ALL artificially scented products are HIGHLY NEUROTOXIC.
For that reason, choose only essential oils for fragrances. Essential oils have HEALING properties. They can alter moods. Sage and Lavender are calming for example. Watch out for Geranium or you'll smell like a French Wh0re house.
Given a choice, why would you poison yourself versus healing yourself? Everything we contact has a tiny effect on us - whether improving or hurting our overall health. When you eliminate 100 subtle poisons from your life (Fabric Softener, Scented detergents, Dry cleaning chemicals, GMO foods, Fluoridated water, Pesticides, etc.) you will feel a whole lot better. You'll realize you were always "intoxicated" - literally. Always slightly hungover.
Once you eliminate these products you can drink 3 extra beers and still feel healthier the next day. You'll lose your tolerance for fragrances and you'll need to hold your breath to walk down the detergent aisle in the grocery store (the fumes contaminate the produce BTW - which is why Whole Foods products are healthier than the same ones sold in stores that pack a lane full of sheer poison).
Beauty is health. If you get healthier you will be better looking.
Also, eat lots of green foods and citrus foods as they are naturally deodorizing.