We already went through this already. I told you social environment based on hobbies and interests. I never said anything about coffee shops. Is it possible to get phone numbers in coffee shops? Sure. Is it possible for you to find a woman that you actually have something in common with + attraction + chemistry? Maybe 1 in 100 interactions, lol. If all the stars align, I guess anything is possible, lol.
Years from now while people on the same wavelength are hooking up left and right 24/7 in social environments, you’re still trying to figure out coffee shop game. Relationships based on chemistry and commonalities would have started, kids would have been born, and you’re still trying to pick up chicks in coffee shops.
I thought you were pulling up the meetup app? Why are we going backwards, talking in circles, and trying to figure out pickup game?
Don’t you realize these women in coffee shops have their own lives, social circles, hobbies, and social environments they go to based on their interests where they already know tons of guys that they talk to everyday?
And meanwhile you are a total stranger with nothing in common with them trying to hit on them. Again, is it possible to hook up with them? Sure. Is it probable? Judging by how clueless you seem to be about social dynamics, not likely.
If I were you I would just make it as easy as possible and find social groups based on interests/hobbies where you meet women you have something in common with instead of trying to be some kind of master seducer. You’re going to end up wasting 10 years of your life and become bitter and jaded.
On a difficulty level of 1-10, the method im giving you is a level 1. It’s the easiest way. And the best part is, it also has the highest probability of success as well. Yet you want to pull rabbits out of your a$$ in coffee shops and pray to the love Gods to bless you with serendipity.