Comparison Test: Which guy will pull more tail?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Person A

28 years old
Graduate Degree
6 in the looks category
Works out 3-4 times per week
Enjoys hiking, going out for happy hour
Not overly shy or extroverted
No tattoos or piercings

Person B
25 years old
Unemployed living with parents
Didn't finish college
6 in the looks category
Doesn't work out
Smokes weed every day, relies on parents for money
Has the IDGAF attitude, doesn't care about his future
Has tattoos

Which one do you think will have greater success with women?


Don Juan
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
b, chicks are astronically stupid and would most likely go with that bc of the bad boy look.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Whats the point of this...

An educated girl will go for A

A party stoner girl will go for B

And maybe guy b i super funny and said girls like that, while guy a is a comlete bore.

You keep staying focused on other peoples traits dude.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
The guy that pulls more tail is the guy with better game. This comparison test says nothing about their ability to get laid. Game is more mental than physical.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
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the question is, who really cares?


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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foreverAFC said:
the question is, who really cares?
At the risk of sounding like I'm trolling, I will answer your question.

In the SOS community we preach "working on yourself" to get more attractive to women. Now, some people say that SOS is just about improving yourself. But the reason you want to improve yourself is to GET WOMEN. I don't think any guy in here can say with a straight face that they only what's in the mirror and not about getting laid.

That being said, some guys pull tail without trying at all. What might take a guy years and years to do through hard work may not be enough, while another guy is just fvcking around and already ahead of that person because of his innate qualities.

I'm going to complain a bit. If you don't want to read about it, then stop reading right now.

I am a person who has 2 degrees, a great job, and I have good habits in general. I'm not getting in trouble with the law or acting like a complete douche. But what I have learned in my 1 year on this site is that being a douche makes you more attractive to women!

And I disagree with the above poster about how only stoner chicks would want that guy. Even blonde HB 9's would be into that guy because of how he is, while passing up the professional well put together guy.

I think that the last ten years and flipped dating on his head. No longer should you be a clean cut guy with goals; instead you need to be a complete nimrod with tattoos. At least that's how it is in California.

I'm 32 years old, and I still don't understand why women who have jobs and a decent family background are into guys who look so sloppy and are on drugs. I do not cold approach anymore because of this specific reason. Now, my cold approach was always horrible - I'll admit that. But even still I don't have the "look" that most women want which is a thuggish/druggie look.

Sorry for this guys...I just really had to get this off my chest. I know that there are guys on here who agree with me because there has been a lot of frustration with women on this board. Asking a girl on a normal date is long gone. You have to either use trickery or be covered in tattoos and have a shaved head if you want to get female attention. If you don't believe me, do a social experiment and put up a pic like that on POF or Match.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Guy B will probably get a greater QUANTITY of puzzy.

Where I think the Community "drops the ball" is where they equate "quality" with the woman's "looks." An HB9 might be high or medium or very low quality depending on her other qualities.

But I get your point skinny guy. I sometimes see highly intelligent educated women that have some badboy thing going.

I'm going to catch hell for saying this, but I think the responsible, educated, clean cut guy might be better off with a female a few years older. She might have enough depth to see his value.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
The people you go after are a direct reflection of your own state of mind.

If most women prefer the bad boy-going nowhere type of guy, what does that say about most women? That most women are low quality! I know a few guys and girls who fit in those criteria, going nowhere and or bad boy image. Guess what? One of the guys I know is at a dead end while the girl he "has" seems to have her cake and eat it too(I can confirm she's an AW), both low quality! One of the girls I know has a boyfriend who is 22, sits at home all day, smokes weed/cigs, relies on parents for money, and she likes him! She even admitted that she loved that scruffy look! But guess what? This girl has major father issues and has major one-itis issues, they're both low quality! Then I also know this guy who is more of a bad boy(Drug dealer) and is dating the daughter of a drug lord. Then this girl who is dating a guy 12 years older than her, her dad's in prison, and he's basically a bad boy that owns a business- he's beat her and made comments about her dad and she stays! Low quality!!!

