going to ask if there is something wrong, tell her "no, nothing" If she asks why your not talking to her, tell her that she is the one that called you, how come she isn't talking. Then proceed to tell her AGAIN, that you have to go because your busy.

Don't let her suck you back in. She is going to keep trying to get you to tell her whats wrong. Tell her nothing. If she tries asking why haven't you been calling, tell her that you took the hint when she stopped calling you weeks ago and moved on with your life.

If she thens goes on a "Are you cheating on me rant", tell her that you never said that, that you simply said you've moved on with your life. That you don't have time to sit around and wait for people who don't respect you enough to have the courtesy to let you know whats going on.

Each and everytime you say something. Make it short, don't offer any elaborate explanations. Pauses and silences are good, don't be the one to break them unless it is to end the phone conversation. When you sit their with a pause and she breaks it, it makes her realizes that what she has done is not acceptable and that she has to rectify her behaviour if she wants to be in your life.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Grrrr I hate how these forums have turned from something amazing a couple years ago, to a bunch of Single Post users asking how to email a girl who he met on Myspace, or how to get their wife of 15 years to finally give him a *******.

I mean honestly, Don Juan So Suave forums USED to be 'Hey if you're single, want to pick up women, check this site out.'

Now its 'If you're a guy who's married, a chick, someone with a girlfriend, a troll or a guy looking to learn how to pick up women, check this site out.'

I mean come on... Mods I know its been said for some time, but this site needs to be culled and cleaned of all the garbage, useless posts + users, and of this kind of stigma surrounding the site.

Make the SS DJ forums the pride of the Seduction community as I truly believe they once were.


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2006
Reaction score
You should of stop talking to her when she started the emails ..


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Bussey said:
Grrrr I hate how these forums have turned from something amazing a couple years ago, to a waa waaa waaa
I mean come on... Mods I know its been said for some time, but this site needs to be culled and cleaned of all the garbage, useless posts + users, and of this kind of stigma surrounding the site.

Go home and cry to your mommy. What do you expect for free? Once you have a place that becomes popular, its going to go downhill, thats a part of evolution. If your dissulioned, then stop reading the posts you don't like. What do you have to gain by reading the posts anyways.

The most informative information is in the bible. If your looking to give something back, skim through and only read what interests you. Cryin about something you don't like is not going to help. Being a DJ is about being positive, so if you don't have anything positive to offer, SHUT THE FVCK UP AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
LOL MacAvoy, you don't get it do you. You're so self interested that you don't see the big picture. HAHAHA, Oh man you have a lot to learn lil guy.