Cold approach...Do you even?

Do you cold approach women?

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Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
I'd say 80% or more of the guys who answered "Yes" to making cold approaches don't do a thing.

If they did, we would have guys post field reports on a regular basis. Interestingly, that is far from reality.
Or they are cold approaching and getting rejected in which case there is no need for a FR


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
No, I don't have time for that, I am busy building my awesome life. Cold approach will, in most cases, give you a rather cold communication followed up by maybe some washed up, cold sex. I don't do that. Just sex where the girl is dripping wet and on the verge of ****ing me forcefully LOL


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
If you are having a hard time approaching chicks your problem is that you are getting ahead of yourself. A chick is nothing to you unless she agrees to meet you on a date. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just take everything is phases... read her BL and go from there.

All I do is cold approach. I don't plan it, I just live my life and notice chicks. To be successful you should never leave the house unless you look your best. Always show up the best way you can, even if you are going to the hardware store because you never freaking know, if you are covered in paint and just need a brush, clean off the paint, put on some nice casual clothes, run a brush through your hair, spray on some cologne. Always be prepared, but don't expect anything.

Just walk up to a chick, tell her why you are approaching her and ask her name. Go from there... If she give you a resting b!tch face, she ain't interested just make a joke and walk away. You've wasted 3 minutes. If she talks to you and gives you her name, then talk to her a bit... if she stays engaged... ask for her number. If she won't give it to you... then you've wasted 5-10 minutes...

If you get her number that still doesn't mean anything unless you can get her on the phone, and she agree to go out on a date with you.

If you are worried about cold approach you are not living in the present, and you are too worried about results. I can tell you that only 2 of 10 chicks I cold approach end up going out with me. One of those 2 chicks the 1st date is the only date. Of the last one, it's a 50-50 shot I end up in bed with her. It's a numbers game. If you tried cold approach and got shot down 5 times, you might think it sucks... all I'm saying is that even if you are really good at this, that's not unusual.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 29, 2008
Reaction score
Or they are cold approaching and getting rejected in which case there is no need for a FR
This. There's nothing to report when someone walks right by you, or when she responds by stopping what she is doing and walking away to stand/sit elsewhere before you complete your approach.

I can tell you that only 2 of 10 chicks I cold approach end up going out with me.
That's mightily impressive. In my experience, I can't count on 2 out of 10 to even talk to me at all.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Or they are cold approaching and getting rejected in which case there is no need for a FR
Valid point. However, if they're getting rejected 100% of the time, there is probably something else going on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
Reaction score
Ill say this until i pass...the eyes tell you everything. Gateway to soul.
i was out in the day yesterday ****tail bars, im led to believe the split second look and then scan the floor is the one to look for? if there not the type to openly say "hi"


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
If you don't, you won't have abundance. Unless you are a complete social butterfly and good looking or connected enough to pull on OLD or in Clubs.
I will debate you on this. I think it is the easy kind of abundance. It's like trying and trying until you catch one or two. It's not skill, really, it's rather mathematical possibility. Some woman, somewhere, at a given point in time, for multiple reasons, will feel like going out or having sex with you even if you're Joe, 36, overweight and mediocre. Women do stupid **** all the time.

But can you build a lifestyle and be so fulfilled with yourself and your things so much so that women will smell that and be attracted? You make a move this way, you know you are worth something, not just some guy who got lucky practically.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
That's mightily impressive. In my experience, I can't count on 2 out of 10 to even talk to me at all.
Well... I don't approach EVERY woman I'm attracted to... you do this as long as I have and you start to pick up on the little subconscious clues that a chick is open to being approached. It also helps that I always dress well and look my best. That helps you odds.


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
i was out in the day yesterday ****tail bars, im led to believe the split second look and then scan the floor is the one to look for? if there not the type to openly say "hi"
it can be. also in those places look for women who position themselves near you. they usually won't open you but they will be near so you can initiate conversation. how do you know when this is the case? you have to use common sense. if it seems as though she deliberately put her herself there when she could be elsewhere, then you probably have a live one.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
You can do both. At some point you are going to have to ask women out, they are not just magically coming to you unless you are very good looking. Cold approaching takes a lot of skill and practice btw.
I am not saying you should expect them to come to you, I wouldn't like that anyways since it wouldn't feel like I did sth, I wanna hunt it down myself. But I am saying cold approach is a game of numbers, it's more luck than skill. You might be the most skilled guy on earth to cold approach, most women will turn you down anyways cause...women. What I mean is that cold approaching and pubs tend to lead you to the "beautiful" women who're only beautiful and that's it in most cases. On the other hand, exploring other options like approaching them through social media, you can be much more picky as you can already see details about the person, you don't have to spend 2 hours on a date with them, you could dismiss a wrongly judged prospect in a couple of minutes of talking and it saves time and leaves you more time to search for more appropriate ones.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
If you are having a hard time approaching chicks your problem is that you are getting ahead of yourself. A chick is nothing to you unless she agrees to meet you on a date. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just take everything is phases... read her BL and go from there.

