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condemnation, pimps, and happiness. click here!

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Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
this is a discussion that began in another thread, but doesn't really, ahem... belong. would like other thoughts and insights, please join in on our discussion.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Here ya go...for your elucidation...

I have noticed that many subjects brought up that concern either "playerism" or "self-improvement" to be misunderstood. These misunderstandings always revolve around to important things in every Man's existence, namely, WOMEN and LIFE.

WOMEN includes things like sex, girl-hunting, dating, etc. This is an important part of life that every Man should take control of, and structure it to his own liking. Guys who sleep/date many attractive women could be said to have this problem firmly under control. Women are the reason that most guys are even at this website in the first place. Most guy's love lives, when they first came here, was a mess.

LIFE includes things like money, job, education, knowledge, and character. Going to college and finishing with good grades would be considered part of life; as would starting a successful business. Those are examples of having your life firmly under control. However, this is not the ostensible reason that most fell upon this site, but it does have bearing, as I will point out in a moment.

This website was created with the WOMEN part of life in mind, and revolves around the WOMEN part of life. In fact, I believe the original Don Juan was first developed to be a demonistic enemy of God, only later to be changed into a more sympothetic character, mindful of the dichotomy between that which is supposed to bring happiness and contentment and that which actually does.

We all know that women can (and do!) take alot of time out of a Man's life. If not one woman, then possibly two or three, or maybe four! Once the doors to Pleasure Palace are opened, the flood of moist and tasty women is enough to dround even the most Ambitious of Men. Keeping this in mind, a few people have been so kind as to point this out to the knowlege hungry males (still sore from plucking out Cupid's arrow from thier still bleeding hearts) that frequent this website.

If we listen, we can hear the echoes of a quiet, yet steady, foreboding:

"A Don Juan is about MORE than women!"

"Focus on yourself, not the girls."

"Self-growth may cease, when consistent p*ssy is realized."

"A man is a warrior, and women are the relaxation."

"Self-improvement will get you no women, but it makes it MUCH EASIER to obtain them."

The jist of these statments is NOT to say that women should be excluded from the life of a "Don Juan", (heaven forbid!) but to warn those who make p*ssy hunting the ONLY priority in thier lives to take heed, and keep an eye on where thier LIFE is going. Advice to remember that there are TWO important parts (women and life) that should be equally pursued for true happiness.

Oh, to be sure, there are misunderstandings. Some people (with a secret fear of having to conquer the WOMEN portion of thier lives) take these words to mean that they should not pursue women, and only put effort into thier lives. As if, by some heavenly edict, beautiful women will fall like mana from the sky when they finally bring thier life goals into fruitition!

Through this new lens, they see fit, not ONLY to criticize and condemn those who keep company with more women than just one-at-a-time, but to call it a WEAKNESS to do so! Rest assured that there are many "players" who are weak, but does that make the Universal true? Who deserves to be judged based on the worst of thier kind?

In fact, they only belie thier own ignorance when they rally against "players" simply for the fact that the "players" do certain things to get women.

What is this ignorance?

It is ignorance of the GOAL.

Okay then, but what is this GOAL?


How to reach this ethereal goal is a subject of an unending discussion that will continue throughout time, and exist whenever and wherever there is despair to be found; indeed, the discussion and enactment of the philosophies distilled from it may even be the source of all unhappiness to begin with!

"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life." -- Camus

Sadly, many people do not realize that by forcing strange "philosophies" or philosophical "moralities" or moral "codes" on thier own behavior IS the very thing that keeps them from being content in thier own skin!

The world does not consist of Law and Reason, the world consits of Passion and Art.

I think I read in one of his posts that Player_Supreme wakes up with an ear to ear smile everyday, has a great job (owns a buisness or something maybe), and loves his life. Although most of the posts he makes are geared toward women, what is the main focus (but not the ONLY focus) of this forum?

