
I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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I stole a lot as a kid.

I knew the exact time and position of cameras. I know that people behind cameras don't have the time to sit there all day. So I always go into a store and take out a CD out of a box and stealthily placed the CD in a magazine. I left the store for three hours. Then, I came back to buy the magazine with the CD in it. The cash register person scans the magazine and that's that.

When I was a child, I learned that in order to steal expensive items, you have to get a cheap container. I would steal extremely expensive things. Then, I would look for a huge cookie box..or something of the sort. Then, I placed those small expensive items into the "cheap box" or "cookie box". Then I buy the "cookie box". Do you need more explicit detail? I'll explain in more detail. You've seen items that are about the size of your hand that have immense value. Maybe they're cards, jewelry, watches, etc. Those are small items. Then, you've seen large cookie boxes. Danish cookie boxes, etc. Now, what you do is get those huge cookie boxes and place those small items into the cookie box and go to the register and buy the cookie box. And after you do that, NEVER come back to that same store again.

As a worker, I've had to deal with credit cards. I figured out a fast way to get credit cards and thier numbers. I got a piece of clay and slapped it onto each credit card. I did this under the counter. Then, I returned the card back to its owner. I looked at the piece of clay and the numbers were imprinted on them.

As a student in college, I've learned that all scantrons have answer choices.


I've learned a brilliant and fool-proof way to cheat.

If you write in between the two sections.

1. A B C D E

2. A B C D E

3. A B C D E

If you write in between the 1 and 2 or the 2 and 3...etc. and write very very small and lightly, you can write all the notes you want on a scantron and you will get away with it. The irony is that students will not look at your scantron, because the teacher will think that they are cheating. ONLY the teacher will look at your scantron, but if you write it lightly and small enough, it is impossible to be caught.

You want me to be more explicit?

Buy a scantron before the test.
And write notes on your scantron like this:

1. A B C D E
(write here...small and lightly with a light pencil)
2. A B C D E
(write here...small and lightly with a light pencil)
3. A B C D E
(write here...small and lightly with a light pencil)
4. A B C D E
(write here...small and lightly with a light pencil)

Then...write small and lightly at THE EDGE AND BOTTOM of the scantron.

Then, when you are almost done with your test, get a huge eraser and erase the sections in between and the section at the bottom. It's fool-proof. Remember to write SMALL and LIGHTLY with a pencil. Then ERASE when it's time to leave. Remember, students will not look at your test. Only the teacher will look at your test. In fact, this trick is impervious when you choose to sit in the middle of a row. The teacher has to literally walk over to you to stoop down, which is improbable. This method is impervious.

I am a shady bastard. You will notice that every supermarket has a section where they have chocolates with shovels, or candies with shovels. Well, I always go and take one and eat it. They'll never go after you because they don't care. But it's one free treat everytime you go to a store.

That is the confession of a professional thief.
That is the confession of a professional liar.


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
i can make confession kinda like "I love Hyori Lee"

there is much better way to do the cookie box steal.

Have one person go in and put stuff in a backpack etc
then few hours later have your buddy go in and buy the backpack
and return backpack at another store too, cause they're like $15

if you get caught putting stuff in bookpack, who cares you didn't walk out the store with the stuff, not illegal.

if buddy gets caught buying bookpack.... he didn't know there was anything in it

so no one is going to get caught.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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svarog said:
i can make confession kinda like "I love Hyori Lee"

there is much better way to do the cookie box steal.

Have one person go in and put stuff in a backpack etc
then few hours later have your buddy go in and buy the backpack
and return backpack at another store too, cause they're like $15

if you get caught putting stuff in bookpack, who cares you didn't walk out the store with the stuff, not illegal.

if buddy gets caught buying bookpack.... he didn't know there was anything in it

so no one is going to get caught.
God. That is brilliant.

Who says crime doesn't pay?

I'm wealthier than most people.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
All right.
All right.

I have another one.

