cold pickups in the UK discussion..


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
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This thread is for UK DJS only + cold pickups in the UK

First things first, if your going to contribute to this thread then YOU MUST BE DOING COLD APPROACHES. People with experience should contribute here. I think the board is full of examples with Djs from america/abroad + cold pickups from those countrys ( holla USA djs :D )

Lets begin. I have no problem meeting girls from social circles or through friends or at pubs/clubs. Thats not an issue. I want to get cold pickups , thats street, train /bus stations, campus, supermarkets, etc etc everywhere apart from pub scene / club scene locked down and mastered. Therefore i practice at cold pick ups when ever i can. Im not afraid to go approach hot women. :cool:

The attitude here of british women is different from american women. Women here are MUCH more defensive. From the women ive talked to, a couple have told me that they would find a guy creepy if he asked for her number on the street or in a cold pick up. Some said that they would consider that desperate if they were trying to be pulled off the street.

They also said that in pubs/clubs its a different matter to street pickups.

The hot women i have observed are usually in 2-3s, so as a newbie with cold approaches i wouldnt approach a group :down:

However i have approached women by them selves. No, they didnt bite my head off, not a single one. But most of the time they said they had boyfriends or told me they werent single.
Now i know all of you must be thinking,

A) your game, approach sucks - quite possible, but i do know the basics about not appearing needy , creepy, trying to build rapport, eye contact, ****y + funny, confidence.. I try to incoroprate all of that by not givin a fvck! but i could improve my game .

B) your unattractive - As far as i know, im fairly attractive( so ive been told ). Not fat, not skinny, i currently have 2 girls that wanna hook up with me har har.
here is my picture for you to draw your own conclusions with
You gentle men let me know what you think :D or what i should improve etc etc but as long as you let me know then its cool.

And heres another thing. There really arent that many single women here. Thats the gods honest truth. At my workplace , i can pick out 20 single guys easy. But picking out 20 single women would be hard. Just today i saw a girl i know arm in arm with her boyfriend walking passed me as they said hello. And i thought she was single before i saw this. :confused:

I have also noticed that the older 'milf' type women are much more friendlier whilst the late-teens - mid/late 20s girls have very bad attitudes. I have approached all types. Theres something wrong about it all.

Rejection doesnt bother me, i can hook up with girls through social circles so my needs for booty is fed that way :D

but... cold pick ups is something that im finding hard to master.

I also have noticed that women are much more aggressive here. They approach men on the street and get theyre numbers like that easily. Its like roles have been reveresed.

This is not a "have a bytch at women thread" no, this is an analysis of each others results and how to solve this problem. This cold pick up problem. Lets hear your stories and thoughts.

So lets discuss this dudes and break down every thing here.




Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score
Hello, it's great to have a post about cold approaches in the UK, even if there have already been several posts on this subject!

I live in the UK, just south of Manchester. I regularly do cold approaches, and have found it very difficult to get consistent successes. Basically I get a LOT of rejections, and I think that's the way it is in the UK culture.

I agree that girls in their late teens/early 20s here can be quite rude and immature, but it's not always the case. I definitely also noticed that slightly older women, having grown out of the 'moody teen' phase are more friendly, but are usually in relationships.

Don't get discouraged though. You have to be VERY thick skinned if you want success with ladies in the UK. By that I mean you will have to do a LOT of approaches, deal with a LOT of rude girls, rejections, etc. BUT, you will get success if you play it right.

I've noticed that almost nobody does approaches in the daytime, and even in bars/clubs most guys don't have the balls or knowledge to approach girls properly. Guys tend to get drunk and do an idiotic approach that leads to rejection.

I've also noticed most guys seem to meet through friends/social cirles, but that's no challenge now is it?

So what DOES work in the UK? From over 3 years of research, I will tell you what I've found yields success......


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2002
Reaction score

I've noticed that girls are very closed off. Often approaching a girl in a pair is just as good as approaching a girl who is by herself, so try either.

As for openers, 'Are you single?' + 'I just thought you were kinda cute' gets a reasonable success rate, but you have to go through a hell of a lot of rejections.

Asking directions is ok, but in my experience it's hard to carry on the conversation.

