Originally posted by BobTheB
I came up empty throughout the week. Been working everyday so I only had 1 night where I had a chance for approaches.
Setting: baseball game, around the concessions and the booths selling things.
I walk in with my buddy and we decide it's time to buy our spots in the game at the end of night, something we always do. We get to the line and handles flirtin with the chick behind the counter so I start looking around. I spy 3 8+'s in a line not too far from ours. I keep some eye contact and make sure we are both aware of each other's presense. Next thing I know one of them has walked over and stood right behind me in line. I wait it out for a quick second to make sure I was the reason when I catch the conversation the 3 chicks had over about 100 feet. I have no clue why they did it and thought we wouldn't hear it but it went something like this:
2 girls in other line: Are they cute?
chick behind me: Yeah, I think so.
2gs: Are you sure?
chick: Pretty sure.
2gs:Make sure they are geeks or anything. I don't want to waste time.
I stopped listening at this point. I waiting til we got our game stuff then we walked off without ever turning around. Slightly discouraging but an odd situation none the less.
I think you meant to say "Make sure they ARN'T geeks or anything."
They called you cute. Why stop listening? I don't understand. I would've went and approached.
oh that must be the discouraging part.
Well, just remember....you'll never what could happen if you don't try.
Danno, I'm also about to makeout with this girl I havn't before. Except I have quite a history with her. The best thing to do I think is just go for it, yeah take charge. Pokie's idea is cool, I just can't see myself doing that.
So this girl I have a history with, AFC-RAFC-the present me (semi-DJ). I dated her when I was a pretty big AFC, she dumped me and tried to go out with my best friend. He didn't screw me over. Then I tried to get her back being the AFC I was. I was friends with her and over time (about 3 months) as I became better her attraction for me grew. Then like I said in the earlier post, the day after school she called me while I was on vacation seeing where I was, wanting to do something.
Alright so I get back from vacation as I said in the my earlier post. So the next day I go online on AIM (my sn's in my profile if you want to talk guys), and this girl I've known for awhile IM's me and says (after you know "hey, what's up" etc.) and says she wants to do something with me.
We go to the movies in a group, because I wanted to start off fresh and non-desperate, as if I'm going after her strongly. Also, I wanted to see her attraction for me. So, my wingman and I meet (lets call the girl I have a history with Cindy) Cindy and her friend. My wingman and I are pulling a great conversation with them. Joking around, it was pretty fun. I could tell she had took awhile getting ready, because she looked prettier than usual. Before the movie (we had a bit till it started), there was good kino and I could tell she was into me. As the movie started I sat there, trying to think where this is going. No kino yet. I notice that she was sitting the very closest to my seat that she can (like on my side.) She also had her leg crossed and her leg pointing to me, also another sign of interest. (It's all body language man!) I said something, don't remember what that involved me touching her or getting closer to her and then I had my arm on sort of resting on her side. Then over time she got a bit closer. I would take it away every now and then so it increases attraction (not really sure if I did this right...) And one time after I had something I just took my hand off the arm rest and held it on her hand. So in conclusion, I just need to know when I'm going to makeout with her. I'm going to go for it next time or the 3rd date. Not sure which. Also, next time I'm going to make it just me and her.
My conversation online also indicated that she had high IL (interest level noobs.) anyways guys, keep it up....
and so will I.
I'm going to read some makeout threads for advice, because I'm not so skilled.
anyone have any advice on going for it...drop it in.
Keep on getting out there guys. :cheer: