As is a standard for SoSuave, an indeed the world in general, the OP is seeking a black and white answer, where actually the answer is a rather dull shade of grey. People are attracted to other people for all sorts of different reasons.
The original question is completely loaded and very restricted by quiet specific examples.
The only thing that guy B has over guy A is his IDGAF attitude, which yes, will make chicks attracted to him. Alas it is just about the ONLY facet of his being that birds will be consistently attracted to; because he is seemingly independent. But at the same time, he is totally dependent; for money, for resources, blah blah blah.
Personally, I have been a mixture of both of these characters; and I aim to become a slightly different version of that mixture; i.e. become more successful for myself (resource independent) and keep the IDGAF attitude (mentally and emotionally independent).
This and ONLY this is the ideal state to strive for; not A, nor B on their own.
1) IDGAF attitude is alluring to women. Resource dependence it not (trust me, I've been there and it ultimately leads to failure if it lasts too long, regardless of attitude).
2) Being an unsuccessful, down and out loser/criminal is not alpha. The reason they (usually) get women (I imagine) is because they attract highly emotionally weak individuals, who themselves have little or no moral value nor self-esteem, which indeed, some of the better-looking broads do not have a particularly high self-esteem despite appearances.
3) Being successful is not beta. Providing too much for a person who doesn't appreciate it and/or reciprocate is beta.
Some SoSuavers would do very well to stop themselves seeking such unilateral answers to fairly inane and ultimately closed questions. We must realise that this issue is like all other universal phenomena; on an almost infinitely variable continuum.