Yet people judge, and condemn him in thier minds, totally forgetting that the SPIRIT of the law that they condemn him by (being a player) makes an allowance for the "player" who already has his life in pristine order!

These misunderstandings, however, are to be expected. Indeed, it is to be continued until the Confused Boys roaming around this site become Men and learn to bring the burden of decsicion full on upon themselves. It is the natural way of things, and an issue that humanity has always had to deal with: the Letter of the law vs. the Spirit of the law. Understanding is not in the mind but the soul. You have to deal first hand with all the moral issues, and philosophys that you have only read and talked about in order to really understand them.

God is not in the rules, but in the EXCEPTIONS.

Knowing that a person is a "player" is NOT enough to condemn them by any means. What is wrong with the man-wh0re lies NOT in the realm of morality, but in the realm of practicality. Indeed, Oscar Wilde states:

"Any preoccupation with ideas of what is right or wrong in conduct shows an arrested intellectual development."

I find this to be very, very true.

Women are only bad to the extent that they infringe upon your life. If you have a great life, how can you be looked down upon for having many women?


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by icepick

I agree with you completely regarding all of your statements regarding happiness. i also agree and believe that until you find happiness, who are you to dictate how another finds happiness? who are you to say that your way is the right way, and someone else's is the wrong way, if you have not reached the goal yourself.

but i think that you also have misunderstood why many here do not "like" PS. there are other men on here who are "players", but the thing here is that PS seems to have a hatred of women. the way he approaches them (preying, hunting, tricking, ect) and the way he refers to them (b!tches, hos, wh0res, ect) points to a big blinking light that says HATE.

i think that many people find this offensive, the same way one might find a person who hates black people offensive. sure, preying and hunting black people may be the path to happiness for some people (such as the KKK), and maybe they enjoy refering to them in such derogatory terms, but who is really going to support that "path to happiness" or that "message of enlightenment"?

hatred never leads to ANYTHING good. so perhaps happiness should not be the goal in this case? or perhaps happiness is just a mask for something much more sinsiter in this case.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Look at how fast we can type here!


First, there are great language differences, even within states and city blocks that may partially account for the "harsh" words that some people use to describe women.

Second, I still think (even keeping in mind the things that you wrote) that happiness STILL is the ultimate goal.

If by the STRANGE chance that being in the KKK actually makes someone happy (which it doesn't, IMO) then they should go for it as long as they know that it would make ME happy to stick thier arms down a garbage disposal!

Many people who needlesly prey on those who are different or weaker or less fortunate etc. are not really happy. The only thing that keeps them going is thier "crusade" against whatever they THINK is the barrier to thier happiness.

In reality, there is a human trait, compassion, that makes us feel good when we help someone ascend in the ranks of the world. The only barrier for this is seeing "others" (whoever they may be) as THEM.

Keeping with your analogy, have you ever seen American History X? The main character (Norton) only begins to see black people as actual people when he is FORCED to realize it, and once he does, he regrets all that he did previous to that point.

With men, women, and sexuality, however, this system of thought begins to falter.

Men and women are not the same. It is the only TRUE case of THEM. The catch is that there is an irresistable attraction, and a large amount of pleasure involved.

This opens up a giant can of illogic and explains why the smartest, morallist, and most pensive people are utter failures with women.

A man thinks he is doing women a favor by not being sexual with them, but the women will HATE him for it.

A man may think he is pleasing the woman by being her jester and footstool, but he will get dumped for it.

Then, you have a guy like a player who supposedly "hates" women, yet he gets REWARDED for it!

Answer me this: Why is he getting rewarded if he hates women? Shouldn't the women punish him for that?

I wouldn't reward somebody for hating me!

What is this...illogic? It is a conundrum!

No, the real conundrum is why we think we can look at sexuality through the lens of logic and expect to make any sense out of it. The product of such futility requires many clever psychologists to tie thier minds up into knots spewing forth unintelligible psychobabble.