This one really isn't stealing, but it's something most people don't do.

I go my local music store and there is always a way to sample good music.
I walk in there with a notepad and pencil.

I listen to a lot of songs. If there are extremely good songs, I write the name of the song and the artist. Then I go home and download the songs on Limewire. Then I make a mix and people ask me where I got all these good songs. You really can't get the feel for a CD from sampling those 30 second clips from It's better to go to your local Tower Records and hear the actual CDs and then pirate it.

Another confession.
I've never paid for any book from David Deangelo, Mystery Method, Gunswitch, Carlos Xuma, etc.

Thank you Limewire.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
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I remember when I was a kid there was this hardware store. It was owned by an old man. Everytime we walked through the doors, the doors would make a sound.


I thought to myself, I wonder what's causing that noise?

I walked over the entrance.


Everytime that noise came, the old man would pop out and he would walk to the register.

Day after day, I came to this liquor store, the same thing happened.
I walked towards the entrance.


The old man comes out.

One day, I jumped over the entrance over the door.


I realized that there was a sensor there. I jumped back and I got a friend of mine. My partner in crime.

We both jumped over. We stole a lot of items and jumped over the entrance.

Then, to play a prank, I jumped back to the entrance and put my foot in the door.


Then I ran.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
This is probably common knowledge to all you folks, but those half-sphere (hemisphere) black globes that you see situated on the top of stores are cameras.

The best shoplifters are those that can speak well. Don't just use your Don Juan talking skills to get yourself into a woman's pants. You can also use them to talk yourself out of bad situations. The key is to seem genuine.

Always keep your back to a camera, if it is applicable.

If you would like an article of clothing, observe it. See if there is a "plastic ink object" on it. Some clothing do and some don't. Now, what you do is take these clothes to the fitting room and wear them. Then, put the clothes that you were wearing BEFORE and put them over the clothes that you stole. Then walk out.

If you want to exchange an item, never take it to the store that you stole it from.

When I was younger, I used to steal lingerie. You can call me a loser all you want, but it was easy cash. People know that it's embarassing and so they never ask you any further questions. They'll usually exchange it for cash. Just act all nervous and say that you got the wrong item for your girl, etc. You just need to act goofy and oblivious and innocent and they fall for it everytime. A woman may even think it's cute. Then, you snag 50 dollars and get out. I've made a lot of money doing this.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Back in the day, around 1992, I used to love to play Street Fighter 2.

I'm talking about the arcades.

You know, "Guile's handcuffs" and stuff like that.

Well, in those days, there was a way that you could cheat the arcade machines.

There were two ways.

The first was to have a quarter and punch a hole in the middle of it and have it attached to a string. Then, as soon as the game was over, you pulled the string out. The gaming business got smart. You can't do this anymore.

The second was to smash a nickel with a hammer. There is a way to flatten it to make it the same circumference as a quarter. It worked everytime.

The last method wasn't stealing, but rather smart business. There was a local gaming area. They had "tokens". As a child, I learned that they would give you tokens and deals on certain times. For example, for one dollar, you may get 8 tokens. However, on normal days, you may only get 4 tokens.

I learned to buy as much tokens as I could during the "deals"

Then I would go to the machines and place a nickel into the slot so no other people could get tokens.

Then, I would be on the side and offer them tokens for thier money. So they got the tokens that they wanted.

So let's say I paid 10 dollars and a "token deal day".

Well on a "token deal day" it would be 10 X 8= 80 tokens.
But on a normal "token" day, it would be 10 X 4= 40 tokens.

So I would go on a "token deal day" and pay 10 dollars and get 80 tokens.

Then I would jam the machines.

Then I would offer 40 of my tokens for 10 dollars.
I get 10 dollars.

I basically did them a favor by giving them 10 dollars for 40 tokens, but I actually got 10 dollars for free.

