Complicated situation and should I throw in the towel?


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
This is obvious but knowing and being able to be a man / DJ are totally different and I need some advice if I should give up or not because the situation I'm in makes it hard to not be an AFC.

I'm currently hosting two girl coworkers (lets name them Katie and Jamie with Jamie being the girl of interest) from US at my other home in Japan to show them around and one of them seems to be somewhat interested in me. (Supposedly obvious from all other people around me with feedbacks saying I should ask her out.)

Even Katie joked about being the 3rd wheel and kept on offering to give me and Jamie private times while I was taking them around the city.

Before this trip, the Katie even joked about how I should date Jamie while we were having a group lunch and Jamie giggled and said how we won't get along because we bicker too much at work. After that she tossed me at Katie saying how she should date me instead.

As for Jamie herself, she's popular and has a bf that she's taking a break as I supposedly can keep her laughing all the time and I even have enemies with her guy friends because she talks about me all the time to them. (I've never met them btw).

When I quit the job recently, she would always talk about how she'd miss me and things wouldn't be the same at all without me. Now the AFC part is that I'm too nice to them and they love teasing me. Jamie said I'm like a teddy bear and I'm the nicest person she's ever met.

I'm currently jet lagged/tongue tied all the time because switching languages between Japanese/English seriously screws my grammar up bad that I sound retarded sometimes or say something very funny. (I.e. Jamie offered to do the dishes at my home but I told her its ok and how she can do her face while waiting. <I meant to say she can go put her makeups if she wanted>)

They kept on teasing me and my comebacks were weak. They'd go we're not laughing at you but with you :D.

Anyways, Jamie would always be the one wanting to take pictures with me or smile at me throughout the trip. I'd get the vibe that she's interested but at the same time, I'm such a AFC its hard to break out when you're very tired all the time.

After the trip, she's planning to quit the job as well and go to med school at the other side of US (from california -> florida) so even if I can ask her out, it would be a long distance but I would have a few months with her if I even have a chance to ask her.

Right now in Japan, I have exclusive access to her all the time with my other coworker Katie. Should I just forget it and be their pushbag and stay AFC or bother asking her out?

I think I'm more concerned about whether I can even turn the tables around and show them that I can be a man if I wanted.

Faded Image

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Bragg, NC
You're friendzoned my friend.

While you're out with her, continue flirting with her and flirt with other women at the same time. You're in a situation in which the outcome relies on you. Be careful because most women (notice I said most women, not all) craves attention and when your attention is divided, they're going to compete for it or find it somewhere else.

Refer to my sig!


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Faded, you were right. My dad made it easier and awkward by telling them I was interested. After now, I'm glad because they pissed me off..

Now, they treat me as a little brat, uses me for holding their stuff, takes my offer to line up for a store for granted, goes to shopping, and makes fun of me...

They get guys to go after them but I sure as hell am glad to not have them as a gf. I may be to blame for being too nice and vulnerable to them but they have no room to be treated as ladies..

Sorry for the rant. I wonder if there are any girls left that can give some respect at least.

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
shiguldo said:
Jamie said I'm like a teddy bear and I'm the nicest person she's ever met.

I didn't have to read further than that.

That's the kiss of death. I speak from experience. This woman does not see you in a sexual way.