You would never even know what these people are like because they look like everyday people! Back in my AFC days I would find the girls who were basically emotionally broken attractive... Both low quality. If all you see is the girls that you want get with these dead beat losers then what does that say about you? That they're better off with you? That you're better than those losers? Or are they just attracted to these losers because they have more desirable traits that makes their 'gina tingle? If so, then simply copy those traits and toss out the rest. But at the end of the day, low quality is low quality. You cannot change someone who does not want to be changed. If a girl gets with a low quality guy or vice versa, it makes it a lot easier to see them for what he and she is- trash. That is how 90% of the people are nowadays, low quality. People don't want to change, they want to stay in their bed all cooped up under the covers smelling their own farts with whatever issues that they CHOOSE to experience. It takes a strong person to simply stop smelling their own farts, and that is the person you would want to get with and bang. All these other ones are pump and dumps, I don't complain about the "system" and neither should you, tell these women what they want to hear if you wish to get into their pants. They don't need to know the real you because they don't even know themselves.

I'm not going to explain the details on why girls go for bad boys because its written all over in the DJ bible.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Frayzer sums it up nicely. Low quailty attracts low quality.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
At the risk of sounding like I'm trolling, I will answer your question.

In the SOS community we preach "working on yourself" to get more attractive to women. Now, some people say that SOS is just about improving yourself. But the reason you want to improve yourself is to GET WOMEN. I don't think any guy in here can say with a straight face that they only what's in the mirror and not about getting laid.

That being said, some guys pull tail without trying at all. What might take a guy years and years to do through hard work may not be enough, while another guy is just fvcking around and already ahead of that person because of his innate qualities.

I'm going to complain a bit. If you don't want to read about it, then stop reading right now.

I am a person who has 2 degrees, a great job, and I have good habits in general. I'm not getting in trouble with the law or acting like a complete douche. But what I have learned in my 1 year on this site is that being a douche makes you more attractive to women!

And I disagree with the above poster about how only stoner chicks would want that guy. Even blonde HB 9's would be into that guy because of how he is, while passing up the professional well put together guy.

I think that the last ten years and flipped dating on his head. No longer should you be a clean cut guy with goals; instead you need to be a complete nimrod with tattoos. At least that's how it is in California.

I'm 32 years old, and I still don't understand why women who have jobs and a decent family background are into guys who look so sloppy and are on drugs. I do not cold approach anymore because of this specific reason. Now, my cold approach was always horrible - I'll admit that. But even still I don't have the "look" that most women want which is a thuggish/druggie look.

Sorry for this guys...I just really had to get this off my chest. I know that there are guys on here who agree with me because there has been a lot of frustration with women on this board. Asking a girl on a normal date is long gone. You have to either use trickery or be covered in tattoos and have a shaved head if you want to get female attention. If you don't believe me, do a social experiment and put up a pic like that on POF or Match.
sorry but you are wasting a lot of time and energy obsessing on stuff that doesnt matter. this is what im trying to get you to understand. you are always going to see women with guys you dont feel they should be with, so what? theres nothing you can do that will change that. instead of constantly obsessing about other people or what you dont have, you should try to focus on yourself and your own hobbies. no matter what race you are, or how fcked up you think women are or how how disgusted you are by females always dating thugs or older guys with money who look like ron jeremy, in the end all you can do is try to be the best you can be. and that just may not be good enough.

i myself, i realized a long time ago that i wasnt the type of guy most women are attracted and im fine with that. it is what it is. i dont spend my time obsessing about thugs who get more pssy than me or whatever, its a waste of time and there is no answer. all i can do is pre-occupy myself with things i enjoy like substance abuse, hobbies, working out etc...


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Person A

28 years old
Graduate Degree
6 in the looks category
Works out 3-4 times per week
Enjoys hiking, going out for happy hour
Not overly shy or extroverted
No tattoos or piercings

Person B
25 years old
Unemployed living with parents
Didn't finish college
6 in the looks category
Doesn't work out
Smokes weed every day, relies on parents for money
Has the IDGAF attitude, doesn't care about his future
Has tattoos

Which one do you think will have greater success with women?

