Clubs are Worthless


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2002
Reaction score
The towner
It's tough for this reason:
the HB 8's and up travel in their little cliques, they dance together, sit in the booths together, and are generally hard to penetrate (pun intended, I guess). Their *****-shields are set to maximum deflection/ego boost. Unless you know them enough to make a warm approach, or are so unique/good looking that their friends would be insanely jealous if you dated them, it'll be a tough road to hoe.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Hey bro, it's obvious to me you need to work on your game since your not having any success in this type of setting. Look around you, i'm sure you've witnessed a lot of guys having all kinds of success with the ladies. If you had it together you'd be leaving the club with a cramped hand from all the numbers you got. However, you're leaving feeling down on yourself, so it's pretty obvious your doing something wrong.

I basically have the same attitude you do; i'm good looking, i dress good, i''m fit, etc. so WTF is the my problem.......why can't i get the girls. From what you're saying, you have the weapons but you can't effectively use them. Take a step back and evaluate yourself to find out how and why you're not having success with ladies in this environment.

It's frustrating as he11 i know, but getting down on yourself will only make your situation worse.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
there is some truth to this post, indeed, let me put it this way:

I go mostly to 16+, but i stop by 18+ once in awhile. If you are hunting for girls in under 21+ you will have a VERY little chance to bang her that same night. Most of the girls come with friends, and leave with friends, they arent about to go fukk some guy they just met (hold up a sec..)
I've made out with girls, grinded girls, felt their tits many times, but i never really thought about bringing her home (i did go to my car with a chick..but i was too green to pull anything)

Now, now, back to that "but". From what i've seen in 18+ (read = alcohol involved) it is indeed VERY possible to bring a girl home, becuase when she goes to 21+, she is looking to hook up much more than some dumb 16 year old. Alcohol kicks in, and if you play your cards right you can take a taxi back to her place.

parties... oh please dont tell me you cant lay at parties..espeically in college.. ;) :p


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
From what you're saying, you have the weapons but you can't effectively use them. Take a step back and evaluate yourself to find out how and why you're not having success with ladies in this environment.

Very wise and excellent advice!


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I noticed this the 2nd time I went to the club, it all just is a big game.

Think about it; women who go tot he club in the tighest **** they can find, but yet don't want you to touch them, 30 men for every girl above a 7, probably more for the ones who didn't come with anyone.

Then lets say you do get the girl you are after.. There is a a 90% chance she will be drunk and doesnt' want to remember what happened.

YOu have better odds at going to the horse track and winning the Pick 3 then you do getting a date from a girl at the club.Seriously.

So when I go to the club, which is around 2 times a month, I go not to hit on women, but to DANCE!!

I don't even try to make moves on women. I dance with them, but after 1 or 2 dances I leave and find my next dancing partner.

And Bars are alot easier to get dates from. The last 3 nights I went to the bar, I at least got numbers every nigth and one night I bagged the girl.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score

as far as seduction is concerned, clubs are worthless! There's no better way of saying it - they're simply a waste of time, money and effort. The only useful purpose they serve as far as i'm concerned, is helping you get rid of your fear of rejection, since very little can intimidate you out in the 'real world' after getting shot down dozens of times in a single night at a club.
You aproach to get rid of the fear of rejection? If you are always rejected, and dozens of times a night like you say, everytime you aproach, you do it thinking you'll get rejected. Do you think if a player goes to the field already defeated he stands a chance?

So with all that time, money and effort i've put in, do you know how many lays i've gotten? None. A few numbers but that's about it. In a YEAR!
Dont go for numbers, go for the kill right there, numbers in a club get you nowhere. But we'll get to my final points latter in this reply.

I know you're probably thinking that i must be physically deformed or just plain unlucky. Take my word for it guys: my determination, face, body, clothing, dancing skills, mood, intelligence, sense of humor, income, confidence, etc are easily in the top 5% of the guys in those clubs.
No you are not. If you dont win, you cant be confident, even if you tell yourself you are, you dont feel a winner. And trust me that if you were getting laid, you would have a lot more sense of humor and confidence.

