Coffee Shop Openers


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
Twin Cities Metro, MN
Today, I decided to start frequenting the local coffee shops in the area. I did a search on this board and found no real openers for coffee shops. My first day here, I gave myself the assignment to brainstorm 10 great openers before going out and using them. I have sat here for over an hour and a half brainstorming the best openers money could buy. Here is what I have come up with:

1. Hey, is this place crawling with guys trying to pick up other guys?
She says why?
Because I was at this one shop and I could tell 4 guys were checking me out. But it seemed like they didn’t have any confidence and they were stalker like. Now if I were gay, they wouldn’t have any shot in the world.

2. <To be done when a female looks nervous or is moving quicker than normal> Hey, you seem nervous.
If she says yes/no or a distant response
Well, take a break from what ever you are doing and come over and say hi.
Then bust on her for drinking too much caffeine.

3. That <item> looks interesting where did you get that?
(This is to be used if it is standing out like a sign with neon colors)

4. What are you reading? My autobiography?
(For a female that is reading some sort of book. Be sure to role play to create attraction)

5. <Using your laptop looking up news of the weird> Hey, did you hear about <event>?
(Be sure it is something interesting that has conversation value. This can also be used for celebrity news)

6. <When a girl sits down next to you> Hey, that seat is taken. But I suppose if you can entertain me, I can give it up.
Be sure to hold a straight face and pause briefly after saying the seat is taken.

7. <To be done when a scary weird guy is/was present> Hey, I think he was trying to pick up on you.
Be sure to bust on her if he left suddenly by saying I guess he wasn't your type.

8. <When a female is on her laptop> Are you researching how you can come over and say hi to me?

9. <When a female has a big purse or bag> Let me guess, you have a gun, mace, and make up in that.
(If a scary guy shows up, be sure to use call back humor)

10. <When a female makes eye contact while walking by you> Hey, sit down.
(Kick out the chair when you do it)

OK, post away if you have any others to add or any comments on the ones I came up with. There is a girl in front of me right now on her laptop with a bunch of material next to her unlooked at. I am going to use number 8 after I go to the bathroom.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
I've only ever tried a line in a coffee shop ONCE in my life, about a year ago i think, it was one of those fancy ones with like 200 different kinds of drinks...

"Hey this is my first time coming here. Despite my dark and bitter personality, I don't like my drinks that way, what would u recommend?"

something along those lines, i described what i was in the mood for (something sweet, not oo sweet, etc.) so its like a legitimate question and not just a line.

if you're too serious obviously that kind of line wouldn't work for u

Inc. ©

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
I would not recommend any lines at all in a coffee shop. You'll end up embarassed and getting out of there as quick as you can. Friendly conversation would work best in that situation.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Inc. ©
I would not recommend any lines at all in a coffee shop. You'll end up embarassed and getting out of there as quick as you can. Friendly conversation would work best in that situation.
I agree. More times than not I meet a woman somewhere else and if the rapport is good, I ask if she'd want to grab a cup. The closest thing to hanging out in a coffee shop that I do is hang out in bookstores that have coffee shops. Bookstores have a bit more things to talk about than a coffee shop.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 21, 2005
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
I agree. More times than not I meet a woman somewhere else and if the rapport is good, I ask if she'd want to grab a cup. The closest thing to hanging out in a coffee shop that I do is hang out in bookstores that have coffee shops. Bookstores have a bit more things to talk about than a coffee shop.
That's cool.
What do you talk to women about at bookstores? I imagine you could ask them what books they like to read but is there anything else you use? I go to Barnes and Nobles quite a bit so that info might help me out a lot


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
Twin Cities Metro, MN
I beg to differ you guys say it is a "line". I look at it by initiating a conversation. Besides, why do I care what the girl is going to think? If she blows me off, I am a man and I can handle it and not get embarrasaed or flustered. If she doesn't want to talk, that is her problem.

I thought hard about these openers in the frame of where I was. I thought of many different openers I have heard, thought of in the past, or read. These 10 were difficult to come up with. Mentally, I can see all of them working if done properly. I have the personality where I can pull it off, where maybe some of you don't feel comfortable with.

Now with opener #8, I admit it didn't work on that particular girl. I just came up with that and I thought that one as well as the other were great, that my composure was like laughing at my own jokes. I didn't give a rats what she thought. If I placed any value on that, I would be a discouraged AFC.

Now in the near future, I am going to field test these openers to see where they go. I will report my findings as they develop.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2005
Reaction score
Twin Cities Metro, MN
I also forgot the important key of pulling this off.


If you think of these as "lines", they will be "lines" and never work.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Jukeboxhero
That's cool.
What do you talk to women about at bookstores? I imagine you could ask them what books they like to read but is there anything else you use? I go to Barnes and Nobles quite a bit so that info might help me out a lot
Usually it's something about what she's reading, if not the particular book or magazine, it's about the general section we are in. I always do well with asking their opinion about something similar to what she's reading or section we're browsing.

The opener is the easy part in a book store. What's challenging to most guys is linking the opener with other things. A guy needs to be interesting and engaging to be successful in a bookstore. It's not impossible, it's just not a cakewalk.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Coffee Shops

What's the deal with these coffee shop dates and stuff? How old are you guys? I mostly see old geezers in there!

If I don't have some sort of openers in mind when I walk in, I find it's less likely that I'll approach. I think havign a half dozen prescripted openers is a good idea.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by stalluproar
1. Hey, is this place crawling with guys trying to pick up other guys?

2. <To be done when a female looks nervous or is moving quicker than normal> Hey, you seem nervous.

3. That <item> looks interesting where did you get that?

4. What are you reading? My autobiography?

5. <Using your laptop looking up news of the weird> Hey, did you hear about <event>?

6. <When a girl sits down next to you> Hey, that seat is taken. But I suppose if you can entertain me, I can give it up.

7. <To be done when a scary weird guy is/was present> Hey, I think he was trying to pick up on you.

8. <When a female is on her laptop> Are you researching how you can come over and say hi to me?

9. <When a female has a big purse or bag> Let me guess, you have a gun, mace, and make up in that.
(If a scary guy shows up, be sure to use call back humor)

10. <When a female makes eye contact while walking by you> Hey, sit down.
1. is creepy. Why do you want to hint at guys&guys? To hint at the term"gay"? Certainly you don't want to do that.

2. is creepy too. You start with a blunt neg hit. I would not use it at all.

3. This is pretty good!

4. Sounds a bit narcissistic.

5. Could be good if teh event is interesting enough to her.
"Hey, have you heard about <well- known Name> who got married for 7th time and he is 70 now?"
But you gotta start with something lighter at first.

6. Not bad. I think might work with girl who dig ****y style.

8. why "say hi to me"? Why not say"..say hi to handsome guys"?

9. Could work on chicks with goofy sense of humor.

10. "Sit down"??

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Re: Coffee Shops

Originally posted by everywomanshero
What's the deal with these coffee shop dates and stuff? How old are you guys? I mostly see old geezers in there!

If I don't have some sort of openers in mind when I walk in, I find it's less likely that I'll approach. I think havign a half dozen prescripted openers is a good idea.
So where do you go to get your Ovaltine?


Don Juan
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
:cool: If the girl is Black then ask her, "Hey Baby Can I add a little cream to your coffee??" :cool:
This has been field tested and works!!;)

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Riddler
:cool: If the girl is Black then ask her, "Hey Baby Can I add a little cream to your coffee??" :cool:
This has been field tested and works!!;)
Yeahhhhhhh, riiiiiigght......