Skinnyjeans whats the point of this? Are you more attracted to what other guys look like or what you want to hear they can get? Weird


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
B because A is far too busy with work and is just a normal boring guy.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
foreverAFC said:
sorry but you are wasting a lot of time and energy obsessing on stuff that doesnt matter. this is what im trying to get you to understand. you are always going to see women with guys you dont feel they should be with, so what? theres nothing you can do that will change that. instead of constantly obsessing about other people or what you dont have, you should try to focus on yourself and your own hobbies. no matter what race you are, or how fcked up you think women are or how how disgusted you are by females always dating thugs or older guys with money who look like ron jeremy, in the end all you can do is try to be the best you can be. and that just may not be good enough.

i myself, i realized a long time ago that i wasnt the type of guy most women are attracted and im fine with that. it is what it is. i dont spend my time obsessing about thugs who get more pssy than me or whatever, its a waste of time and there is no answer. all i can do is pre-occupy myself with things i enjoy like substance abuse, hobbies, working out etc...

Exactly what i was saying....

Skinny focuses on others traits.

I met a lot of dudes like you skinny. Got everything going and yadda yadda.
My friend has his own house even at 26 yrs.
It took two months of him going out with me to clubs, malls, anywhere...where i would just go up and grab a girl. He was shocked. Obviously i was not looking bummy. And its just life dude. If you got the guts to stick your head in the lions mouth....ITS GONNA LOOK COOL AS SHYT...theres risk of losing ur head too.

Thats just a metaphor ...point is when a hb 9 gives me a mouthful of blah blah blah....i smile it off to my friend and then we laugh ....

You are in your prime of life...if ur not getting dirty on the.playing field...thats all on you buddy.
Like the little kids who always scraped their knees playing hurts yea...

Theres no safety net skinny...we will all end up hitting the ground 6 ft under...
Just make some cool flips witb ur trapeze family before the inevitable happens.

I asked you before to hang out and just make friends with girls, daygaming.
Im not an ex pretty tame actually.

I pay taxes, use napkins, etc, but women are out here in this great big wonderful planet for my amusement and they are the cherry on top of my life.

Im assuming ur get buff cuz the whole skinny thing is over rated....maybe try changing for better and see how the girls react. But dont just write theoretical posts because ur giving guys a bad name.

All you sosuavers should give the rest of us better reps and quit whining.
Give men in general a step up. Think of it like a sports team...

No negative crap giving the other team an advantage...if ur in a slump, get more sleep, think positive, more exercises, better diet, get right fools...


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Frayzer said:
The people you go after are a direct reflection of your own state of mind.

If most women prefer the bad boy-going nowhere type of guy, what does that say about most women? That most women are low quality! I know a few guys and girls who fit in those criteria, going nowhere and or bad boy image. Guess what? One of the guys I know is at a dead end while the girl he "has" seems to have her cake and eat it too(I can confirm she's an AW), both low quality! One of the girls I know has a boyfriend who is 22, sits at home all day, smokes weed/cigs, relies on parents for money, and she likes him! She even admitted that she loved that scruffy look! But guess what? This girl has major father issues and has major one-itis issues, they're both low quality! Then I also know this guy who is more of a bad boy(Drug dealer) and is dating the daughter of a drug lord. Then this girl who is dating a guy 12 years older than her, her dad's in prison, and he's basically a bad boy that owns a business- he's beat her and made comments about her dad and she stays! Low quality!!!