The simple fact is that beautiful women in the clubs i've been to don't want to be approached. Why? Well, allow me to paint a picture for you. First of all, there are about 3 guys for every 1 girl. And around 1/10 of the girls are hot. Starting to get the idea? That's right, 30 guys for every 1 hot girl. And that's not even the worst part. Most of these girls are either there with their boyfriends or (often male) friends! By the time you even get to a hot girl, she's already been approached dozens of times, and is absolutely, positively sick and disgusted by it. It doesn't even matter what you look like or what you say. She simply doesn't want to hear it. Her mood already been ruined by the numerous *******s that have groped her that night, and in all likelyhood, she just wants it to be over.
What all losers think. You are one of the typical guys that thinks that the guy and the girl leaving together at 5 am are boyfriends. NO! He picked her up and is taking her to his place to bang the **** out of her!!
This actually happens dude, a lot of girls are picked up every evening in every club, and go with a guy for casual sex. The more experience you get, the more you will understand how this happens, and how can you be the guy who takes them out.

Beside, there aint 30 guys for each HB. If you go to a decent club in a ladies night, its like 50-50 or 55-45, and 50% of the girls are at least 7.
You will see in the clubs:
- mixed groups - like 2, 3 girls and about same number of guys. forget these unless latter some girl isolates herself.

- 2 girls together - these are just perfect. Go for an aproach. Either use a wingman and each of you go for a girl, or just wait for a good timing to aproach the girl you want.

- 4 or more girls together - If you aproach one, it depends a lot on the girls character. They are in a girls night out. She can have a boyfriend and wont give you much of a chat with the friends watching it all, so you'll get rejected. Or She will just make small talk, turn you down and then brag to her friends that another one went for her. Girl brag a lot to eachother about being aproached, they feel desired, and girls are very competitive.
Still can happen, you better wait till she goes to the bar get a drink and then start a convo.

- lone wolf dancing alone in the dance floor. If she is with friends around but she is a bit isolated dancing, its cause she is expecting to be aproached!! Go dance with her

Some other things that immediately come to mind in an environment like this is that everything we know about women that the average guy doesn't, makes absolutely no difference. We can't use C&F, neg-hits, storytelling, patterning, anything. As far as they're concerned, we're the same as everyone else.
The "average" guy you are talking about, doesnt even know what a DJ is, but he just learned things in a natural way, and he knows how to talk to the ladies.
And probably he is more agressive than you, which is the main key to get laid. If you talk to the girl, but you arent AGRESSIVE, you wont go nowhere. You gotta show her that your game is on.

Ever checked MTV's Dismissed? The good guy who plays guitar, goes for a nice date, is funny but doesnt get her into a sexual state or try to kiss her is always dismissed. And those chicks on the program are alot like the girls you find at clubs.
Even if the agressive guy tries to kiss them and they turn the kiss down, in the end they still pick him instead of the good guy, and why? Cause they dont want a boyfriend material, they want someone funny and daring!

So for the time being, i'm making a mental note to stop putting time, money and effort into clubbing, and use those resources for the 'real world. I've only now realized that up until now, 10% of my approaches were done outside the club, and yet they accounted for 95% of my success stories.
So stop clubing to pick up, and instead pick up girls elsewhere. Meanwhile, make self improvement (gym, nice tan, clothing...), and go to clubs just for fun, dance with friends, drink, ... Take the "I must pick up a girl" state out of your mind when in the club. And just observe the guys with the girls in the club, watch what's going on around you, who's with who, who's going out with who.

Learn the game, master the game.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
Somewhere in Europe
Everytime I go to a club here in Brazil I make out with at least 1 girl, while on regular out of clubbing situations I'm getting very little play.

I go to clubs with about four wingmen and several girls, but usually know 30% of the people there (depending on the night). Here it's as simple as me pointing to a girl, one of my wingmens taping her on the shoulder and then asking if she wants to make out with me.

The odds of making out with someone in a night club here are very high if you don't know anybody. Now if you know lots of people than it's almost certain.

If only people went clubbing everyday and I could get in for free.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nex
Everytime I go to a club here in Brazil I make out with at least 1 girl, while on regular out of clubbing situations I'm getting very little play.

I go to clubs with about four wingmen and several girls, but usually know 30% of the people there (depending on the night). Here it's as simple as me pointing to a girl, one of my wingmens taping her on the shoulder and then asking if she wants to make out with me.

The odds of making out with someone in a night club here are very high if you don't know anybody. Now if you know lots of people than it's almost certain.

If only people went clubbing everyday and I could get in for free.

I hear that Brazilian girls, at least by American standards, are VERY loose. I guess one could put it another way and say that they are "sexually liberated". Makin' out at a Brazilian club/bar with a stranger is like a peck on the cheeks here in the US, and taking a stranger home to fvck isn't no big deal. I guess one could say that the AMERICANS are the ones that are too uptight and frigid.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
You're obviously not one sexy fvck or you don't got game or both because Clubs are not very hard, I see AFCs picking up girls there all the time.
Well, one thing, Kineticharm, that you should absolutely take into consideration, before judging the thread starter too harshly, is that he happens to be in Toronto. Women in that city get my nod as *****iest, snobbiest hors in North America. I've been all across Canada and parts of the US, and no woman is as much a stuck up c*nt as the Torontonian woman. Toronto would be a challenge for any top DJ, believe it, it sucks for women bigtime.

