College Guy Needs Help... (Long)


New Member
Apr 28, 2004
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This is my first post here... I just discovered this website and find it very cool and informative. I am a guy that has trouble talking with girls, approaching...and can be very shy and freeze up. Lately, I have been getting better after employing some of the techniques on the site. I have plenty of friends, I am in a fraternity, I am very well-liked so I do have good social skills, but for some reason I can't get it to translate over to girls.

Anyway, just a little intro, the problem I have is that I have met this gir over the past 3-4 monthsl who I very much like and I really can't figure out whether the feeling is mutual. She likes being around me, sends some signals, but I cant determine if she is like that with all guys or just guys she likes. We are in a business fraternity together so I come in contact with her all the time, and I still can't get a read on her. I know for a fact she does have an on-and-off boyfriend for a year and we have several common friends. I am just really hesitant to pull the trigger fully askin her out on a formal date or anything because I don't want it to be weird when I hang out with her if she like turns me down. Not really afraid of rejection I just don't want her to be weirded out.

This past weekend, we have this huge party where every guy in my frat invites every girl he knows and basically it works so the ration of girls to guys is like 10 to 1. So she shows up, wants to be with me, talk to me. We were both really drunk and she ask me to dance, but I suck at dancing, I freeze up, tell her I'll be right back. I don't what I do the time after that, but next thing I know she is gone and I guess I completely blew a good chance to try to make sort of move. That fact that she has a boyfriend that she has told me the name of and that she like "shacks" with (albeit when she was very drunk), but still I am just really confused on what to do.

There are like 2-3 weeks left this semester and I Really would like to find out one way or another whether I am wasting my time or if this is a girl that will become my girlfriend.

I appreciate any thoughts, I know I am being a *****, but but this is sort of a weird situation that I hopin' some of you experienced guys can tell me what to do.

I'm out...thanks...


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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I didn't read your whole post but let me give you some easy to follow advice.

I went to college and acted like a total AFC and didn't get near as much action as i should have. Let me tell you, regret sucks!

Stop concentrating on just one female, get off your A$$ and approach girls.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2002
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dude...i dont know what year you are in....but start now and treat life like its your last.

I wish i picked up this DJ stuff back in my freshman year. I only started learning about it last summer. My life since then has been the most incredible ride i had ever experienced. I went from not being able to talk to girls AT ALL! TO know where i am seeing 3 HB8's at the same time. The amount of improvement is undeniable. ALl my friends love me even more now since the REAL me has taken over my personability. All the girls i know always call me up wanting to hang out with me. I never had a girl call me for anything..not even HW!!!

Start now and have no regrets. Its time you start taking chances and accept the fruits of labor or the consequences that may result. If you dont do will you ever know?!


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Dude I have somthing that might help you , the next time you run into this girl make sure your not drunk , things are a lot less confussing trust me . If you see this girl agian casualy go up to her and just have a normal conversation with out any of the bs "do you like me or not talk" and then if you have not already asck for her number and see if she wants to chill with before the semester ends and if she she has plans and you still have her number call her now in then over the summer so you keep things going a little so next semester hopefully you will be able to win her over.
Good luck-Josh


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2004
Reaction score
I think you've waited too long man. She might've been interested in the beginning, but by now she has probably thought "well, he doesn't like me" and put you in the friends zone. If you ask now, she'll probably be pissed you waited until the end of the semester.
I had almost the exact same situation this semester. I met a girl in class, who has a boyfriend back in her hometown, and we hit it off great. It took me about 2 weeks before I asked her if she was single though, and she wasn't. So i gave up, which was stupid because she had loads of interest and i should've gone for it. I can tell she has put me in the friends zone for sure now.

Live and learn, right? I've learned from my situation to never, ever, WAIT for something to happen. You have to MAKE it happen. You can't expect the girl to ask you out! That means, lay your mack down on her from the start. If the girl doesn't like you from the start, now you know and it has saved you months of AFCness.