I am a big proponent of the idea that women don't become attracted to man via direct indicators, but rather a series of indirect cues that are indicators of a man's suitability as a mate.
One of these cues is social proof. Women want a man whose value is "proven" by his association with other women (and to a lesser extent other men).
A very, very powerful and fascinating result of this is Competition Anxiety between women. This is, without a doubt, one of the best tools a man can use to his advantage in the mating game.
I was reading something earlier today about how you should subtly hint to a prospect that other women "like" you. Nothing groundbreaking here.....PUA's might call this a DHV, or "Demonstration of Higher Value".
So I got to thinking about this. I remember back a couple of years ago I inadvertently set off a "war" between two women. One was a chick that I had messed around with but wasn't that attracted to (Bangin' body, ok face and personality...not my thing) and the other was a new girl I had just started seeing.
We were all meeting up at a club, and when we got there I told the new chick to "stick close to me" since the other girl was going to be there and I didn't want her all up on me.
Little did I know that this would ignite an all out covert cat fight. From that point on the new chick HATED the other girl. To the point where she would blow up if I was talking to her.
In retrospect even if I hadn't said anything, chicks can totally sense when another woman is attracted to you, so there probably would have been some jealousy, but I honestly think that by me verbalizing this to her (in the right way) really served to amp up her attraction for me and kept the competition anxiety factor sky high.
Some of you will scoff at the idea, but this is where Myspace, Facebook, and the like can really work to your advantage. I'm not talking about having twenty supermodels on your top friends list, but having attractive women leave you comments is GOLD to keep competition anxiety high.
So I was wondering. If this is such a powerful way to attract women, what can we as men do to amplify the effect?
Like I said, I think that in the situation I mentioned the anxiety would have been there one way or the other, but by me essentially "rejecting" the other chick in front of the new one (it showed her that I am desired and that I won't hesitate to exercise my options) , I lit a fire that burned red hot for a good long time. I'm sure there are some other ways to get the fire going.
What do you think?
One of these cues is social proof. Women want a man whose value is "proven" by his association with other women (and to a lesser extent other men).
A very, very powerful and fascinating result of this is Competition Anxiety between women. This is, without a doubt, one of the best tools a man can use to his advantage in the mating game.
I was reading something earlier today about how you should subtly hint to a prospect that other women "like" you. Nothing groundbreaking here.....PUA's might call this a DHV, or "Demonstration of Higher Value".
So I got to thinking about this. I remember back a couple of years ago I inadvertently set off a "war" between two women. One was a chick that I had messed around with but wasn't that attracted to (Bangin' body, ok face and personality...not my thing) and the other was a new girl I had just started seeing.
We were all meeting up at a club, and when we got there I told the new chick to "stick close to me" since the other girl was going to be there and I didn't want her all up on me.
Little did I know that this would ignite an all out covert cat fight. From that point on the new chick HATED the other girl. To the point where she would blow up if I was talking to her.
In retrospect even if I hadn't said anything, chicks can totally sense when another woman is attracted to you, so there probably would have been some jealousy, but I honestly think that by me verbalizing this to her (in the right way) really served to amp up her attraction for me and kept the competition anxiety factor sky high.
Some of you will scoff at the idea, but this is where Myspace, Facebook, and the like can really work to your advantage. I'm not talking about having twenty supermodels on your top friends list, but having attractive women leave you comments is GOLD to keep competition anxiety high.
So I was wondering. If this is such a powerful way to attract women, what can we as men do to amplify the effect?
Like I said, I think that in the situation I mentioned the anxiety would have been there one way or the other, but by me essentially "rejecting" the other chick in front of the new one (it showed her that I am desired and that I won't hesitate to exercise my options) , I lit a fire that burned red hot for a good long time. I'm sure there are some other ways to get the fire going.
What do you think?