They all have the 'no one is good enough for me' attitude and are game players extraordinaire. Believe it, *****y women are a dime a dozen. One of my theories for this is the current nauseating politically correct climate that Toronto is engulfed in.

Women in Toronto get all dolled up, then get mad at you when you look at them. That's their attitude all over the city.

Then they hit their 30's and wonder why they don't have a man.

I've scored on a dime when visiting other cities, but get the 'how dare you speak to me' glare from HB5's in Toronto.

Yes, they are THAT bad.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
Again, the situation REALLY depends on the geographic location, the type of clubs, the type of patrons who go there, the social setting(example: college town where most people go out with people they already know, compared to "normal" clubs in big cities), the season, the weather, the local activities(any football game taking place nearby?) and your game and your luck etc... etc...

So there's no absolute answer to the question.

How about sharing what worked for you guys at the clubs you went to? That would be more constructive and interesting.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
I have also been clubbing on a regular basis for the last year, although I have gotten sick of them for many of the same reasons. I went to the club almost every weekend from April to November, and then about once or twice a month from January through April, but now I only go once every two months or so. I have had nights where I have absolutely no success and I've had a night where I got laid with the girl paying for the cab and hotel. I think clubs are worthless, though, because ultimately they are unfulfilling. To go on a regular basis is an empty social life if you ask me. I only go every once in a while when I feel like an easy makeout or something.

I never had any luck for the first few months I went clubbing. I would dance with a few girls and that was it. Then, I improved my style and started getting lots of attention and makeout sessions rather often. It helps to be tall and have a nice body. I'm not going to lie - if you don't stand out physically, you won't have much luck in clubs. If you have a nice physique, you need to wear snug-fitting clothes. I wouldn't recommend button-ups either...every guy wears that stupid button-up with faded jeans. A better choice is a tight fitting t-shirt or tight fitting collared shirt. Banana Republic will do you good here. Brandini also has some nice shirts.

Looks are the most important thing. Girls approach me on a regular basis. I always have less luck when I do the approaching so what you have to do is look good enough so they'll approach you. You don't need to dance well, but you probably need to be willing to dance. When I go to the clubs, I do one of two things depending on my mood:

a. If I don't feel like putting in any effort, I'll just chill by the bar or dancefloor, drinking, and talking to my wingman. Note: you can't look like you're ****ing desperate and waiting for a girl to dance with you. Just act chill like you're enjoying hanging with your boy. Don't make it look like you're on death row. I don't advocate this style unless you look good like me, though, because you won't get as many girls to approach you.

b. If you got the energy, just go up to a girl and dance with her. Just grind, see if she's into it. You'll know within a few seconds. After that, you just gotta gradually up the kino until you're making out. If you don't get that far, forget it, she isn't there to hook up.

Another poster on this thread did a great job of explaining how to recognize who is out for what. 2-3 girls means you have a shot, but may need to do isolation. Larger groups, mixed or all girls, aren't worth your time. If she's talking with her friend at the bar or something, bring a wingman. If she's already dancing, just go in yourself.

Geographic location does matter. I live in the DC Metro Area and I consider it a rarity that I actually did get laid. Most girls here and in most parts of the USA will makeout freely, but probably won't go home with you. It's a lot different in Europe. I had a friend from Europe and he told me cheating is the norm in the summer or some **** over in Europe. No matter where you are, you can get some action, though. You can definitely makeout.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Marked for reply later.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Nex
Everytime I go to a club here in Brazil I make out with at least 1 girl, while on regular out of clubbing situations I'm getting very little play.

I go to clubs with about four wingmen and several girls, but usually know 30% of the people there (depending on the night). Here it's as simple as me pointing to a girl, one of my wingmens taping her on the shoulder and then asking if she wants to make out with me.

The odds of making out with someone in a night club here are very high if you don't know anybody. Now if you know lots of people than it's almost certain.

If only people went clubbing everyday and I could get in for free.
Here if you do that, the girl will say: "dont your friend have a mouth??".

