College Relationships


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2002
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Ok im gonna start from the begining. About two years ago i met a girl who is two years my elder and about an 8.5 well anyways she has worked with me at the pool (we are lifeguards) on and off for the last couple of years and I could sense an attraction and this summer I decided to go for it. I approached her at a party and we ended up hooking up. Ive seen her whenever Ive wanted since than and Ive gotten anything ive wanted from her. No red flags or anything she is truly a great girl but her inlies the problem I start college next week and she goes back to school which is like 4 hours away from me. I want to experience college life to the fullest but I also dont want to lose this one. I have made no real comitment to her but we are gonna talk about it when she gets back from vacation. How should I break it to her that I want to meet other girls in college but I dont want to lose her?
THanks for any replies


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
just be honest, tell her your in college and cant be tied down

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Kevon
just be honest, tell her your in college and cant be tied down
That's a bit TOO honest if you want to be able to see her from time to time. I suggest just letting her know that you are doing to miss seeing her as often.

This will let her know that you still want to see her but because of obvious reasons you won't be able to as much. What you do when you aren't together doesn't need to be disclosed. Obviously all of this changes if and when you get into a LTR with her.


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
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austin/san antonio. texas
i was tied down in college in long distance relationships my first year. it sucked. thing is it was only one hour away. didnt work out too well both times. my friend however had one chick like 20 hours away and kept her all year long but was banging other chicks while the gf stayed faithful. i want to be a player keep her around and get others and go back to her when ull visit each other. i dont recommend it. i suggest telling her that u care for alot and that ud rather break up on good terms and continue being friends and i dont want to hurt u later on by getting with another chick th us cheatin on u. if she says nah lets get together then open relationship is implied.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
You need to watch Road Trip.
I would say that she will feel the same way.
She wants the most out of her college life and so do you.
It sounds like she's a good friend, as well as someone you can be more than friendly with. So, if you're not already dating, tell her what you want (I'm guessing thats to remain the way you are), but on more long distance scale.
When you both come home for the weekends you can still hang out.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
I just did that with the girl that was coming on too strong for me... I hinted on and on and on about sex... I used sex in convos alot. Oh it's great having sex, want to have sex? Ready for some sex tonight? It's good to have met you and have sex, etc etc etc. Because I did NOT want a commitment, WHICH in turn made HER bring it up. She thought I wanted more because I came on rather strong on the phone in the holidays (I was at home at my parents and felt bored). I said, no I don't want a commitment, no I don't want to be tied up etc. She understod this and said "Well you don't have to be commited, you just don't have to sleep with others". I said "That goes against my and every other guys nature". Which inturn led to quite an interesting convo on male and female instincts which lead to tadaaaa me being able to do what I want and still see her for sex and fun :p