Watch where this goes in the future...once this is worldwide, and more and more men get enlightened seeing their buddies taken to the cleaners, the less men will commit to woman.
Then women will cry for more, and the legislation will say OK, and the law will drop to 1 year..then 6 months...then after the first physical contact. You kiss a gal, and pow, instantly you are "married" to her in the eyes of the law.
They should just shoot us to save us the grief now.
Better yet, why not make it simple?
They should just openly be honest about it, about their intentions....they should pass a law that says as a man, your job is to work for women. You are a worker bee. You must work for the queen bee.
Therefore, half of all men's paychecks get deducted (after taxes), and go directly to a "woman's fund".
This fund will take half your pay and evenly distribute it to all the women out there. You know, to make it easier on you.