Another way I used to save money every year.
Schools overcharge for parking permits. I go ask my friend for his parking permit. Then I go and photocopy it with an EXCELLENT photocopy machine. Then, I skillfully put it on my car. It looks identical. I saved money every year while the fools paid for thier permits.

Another way I used to save money every year.
Schools overcharge for books. They don't give you a decent price for used books. And they overcharge for a used book. Ideally, you want to sell your book online. But, do you know what the problem is, there is always someone selling thier book cheaper than yours, so you have to cut your price down.

Do this.

Get a book that you know people want. And hang out near the sections where you see people are buying the "used" versions of your book. Offer to give the guy the book for half off. They almost always take the deal.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
I haven't bought a CD in years. I sample a song on iTunes then download it via LimeWire kind of similar to the Tower Records story, but I don't have one of those near by.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
i also got my first handjob from my cousin (i was 8 she was 6) :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2001
Reaction score
North Carolina
i talk white around white people and black around black people. hehe (so i've been told)

Somehow ive managed to stay skinny but grow a pot belly. wtf

I think Prince is the shizznit.

drunk people make me nervous.

I hope everyone in here finds the girl of their dreams or becomes a manwh*re, whatever your ambitions. I remember how it sucked not having the confidence to talk to girls.

me and a friend double teamed a girl once.

Have you ever wanted to say, "Yeah take that you lil slvt. You dirty lil beatch." during sex? I know I have but knew i shouldnt.

I think its hilarious when lil kids fall down. LOLOL

inside the sick mind of sexualchocolate


Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
i like the selling tokens thing, very mean to mess up the machine :)
kind of like here in florida you can go to some free park, and stand outside charge people entrance. Tourists don't know better.

I love Hyori Lee

Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Another confession.

I can forge any and all signatures. It doesn't matter who wrote it, how sophisticated it is written. And the scary thing is, you can too.

I will teach you.

The only thing that you need is any signature of them.

Now, go to your local art store.

Buy some tracing paper.

Place the tracing paper over the signature.

Trace it very hard with a pencil over the tracing paper.

Now fold the tracing paper.

Scratch the back of the tracing paper (behind the pencil tracing you did)

The signature should come on the other side of the tracing paper.

Now scratch the tracing paper onto another piece of paper.

The signature will come out on the paper in pencil.

Now, get a pen and mark over the "pencil signature".

Erase the "pencil signature."

Congratulations, you have a forged signature.

I used this when I was in high school, and then I learned to use this skill to make money. It's evil. (shrugs shoulders)

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
Remember though, this is Confession, not scandalous ideas...they're good...but they're off topic.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Oh there's a few.....
Currently kinda "seeing a HB9+. She's waiting for my dissoloution to become final :)

Screwed one of my GF's on the floor of my old bosses office. Had soft carpeting. She left a mess..


Don Juan
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco
im still trying to find my life. sometimes i think people just dont like me at all, and thats why i have no friends. everytime i meet a friend or something its always those kinds of people that always about them/self centered people. i think im shy but im really not. i just need to break my shyness block. when i was about seven my cousin wanted to see my weiner so i pulled down my pants. and she pulled down hers that was the closest time i have ever been near an exposed kitty. i recently seen her and she looks really good like a 8/10 scale i want to bang her so bad. my parents think that im a loser because i dont have any friends.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
rsxtreme, you should get some help man. Go see a therapist. That isn't healthy to want to bang your cousin. I had a young sexual expirience as well, wasn't with a family member though. I know how you feel man, it fvcks with your head, go get help!


Don Juan
May 19, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco
T Money said:
rsxtreme, you should get some help man. Go see a therapist. That isn't healthy to want to bang your cousin. I had a young sexual expirience as well, wasn't with a family member though. I know how you feel man, it fvcks with your head, go get help!
im ok, but its not like im a mad man over it. i havent seen her in like years, dont talk to her or anything. so shes my cousin and all but i dont look at her as one.

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
even about the friends though man, it can be fvcking with your life in ways that you don't even know.