CNN is a frigging joke. Tying the Red Pill to racism and the KKK, now I've heard everything. That is their standard modus operandi, however.
The Red Pill is made up of a wide variety of men, with a wide variety of political beliefs. However, males in general are more likely to lean in a conservative direction. If it weren't for females, I am certain we would not be seeing the current movement toward socialism being so popular, that we're seeing now. So just by focusing on men, they're able to villainize them and say they're part of the problem.
Another thing annoyed me about the video. The guy in the video has "spit out the red pill" and is trying to "deprogram" himself. Okay. But it never said anything about what he's done to improve his situation with women, and they never even asked him about it. That bit, the guy's troubles with women, which drove the guy to the red pill in the first place, was not part of the narrative they were trying to sell, and was thus irrelevant. In other words, they couldn't care less about the guy, they just wanted to use him toward their ends.