Look at it like a black box. Instead of trying to get inside of the mind of the player, look at his actions. He gives pleasure to women, and women return the favor.

Where is the hate? If there is any, it manifests itself in strange ways of pleasure, doesn't it? Who cares from what it came from, the final result is good.

You may not agree with me, but I think that the baser elements of human nature are essential for our elucidation and growth. Sexuality shows this to us blatantly, but it is apparent in many social events.

The light and the darkness are nothing without each other. Without CONTRAST, nothing would exist.

The current thought of today to make everything good and wholesome has no basis in reality. In our current (slightly feminine?) society, everyone tries to make it so that noone ever suffers any hardship whatsoever. 'Drown the child in the light, never to know the foul taste of darkness' is the battle cry of the "enlightened" ones.

Then we have a great, smart, NICE child...but we still have a problem. He can't reproduce! How can he accept a free pleasure such as sex? How can he subjugate an independent woman so? No, he will be like Jesus and die a "unsoiled" man.

Nature creates sexuality to force us to embrace our supposedly "evil and hating" natures for the reward of pleasure and happiness. The thoughts are off limits when considering the question of sexuality and morality.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
icy, not to argue, just to point out. you seem to think that the people that disagree with PS do it out of their own AFCness, and their disagreement with the "player" or "pimp" life. i am trying to point out to you that this is not the only reason he has "opponents" to his argument.

while i will agree with you that men and women have differences, they are not that extreme as to think of it as "us" and "them".

First, there are great language differences, even within states and city blocks that may partially account for the "harsh" words that some people use to describe women.
ho, b!tch, wh0re, slvt, they are all offensive if used in an offensive manner, no matter where you live. just like ******, spic, monkey, cracker, ect.

and they are all disrespectful.

If by the STRANGE chance that being in the KKK actually makes someone happy (which it doesn't, IMO) then they should go for it as long as they know that it would make ME happy to stick thier arms down a garbage disposal!
i feel the same exact way. are you getting my point? isn't it hard to respect someone like that?

Many people who needlesly prey on those who are different or weaker or less fortunate etc. are not really happy.
that was my point. and i think anyone who does this needs help. they come across as twisted and sick.

Answer me this: Why is he getting rewarded if he hates women? Shouldn't the women punish him for that?
this is your trickiest question, because there is a lot to it. the easiest way to say it is using the "prey" analogy. how can the hunted punish the hunter if they are unaware that they are being hunted? that the man that is making them feel so good is just using them, "preying" apon them like they are just animals?

and who's to say it is rewarding? perhaps by holding women so far from his true soul and heart, PS and others like him are punishing themselves?

"And since we all came from a woman
Got our name from a woman
And out game from a woman
I wonder why we take from our women
Why we rape our women
Do we hate our women ?
I think it's time ta kill for our women
Time ta heal our women
Be real to our women
And if we don't
We'll have a race of babies
That hate tha ladies that make tha babies
And since a man can't make one
He has no right ta tell a woman when and where ta create one
So will tha real men get up
I know your fed up ladies
But keep ya head up"

-tupac shakur, one of the greatest minds and poets of all time


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
I felt that the other thread spoke the truth.


It is hard for a woman to understand what it is like to be a male and not get the attention of a "man". Those cats are just recognizing the game as it is played. It's always seem like when a "regular" male call woman a b*tch then he is being degrading but when a "celebrity" male call a woman a b*cth then depending on his status, maybe he was justifiable in doing this.

If women don't want to be pimp then don't go for it. A man cannot be a dog, pimp, or player unless "females" allows him to. So the "problem" you are addressing does not fall on the male but on the female if that's the case. The way women responds is the pimps, players, and dogs, what do you expect from a cat that is getting no play, look to imitate.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
About the b*tches, hos, s1uts thing....

That is how MANY guys talk when they are with other guys. This site is like a locker room of sorts and you happen to be the female reporter that may get offended when a guy doesn't put on a towel. (I realize you don't get THAT offended of course, but you do realize the analogy?)

