Confronting games


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
BipedGod said:
Give me some opinions on confronting women on game playing, my situation is, little tricks to get me to chase her, I can see them big time, .......

What I want to avoid is her thinking I am some dumb sh*t who hasn't a clue.
These "little tricks" are SOP from women. It is what they do.
Look at it this way - she would not be doing this unless she was trying to draw you in closer. She is attracted to you and wants more of you.
However I gather that your concern is that if she plays her "girly " games and they work on you then you will look like a dumb sh*t. Perhaps you hate the idea that you can be played by her flirty push/pull games and you also hate the belief that she will feel smug about succeeding. Let me say this - I do not think that she will see you as a "dumb sh*t" . It is more likely that you will think of YOURSELF as one and that is not good..

You did not give any detail about the nature of her games. There are OK games and not OK games. Women will always try to prize themselves. Then they will attempt to have you pursue them, at which point they have all the power, and you are the hapless doggy-bowl eyed chump.

To counter the games which you object to -

*Spin other plates ( get rid of the scarcity thinking)

*Create social value for yourself by being active with other women(this will create a better mindset in you)

*Do NOT date her on her schedule exclusively( Women sometimes try to wrestle control by being "unavailable" as a TACTIC ,except when it suits them)

*If you feel manipulated at any point and it bothers you , just cut her off in silence and slowly walk away.( this is like a landmine going off in her head . She knows that she has f*ked up and pissed you off. They usually call the next day., or text or email for a coffee "talk" )

Good hunting./


Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
potato said:
Generally if someone is trying to manipulate you then they see you as the weaker one. Is not the game that is taught in the seduction community little more than manipulation with the idea that women are inherently inferior?
Not necessarily. A lot of times a person manipulates another because they want something from the other person that they believe (correctly or incorrectly) they can't obtain without manipulating. The seduction community's game is mostly just the believed to be fast way to get a girl to have sex and not reject you first, LJBF etc. I'm not here to defend the seduction community, but the point is guys are going to sell women what women want to buy even if the guy would rather sell something else.

potato said:
Even the fun and games part, like C&F is not even really for fun but just another manipulation trick. How can one truly have fun if everything one says has to follow a script, has to have a purpose, is concerned with manipulation?
Well, the fun for the guy is usually in successfully reaching the end goal, getting the girls naked and sex. However, using a scripted interaction doesn't mean neither the guy or girl is having fun. Women use routines and lines too you know. Potato, you just sound like a female with arguments like these

potato said:
The gist of the thread is that the OP asks what he can do (read manipulate) to get the girl to follow along with his manipulation of her, without her manipulating back. The responses all tend to further attempts at manipulating the girl. Yet the popular opinion here is that it is the girl who is being manipulative.
Now you sound like a feminist. No, the gist was the girl was playing games and the OP doesn't want to respond in a way that lands him in the LJBF zone.