some time ago I´d cold aproach a hb9 in the university, I manage to get the digits but I only have talked to her for the phone, so she tell me that she was going to be around in certanin date of the month so one day earlier I call and tell her "you know we should get toghether tomorrow" and she tell me "cool I´ll call you" so that morning I was specting the call she don´t, so I call her and she answer so I ask what´s up she give me excuses, that her mother come to pic her up and she has to go, so I tell her "why you dont tell me, you make me wait tooooo long plus I had to call you " I was mad she then tell me "I have a boyfriend, and I don´t want to have problems with him" she never mention a boyfriend before she tells me "I´m going to eat now call me later please" but I tell her "you know, you better think about make me looose so much time and YOU call me, cos I don´t know why should I :moon: " I hang up and she never call again.
Well I was mad :cuss: and unhappy
so I take a walk thinking..f**ck why this happened to me?.......f**cking girl..........F**CK!!!!!!!!!!!
there are much more women
so I start to sargin minutes later I aproach a hb10 beautifull girl that has a good comvo with me she is 28 and sooooooo hot she give me the digits the we sey good bye.
I was walking to return when a hb9 pass me I aproach and bingo: convo, digits, and hug beautiful blonde hair and a hot body
I was happy.
the objetive of the post:
Allways COME BACK WITH FORCE and a right attitude even if it is a ****i day

Well I was mad :cuss: and unhappy
I was walking to return when a hb9 pass me I aproach and bingo: convo, digits, and hug beautiful blonde hair and a hot body
I was happy.
the objetive of the post:
Allways COME BACK WITH FORCE and a right attitude even if it is a ****i day