All I do is cold approach. I don't plan it, I just live my life and notice chicks. To be successful you should never leave the house unless you look your best. Always show up the best way you can, even if you are going to the hardware store because you never freaking know, if you are covered in paint and just need a brush, clean off the paint, put on some nice casual clothes, run a brush through your hair, spray on some cologne. Always be prepared, but don't expect anything.

Just walk up to a chick, tell her why you are approaching her and ask her name. Go from there... If she give you a resting b!tch face, she ain't interested just make a joke and walk away. You've wasted 3 minutes. If she talks to you and gives you her name, then talk to her a bit... if she stays engaged... ask for her number. If she won't give it to you... then you've wasted 5-10 minutes...

If you get her number that still doesn't mean anything unless you can get her on the phone, and she agree to go out on a date with you.

If you are worried about cold approach you are not living in the present, and you are too worried about results. I can tell you that only 2 of 10 chicks I cold approach end up going out with me. One of those 2 chicks the 1st date is the only date. Of the last one, it's a 50-50 shot I end up in bed with her. It's a numbers game. If you tried cold approach and got shot down 5 times, you might think it sucks... all I'm saying is that even if you are really good at this, that's not unusual.
It’s a little more complicated than that. Women talk. This is what makes approaching somewhat ‘scary’. If you do fvck up, a lot of times the chick will tell her friend about some creep who just came up and started talking to her. How do I know? Chicks have told me that before. Granted, it was after I’ve successfully established rapport and such with them, and I know how to dress well and I look good, but chicks still do talk. Most hot girls are friends with other hot girls. Most ugly girls are friends with other ugly girls.

Now you aren’t approaching an ugly chick. No one does really unless it’s for practice. You usually go after the hotter ones. But say one girl finds you as a sleaze bag because of something you said wrong or whatever, now they’re telling each other to watch out for you. So messing up with one chick could also ruin your chances with other chicks before they even know how you look like. That’s why you can’t go approaching ALL the time, everywhere you go. A lot of girls have seemed to forgotten how to signal to guys that they’re interested, perhaps because most guys can’t read body language for ****. The girl has to make the first move as a precursor to let the guy know to come and approach, which you’ve mentioned as through their body language and as the other dude said, through the eyes which is the biggest indicator. However, to me it seems that women rarely do this to any guy at all anymore.


Master Don Juan
Sep 14, 2017
Reaction score
If you are having a hard time approaching chicks your problem is that you are getting ahead of yourself. A chick is nothing to you unless she agrees to meet you on a date. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Just take everything is phases... read her BL and go from there.

All I do is cold approach. I don't plan it, I just live my life and notice chicks. To be successful you should never leave the house unless you look your best. Always show up the best way you can, even if you are going to the hardware store because you never freaking know, if you are covered in paint and just need a brush, clean off the paint, put on some nice casual clothes, run a brush through your hair, spray on some cologne. Always be prepared, but don't expect anything.

Just walk up to a chick, tell her why you are approaching her and ask her name. Go from there... If she give you a resting b!tch face, she ain't interested just make a joke and walk away. You've wasted 3 minutes. If she talks to you and gives you her name, then talk to her a bit... if she stays engaged... ask for her number. If she won't give it to you... then you've wasted 5-10 minutes...

If you get her number that still doesn't mean anything unless you can get her on the phone, and she agree to go out on a date with you.

If you are worried about cold approach you are not living in the present, and you are too worried about results. I can tell you that only 2 of 10 chicks I cold approach end up going out with me. One of those 2 chicks the 1st date is the only date. Of the last one, it's a 50-50 shot I end up in bed with her. It's a numbers game. If you tried cold approach and got shot down 5 times, you might think it sucks... all I'm saying is that even if you are really good at this, that's not unusual.
Good advice! I would add, to always be ready regardless. I actually paint for a living and have been surprised quite a few times on the job, at the hardware store, etc. I've picked up a couple of women and my father met his fiance painting her house. You wouldn't think it, but I think alot of women are attracted, when they can see for themselves that a man actually works and has a job these days. I would much rather prefer to game cleaned up though as you suggested.


New Member
Nov 6, 2017
Reaction score
Yah I still do bold approaching, it's a good training ground and fun to meet different people.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
I will debate you on this. I think it is the easy kind of abundance. It's like trying and trying until you catch one or two. It's not skill, really, it's rather mathematical possibility. Some woman, somewhere, at a given point in time, for multiple reasons, will feel like going out or having sex with you even if you're Joe, 36, overweight and mediocre. Women do stupid **** all the time.

But can you build a lifestyle and be so fulfilled with yourself and your things so much so that women will smell that and be attracted? You make a move this way, you know you are worth something, not just some guy who got lucky practically.
Lots of COPE from this guy