purple pills...
actually most people who pop skittles now a days, there really popping Dextromethorphan(sp?)
of course unless you get the **** alone...(normally in syrup) you can have really bad after affects...
I used to do the ****... It's okay... I pop around 8 pills worth...[I don't like pills but I drink cough syrup like it's water] easy... if i really want to get high... I'lll go about 20...
but I don't do that that often...
and with detramorphine you don't need to worry bout getting hooked psyically... as The stuff actuall is the exact opposite of a addictive substance... and is actually used to get people unhooked from drugs...
but you can get psycologically dependent...
Don't sweat it and stick to your doctors dose... codeines a bit stronger. then dextro...
But hey look at the bright side.. at least you can get it legally.