Also, to use "hunt/hunted" analogies in relation to sexuality I think doesn't mix. The hunted DIES, but the girl does not die. The hunter KILLS and CONSUMES, but the guy is consumed to an extent.

If any analogy applies it is that the guy is hunted and trapped by his own passions. But my original point was to show that being under the thumb of passion only hurts you to the extent that it takes away from other parts of your life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by Eyecandie4ya
I felt that the other thread spoke the truth.

when PS confused IP's posts to me and fired away multiple posts it got completely confused the real gist of what was being said. so we moved it here. and thanks for your input.

It's always seem like when a "regular" male call woman a b*tch then he is being degrading but when a "celebrity" male call a woman a b*cth then depending on his status, maybe he was justifiable in doing this.
That is how MANY guys talk when they are with other guys. This site is like a locker room of sorts and you happen to be the female reporter that may get offended when a guy doesn't put on a towel. (I realize you don't get THAT offended of course, but you do realize the analogy?)
it has nothing to do with status. but i will say that it is really only offensive to me when it seems like whoever is saying it REALLY MEANS IT.

Also, to use "hunt/hunted" analogies in relation to sexuality I think doesn't mix. The hunted DIES, but the girl does not die. The hunter KILLS and CONSUMES, but the guy is consumed to an extent.
how do you know the result of the hunted? not to get all poetic, but f it, there are other forms of "death".

If women don't want to be pimp then don't go for it. A man cannot be a dog, pimp, or player unless "females" allows him to.
not all men are pimps and not all women are silly h0es. thank gosh.


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
2 sides of the same coin, indeed!

Yes, good and evil as we understand them in a general sense are 2 sides of the same coin. I see happiness as being in a different realm. It appears to me that the unhappiest people tend toward the extremes of evil and/or what they define as "good," which is often motivated by evil, as I would define it.

Attraction is outside the realm of good and evil. Most men would rather lay a women with the face of an angel and a putrid heart than an unattractive woman who would treat him right. The masculine traits that attract women -- strength, confidence, coolness, and yes, looks -- are also outside the realm of good and evil. Some women even confuse strength with extreme self-centredness, and find it attractive. Just like many take kindness for weakness. It's just that many people know better than to let themselves fall into such a situation. That's why the guys who women by and large tend to view as the best LTR prospects are generally not viewed as FB prospects by all but the most libertine women. They aren't disposable. The guy who really thinks of women as "*****es," "hos," etc., is.

I've seen people who prey on others who appear to be quite happy -- as long as they get away with what they're doing, at least. Again, we're talking about 2 different things here.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi

it has nothing to do with status. but i will say that it is really only offensive to me when it seems like whoever is saying it REALLY MEANS IT.
You quoted Tupac message in one of your threads but PS stated the other messages of Tupac about a woman being a b*tch. HAHA! Yet we all know women loved them some Tupac so men see calling a woman a b*tch as no problem.

not all men are pimps and not all women are silly h0es. thank gosh.
Nobody is saying all men are pimps and women are hoes. You seem to be a bit touchy as to speak from experience of being done over by a player, pimp or dog. If so (I really do believe this), did you continue to wonder why you were always thinking about this man after he dogg you. KEEP IT UP REAL and fess up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
it has nothing to do with status. but i will say that it is really only offensive to me when it seems like whoever is saying it REALLY MEANS IT.
Well, they obviously don't really mean to say that women are actual female dogs, yard equipment, etc.

Using those words is does not always follow that the guys who say them actually hate women. It is just the language.

When I say "what's up bro!" I don't really mean that the guy is my brother.

No, but you refer to something else. You want to know if these words mean HATE or not. They don't.

Let's bring up a kid, and keep him AWAY from all of these evil words. Let's also say that he somehow hates women. When he refers to them, he will call them...well, he will call them "women" but it will be the WAY he says it that makes the big difference.