You would never even know what these people are like because they look like everyday people! Back in my AFC days I would find the girls who were basically emotionally broken attractive... Both low quality. If all you see is the girls that you want get with these dead beat losers then what does that say about you? That they're better off with you? That you're better than those losers? Or are they just attracted to these losers because they have more desirable traits that makes their 'gina tingle? If so, then simply copy those traits and toss out the rest. But at the end of the day, low quality is low quality. You cannot change someone who does not want to be changed. If a girl gets with a low quality guy or vice versa, it makes it a lot easier to see them for what he and she is- trash. That is how 90% of the people are nowadays, low quality. People don't want to change, they want to stay in their bed all cooped up under the covers smelling their own farts with whatever issues that they CHOOSE to experience. It takes a strong person to simply stop smelling their own farts, and that is the person you would want to get with and bang. All these other ones are pump and dumps, I don't complain about the "system" and neither should you, tell these women what they want to hear if you wish to get into their pants. They don't need to know the real you because they don't even know themselves.

I'm not going to explain the details on why girls go for bad boys because its written all over in the DJ bible.
Nailed it frayzer. Excellent post. My ex is attractive to ghetto thug trash. Perfect response.


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
I learned so much by related to both A and B
But yeah weird approach means a lot.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Here we go again....


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
_sideways_ said:
Exactly what i was saying....

Skinny focuses on others traits.

I met a lot of dudes like you skinny. Got everything going and yadda yadda.
My friend has his own house even at 26 yrs.
It took two months of him going out with me to clubs, malls, anywhere...where i would just go up and grab a girl. He was shocked. Obviously i was not looking bummy. And its just life dude. If you got the guts to stick your head in the lions mouth....ITS GONNA LOOK COOL AS SHYT...theres risk of losing ur head too.

Thats just a metaphor ...point is when a hb 9 gives me a mouthful of blah blah blah....i smile it off to my friend and then we laugh ....

You are in your prime of life...if ur not getting dirty on the.playing field...thats all on you buddy.
Like the little kids who always scraped their knees playing hurts yea...

Theres no safety net skinny...we will all end up hitting the ground 6 ft under...
Just make some cool flips witb ur trapeze family before the inevitable happens.

I asked you before to hang out and just make friends with girls, daygaming.
Im not an ex pretty tame actually.

I pay taxes, use napkins, etc, but women are out here in this great big wonderful planet for my amusement and they are the cherry on top of my life.

Im assuming ur get buff cuz the whole skinny thing is over rated....maybe try changing for better and see how the girls react. But dont just write theoretical posts because ur giving guys a bad name.

All you sosuavers should give the rest of us better reps and quit whining.
Give men in general a step up. Think of it like a sports team...

No negative crap giving the other team an advantage...if ur in a slump, get more sleep, think positive, more exercises, better diet, get right fools...
If you can explain why the unemployed guy is attractive, I will go away for two weeks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2013
Reaction score
Because where you are finacially is not where you will stay ur whole life.

Fat guys are unattractive, but if he explains to the girl that its a thyroid issue. Or that his family member passed away two months ago and hes still coping, then she will likely overlook that part.

Unemployed dudes have game...good game. Thats why they have chicks.
You dontvknow the whole story. And just cuz he has her at the moment doesnt mean shes on her way out.

You focus on others dude.

Say he has a big shlong and she loves that.

Not everyone is cookie cutter mindset like urs...oh i hav my shyt together so i must be getting some.

If youre going through a dry spell i feel for you. Being in the bay seeing hbs everywhere gets to me too.

But you have to significantly change something about yourself if u want to see change.

Try a crazy hair cut, get super outspoken in public...dont give a fvck.

Or youre doomed with your current lifestyle choices. Come on skinny....its not that hard.

Act as if your nuts squirt out chocolate and youll have a line of chicks waiting on you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
skinnyguy said:
If you can explain why the unemployed guy is attractive, I will go away for two weeks.
It's project mentality. Women want to think they can be the one to "fix" the guy. Men do the same thing by being white knight Captain Save-a-ho.

Love isn't logical. That is a very fundamental part of understanding behavior. Many life decisions are emotional, and throw logic out the window.

By the way, I'm technically unemployed, and I get plenty of pvssy. I don't quite live with my parents just yet, but I would still get laid if I did.