There's a lot going on in this thread so permit me to sort it out a bit.
Heretolearn said:
I must admit. I hate competing. If a girl is dating other people/considering options but showing interest, I cannot help but not take her as a serious interest,..
First off, you will always be measured in anything you aspire to do. You may hate competing, but that doesn't alter the nature of the game. What you're uncomfortable with are Comparisons. Human beings, as many other higher order animals, are natural opportunists. We tend to opt for the best things presented to us in our environment. Not surprisingly we want what is best for us and/or our immediate relations. Given the unhindered choice of the small or large apple, the tendency is to chose the large one as it represents the best opportunity for nourishment and survival.
Both sexes make autonomous, unconscious Comparisons everyday. We all make these Comparisons of people (sizing up) as a threat or a non-threat to ourselves; as an attraction or repulsion with regards to others. Yet we're so continually bombarded by so many instances of having to make these internal estimates of people, the psychological coping method we use is to subconsciously process that information and move on from there. This is the first comparisson we make with another individual - call it 'sizing up' if you like - but we make innate (and often unconscious) comparissons about
everything and in the case of initial attraction both men and women alike decide if the the other person is acceptable for their own intimacy in correlation with their our own perceived self-image.
Competition is the meta-game of the whole, but Comparisons are the details used to build evaluations, qualifications, etc. that make up overall acceptability. You will always find yourself in some form of competition, what bothers you is an overt acknowledgment of Comparisons on a woman's part.
Heretolearn said:
, I believe that someone who cared for me would not make me prove myself to them and that it would never end. I would constantly have to validate and 'prove myself'.
Which man do you think a woman would be more likely to hold a genuine love, affinity and respect for: A very attractive, very wealthy man who inherited his money from family, or an equally attractive, equally wealthy man who earned his affluence after years of education, work, legitimate determination, and/or natural talent? Which man would she be more inclined to stick with through a loss of that wealth and provisioning?
You will always be 'proving yourself'. What you need is to become the kind of Man where that 'proving' is simply a matter of course and effortless. And while a constant, overt, nagging by a woman is indeed tiresome, this comes as a result of her own (most often neurotically exaggerated) need for security. Even when married, a woman will always sh!t test you to some degree on occasion - even when she doesn't realize she's doing it. The trick is to BE the Man who passes it before it comes.
Consciously, unconsciously, overtly or covertly, you are being compared. She may bring this to your attention she may not, but you will be measured. You are the PRIZE, but the question remains, is she worthy of you? Is she someone for whom an estimation of yourself should have any legitimacy at all? Too many guys, with a Scarcity, take-what-I-can-get mentality will eagerly say yes without ever having the foresight, experience, failures and successes to accurately assess these questions.