Asking where she got an item of clothing she's wearing from, then saying you are looking for something similar for your sister's birthday (etc), seems to work fine. Follow with 'can I ask you a favour....I'm a bit embarrassed going into a girls clothes shop by myself, would you mind coming with me for a min or 2'. It worked for me, you can start a conversation while walking to the shop.

Non verbal approaches where you're both sitting down seem to work. Simply look at her, let her catch you looking, hold eye contact then smile.

Non verbal approaches where you're walking towards each other seem almost impossible!

I've tried magic tricks as a 'gimmick' and it's gotten some results

BARS/CLUBS etc....

The problem here is loud music getting in the way, so I suggest quieter bars such as Wetherspoons etc.

I've had limited success with 'can I join you?'

EC + Smile first seems to work ok.

Get chatting at the bar if poss.

Magic tricks, if performed well (proper patter/presentaion) work a dream!! I've had groups of girls surrounding me.

Best to approach a pair (not group) of girls. Say casually 'Hi, how's it goin?' 'Is this a girls night out?' Then go into magic or whatever.

I may've missed things out here, so if you've any more questions let me know.

I will say, I'm not an expert with the ladies yet. I was very shy in school and had almost no chicks there, so have had to work VERY hard to sort this area of my life out. I'm still learning, still working on it. The one thing is I now never let fear stop me testing a new approach out or approaching a hotty.

I'll be out tonight in a bar using nagic as an opener, will post my results.

I tried the blagging for Britain opener today in the street and got 2 rejections.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to say that women in the U.S. are defensive as hell.

That is all.

Inc. ®

Don Juan
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by josekortez
I just wanted to say that women in the U.S. are defensive as hell.

That is all.
It depends on the area. I know women from DC up to Boston are very defensive, but southern chicks aren't and I don't think midwest or western girls are either (though I haven't been there). I think that the ****tier the weather the tougher cold pickups are and thats why UK DJs always struggle just like northeast US DJs.

Inc. ®

Don Juan
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by medjaun
you link to the pic doesn't work for me.
You have to copy it and paste it into a new window. He's a decent looking guy...definitely not the problem.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Defensiveness seems to have something to do with the weather

I live in Toronto, Canada. It's a reasonably big city, population about 2 million.

I have a girl friend that went down to Miami for a wedding last month. When she got back, one of the first things she told me was that she was absolutely SHOCKED at how friendly people in general were.

I met a fellow who came up from Mexico last summer for another wedding. Rich young Chinese guy, good looking, well educated and speaks perfect english. He'd been up for about a week, and when I asked him how he liked it, his first comment was "The girls up here are such b*tches!"

According to you, girls in England are pretty stand-offish as well.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...

Inc. ®

Don Juan
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Defensiveness seems to have something to do with the weather

Originally posted by Sweetcheeks
I live in Toronto, Canada. It's a reasonably big city, population about 2 million.

I have a girl friend that went down to Miami for a wedding last month. When she got back, one of the first things she told me was that she was absolutely SHOCKED at how friendly people in general were.

I met a fellow who came up from Mexico last summer for another wedding. Rich young Chinese guy, good looking, well educated and speaks perfect english. He'd been up for about a week, and when I asked him how he liked it, his first comment was "The girls up here are such b*tches!"

According to you, girls in England are pretty stand-offish as well.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern here...
There is absolutely no doubt....ask anyone who has travelled a bit. The old cities of the USA, Canada, and UK have *****es, but women are so much more friendly everywhere else!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 4, 2005
Reaction score
thats quite true.. you have to work at them a little. Another thing which i forgot to mention is that alot of the times when i see couples out on the street, the guy is a HELLUVA lot more attractive than the female. No im not gay but when you look at them both you instantly think "he can do a lot better". Of course we do see the opposite too but much much less.

Hopefully im gonna do some more cold pickups on monday and ill keep every one posted. Come on uk djs lets get shyt going!




Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
I do cold approached often, and it works.

Maybe my generation are more open (I'm 17) to being pulled on the street, or maybe it's just my style.

I tend to always reference to the pickup in a joking kinda way to lighten it up:

for example:

"Laura, you're by far the most interesting stranger i've randomly talked to in a long while!"


"Hey, what's with the silence - i'm trying to chat you up, work with me!"

I've found most of all, that as long as you and the girl are at a similar situation (both waiting for the bus, both siting on the bus, both cueing) then everything's fine.