Since this is the internet, all the tone is LOST. Hell, I probably seem like a lecturing professor or something based on what I write without my tone of voice. I assure you that is FAR from the truth.

how do you know the result of the hunted? not to get all poetic, but f it, there are other forms of "death".
I don't get ya here. What do you mean?

You mean that the women get tormented that "evil" player guy so much that they sleep with him and yearn to be back into his life when he realizes that they just don't fit him?

Look, if the women played thier cards right, they would make it so the MAN would not be able to let them go! He wouldn't want to be a "player" because she is so good!

Oh, that's right! :D A woman is ALLOWED to be a slave to her passions! (She has an excuse for being tossed and turned through her slumber of life: "It is HIS fault!")

Men, however, do not (and should not!) have that luxury. When we suffer heartbreak, it is OUR fault for giving our heart to the wrong woman so soon.

The woman's torment is her fault. Many of us guys are here because we have been put through the blender by our woman of choice.

We learned. We grew. We moved on.

The players are actually doing the woman a SERVICE by forcing her to grow!

Or would it be better if she were kept away from risk, out of the dark, drowned by light? (See above post--the discussion will always come back to that central issue in human existence.)

We (whether we like it or not) are on a path of growth and advancement in our lives. Some people say to keep hardship away at all costs. I don't agree.
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Oh eggster..what's up with that wierd title also....your leaking your true personality baby. You've been hanging out on this board too long time for you to go find yourself a man who will teach you how to be a good woman.

Let me respond for you iggster:

didnt' you say this on another thread:

Originally posted by Player_Supreme
blah blah blah blah blah baby blah blah blah ooh baby blah blah blah my d.ck has blossoms on it blah blah blah i was meant to be a woman blah blah blah.

But I noticed the words that you left in are "my" "d.ck" "woman" "oh" "Baby" ...maybe you do want to be shown how to be a woman? freudian slip? No not you babygirl.

right iggy...LOL.

didnt' you say this on another thread:

" criterion for sexual liasions, the options are limited, but please go right on ahead and put it out there!"my d.ck" tell me what you want, tell me what you need!" "ooh baby " i was meant to be a woman""ooh baby""ooh baby""ooh baby" "

Now thats what I want to see from you. I knew you could grow into a full blown (no pun intended) woman. I might even have an opening on my deck for you....lol...

"my d.ck" is what your really craving isn't it babygirl...oh never mind the answer sweet cheeks (((tweaks iggies cheek)))) and then flips her lips)))....your so cute iggy...we love you up here girlfriend...


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
I love rationalizations



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by Eyecandie4ya
You quoted Tupac message in one of your threads but PS stated the other messages of Tupac about a woman being a b*tch. HAHA! Yet we all know women loved them some Tupac so men see calling a woman a b*tch as no problem.
this right here is a whole debate of its own, having a lot to do with society, media, and image. i believe that when he wrote this song, and others like this one, this came from his soul. but he is not here to agree, so who am i to say what he meant?

i also know from other good friends who rap that they (unfortunately) feel the need to degrade women, promote violence and drugs, and ect, to be taken seriously. but they really do love their mama, and women period. even it they are sometimes confused bu women, and hurt, frustrated. songs are image projections, have you ever heard RES, "golden boys"?

Originally posted by Eyecandie4ya

Nobody is saying all men are pimps and women are hoes. You seem to be a bit touchy as to speak from experience of being done over by a player, pimp or dog. If so (I really do believe this), did you continue to wonder why you were always thinking about this man after he dogg you. KEEP IT UP REAL and fess up.
i am not touchy really, but i will stand up for what i believe in, and i believe that a message of hate is being delivered. i just want people to realize that this message does not have to be accepted.

can't confess what isn't true, BTW.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score

Just like women split up men into two categories:

1. REAL men who they think sexualy about and want to f*ck.


2. Pansy, asexual guys that they crap on and use for whatever means they feel like.

Guys also split WOMEN up into two categories:

1. REAL women who they consider to be respectable human beings.


2. Wh0rish sluts, that they will use for sex (if they happen to be attractive) and kick to the curb.

And, of course, some guys like to complain about how women treat the #2 wussy guys. Women also complain about how men treat the #2 whorish girls.

