To All Guys:
Are you kidding? No Protection? If you're using NO protection, are you prepared to have a kid AT any point? The MORE sex you get, the HIGHER the chances are of her getting pregnant. Sheer statistics, I don't care WHAT form of contraception you use. SURE, condomless sex is the ultimate high with a girl, BUT, if you're not prepared to marry her now and lock down, WHY are you playing Russian Roulette for a FEW seconds of GOOD pleasure.
To Each his own that goes that path, braves it, and comes out alive, but I know of FEW people who ever come out unscathed. In my reality, guys hump any girl they can, with whatever protection they have at their disposal, but never use CONSCIOUS thought when deciding what they REALLY want at that moment. Instead they're guided by their emotions, and act upon them like an automaton.
The younger you are, the less you realize this more, the more risks you take. SURE, the allure of her wetness is beautiful, but I would reserve that for a time when I can go FULL BOAR on her, no worries, no fears, no lack of faith, or emotions flying high.
I use condoms ALL the time. If you have a 'cool' understanding chick, use condoms, pull out, and bust on her somewhere.
I've known far too many people who now have illegitimate kids, OR, got an abortion...but what if your girl doesn't want to? This isn't about religion, or about my values, it's about COMMON sense, and not buying that Trojans are full proof, that promiscuous sex is safe enough to engage in, and SMART.
Guys are a winning lottery ticket, IF they choose to cash it in. But you can IMMEDIATELY kill that opportunity by engaging in dumb, careless, casual sex with any ole girl. A ltr? Fine, wrap it up. It's the idea we're "animals" that has people humping everything from anuses to apples like apes.
Perhaps the BIGGEST liability you'll ever face is right there in front of you, the woman you're with. Laws are SKEWED toward the protection of woman and child, and if she feels cross, she'll take you to the dry cleaners. The same woman who was moaning in ecstasy last night, will be the ruthless bytch cleaning your clock so she can sit at home and raise her child, or dragging you to court for more support, or full custody. Do you want that at 18? 20? 22? 25? When do you want it?
I've never had a risk. But I am seeing someone steady who for health reasons, dropped the pill. I asked her, if she wasn't in a relationship, would she be on it?
No, most women wouldn't. They take it to cure acne, regulate their periods, or sometimes to grow boobs if they're a bit behind other women. HOWEVER, it's never that great an idea to counter nature, as it will fight back with a vengeance. NOW, women are on it can rarely drop fat, and only accumulate it, since the increased estrogen only serves to lay more of it on. Also, women have ENOUGH estrogen, so they're heightened emotionally. More over, it lends women to taking greater risk sexually than she otherwise would, because the pill gives the false impression of invincibility.
This is your life. You stick your d!ck in, you BETTER be Ok with whatever she decides. Why? Because, as much as you THINK she wants to be banged and not have a kid, most women differ in WHAT they SAY and WHAT they WANT. ALOT of girls would get knocked up, sit at home, care take, raise a few kids, and start a career later on.
THINK. KNOW. CONSCIOUSLY Grasp where you are and what you want. Live out your passions.