If we were all REAL men and women, there wouldn't be this problem. The complaints are analogous to giving money to the poor. It only encourages second-rate, half-assed lives.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by iqqi
this right here is a whole debate of its own, having a lot to do with society, media, and image. i believe that when he wrote this song, and others like this one, this came from his soul. but he is not here to agree, so who am i to say what he meant?
You don't know cause your not a man.

He spoke from "experience" like every other cat who been through sh*t with "b*tches". Let take a deep look at the meaning of "b*tch".

B*tch= female dog. Reading some of the cats experiences on this forum will give you "insights" of the human b*tch. The betrayals for money and time has cause a lot of cats mischief and heartaches. She teases a man with her p*ssy only to lead him astray. This is not all women, but you can't justify that most of them are "diamond" material. She knows what power she have and use it on many as possible without remorse.

i also know from other good friends who rap that they (unfortunately) feel the need to degrade women, promote violence and drugs, and ect, to be taken seriously. but they really do love their mama, and women period. even it they are sometimes confused bu women, and hurt, frustrated. songs are image projections, have you ever heard RES, "golden boys"?
Again it is the "results" that a man get from doing these things that makes him continue to do it yet females complain. Most females want a man who a bit "edging" and rebelious. This gives her that instant wetness and "adventure" that her nature craves for.

i am not touchy really, but i will stand up for what i believe in, and i believe that a message of hate is being delivered. i just want people to realize that this message does not have to be accepted.
can't confess what isn't true, BTW.
If your beliefs goes against reality, you will lose. Period.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Originally posted by icepick
Well, they obviously don't really mean to say that women are actual female dogs, yard equipment, etc.

Using those words is does not always follow that the guys who say them actually hate women. It is just the language.

When I say "what's up bro!" I don't really mean that the guy is my brother.

and (commonsense here) THAT is not offensive.

Since this is the internet, all the tone is LOST.
this is true only somewhat. and i am not implying that i can hear tone. i am going off of complete contexts here, not tone.

You mean that the women get tormented that "evil" player guy so much that they sleep with him and yearn to be back into his life when he realizes that they just don't fit him?
nooo. it is a little deeper. there is the death of ideas and dreams and beliefs. some people are able to become stronger after this.

but some are broken, and these are the ones who keep the wheels of the monster turning, recruiting more and more on their broken hate crusade. which we are now witness to with some of these women hating threads.

We (whether we like it or not) are on a path of growth and advancement in our lives. Some people say to keep hardship away at all costs. I don't agree.
this ties in to what i just said. i also don't agree. when you break your arm, you usually learn and grow. but if there is an infection, then we tend to have a complication.

but we are not talking about arms. we are talking about hearts, souls, spirits. these wounds are deeper, and if there is an infection, it can lead to the death of spirit. and misery loves company. these infected can become contagious, its like night of the living fcuking dead...

Look, if the women played thier cards right, they would make it so the MAN would not be able to let them go! He wouldn't want to be a "player" because she is so good!
you're being silly here, friend. women and men both have hard times with love, and for the same reason! but hell, shakespeare said it best: "The course of true love never did run smooth."


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Origins of hate

It appears to me that hate tends to arise from a combination of whacked brain biochemistry and some trigger event or events that direct the hate to a particular target.

Ever notice how some people can be slammed with all kinds of nasty **** and still come out smiling, whereas others can have the world eating out of their hands and still be miserable? Biochemistry!

This site is for men who aren't getting laid as much as they want. Naturally some of them are going to hate women, since dealing with women has brought them little but pain and frustration.

Trying to convince such people to change is a fool's mission.


Great points, eyecandie.
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