Anyway, 3 of my friends went to brasil. One to Fortaleza, and he banged a girl almost every evening, in that way you told. A Brasilian friend would ask him if he liked any girl, even if she had boyfriend, and then after pointing one, the guy would ask the girl if she wanted to make out with him. The Brasilian guys would even provide a house for my prt friend!!
On the other hand, in Porto Seguro, my other 2 friends only got a couple of girls, many wanted them but they said most of them were bellow 7.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score

It's no wonder that Brazil has the highest rate of HIV and various STDs in the Western Hemisphere. And as wonderful as your sexual freedom and expressiveness is t - this might sound a bit ignorant - maybe you Latin people lack some self-control, especially in regards to lust and physical urges. I find Brazilian women sexy, but I am terrified of fvcking one - they sound about as clean as a New York City subway station urinal.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
The #1 Sports Capital in the World, Boston.
Some "thoughts" on PU in clubs.

First off, I have NEVER, I repeat NEVER, dated or been in a long-term relationship with a woman I met from a club. I have found far more success dressing as myself, in my reality, going about what I want, where I want, when I want, with whom I want and doing it on my terms. In a club, you don't have that sort of control, in life you do.

Many times I've finished a long day of work and rushed over to meet up with someone in a suit, women have pursued me, engaged conversations, and offered numbers, all without much effort. preferred method of meeting women is through the life I cultivate. They're often a woman I'd be happy with, I know she jives well with my schedule, she has similar interests, and i know I'm not keeping up some fake facade.

That said as my disclosure, the instances that it does WORK is as such:

-You can casually offer to bring her back for late night drinks to a 'nice' place. I stress nice, because the mood is what sets it off. Unless you have the benefit of HER sweating you, stack the odds in your favor and pimp your place with some good vibes. Now, don't go out and do stuff you don't like. Do go out and get scents, candles, incense, music, cds, dvds, pictures, posters, fountains, zen/sand gardens, plants, etc that make it fun and relaxing. She has to feel an escape. One of my key friends, who plays both PUA and Wingman, depending on the night and situation, has a very pimp pad, yet quaint and simple.

For instance, he has a 55" HDTV, leather couch with 2 recliners, and a glass table in the center of his small living room with the Humidor I gave him as well as some candles and incense ready to be burnt. Add to it a Polk audio system worth nearly 2,000 and it's certainly VERY EASY to set the stage. But the flip side to this is, he also enjoys the place for himself. Because he sets high standards of cleanliness (we wash our cars once a week), others are impressed. They have no where to go, they can't critique someone who is so 'perfect' as it seems. From there, she's already in position to do it.

-Frequent clubs. Find groups of attractive women. Another factor that breeds success is frequency. Contrary to popular opinion, frequency breeds comfort and safety in such situations. At clubs, women are FAR MORE fearful about what could go wrong and meeting mr wrong, than meeting mr right. Case in point:

Nearly every Girl I have dated or had as a GF has been accosted at a club, potentially raped, or harassed to a point where they view it as a sleezy place and identify guys in the same manner. By being friendly and frequent with her, she garners alot of 'favorable' feelings and impressions of you. As a caveat, don't be anti-social with this. Act as if it's your club. Your hangout. Get to know important people there in large groups. Don't make fake friends. Do find a place you like and become a somewhat fixture or debutante with respect to the scene. So long as your no alchy, it's all good. It works wonders in getting to know people, who knows it could lead to a professional relationship as well?

-If you're looking for ONS material, or a FWB down the road, know the targets. I've often heard guys will flock to the HB's and 10's. Sure enough, they make great long-term plays, but unless you're coming with some serious brass, it's hard to convert the J.LO on the corner to a f-friend, unless she ALSO thinks your relationship material. Yet, there's plenty of 5's and 6's who'd do the ONS thing. And they reak of sex appeal, potentially other things as well. It isn't that you don't DESERVE the best, but to increase the odds of getting what you want, broaden the niche you're targeting.

I'd say in my area it's easy, with easy women. Yet, it isn't that fun to me. I personally get sick of dense women and I condemn myself for doing such dumb things as getting intimate with cloddish women. Were it a tropical climate or a foreign country, I'd leave with 'fond' memories.

Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Clubs can be a nightmare for some men. Most men do not know how to play the club game. Most women who go to clubs are not there to meet anyone.

They mostly want to flirt, tease, get attention and show other girls that they can get the hottest guys to come on to them. They will take his digits and flaunt him around, but mostly they will not break him off any pvssy that night.

Why? Cause if they did they would be judged by their friends as a ho.

These women will do the girl thing and dance with each other seductively and flaunt their sexuality and watch you fools get all worked up.

You will see em walking through the clubs holding hands like they are lezi's or some shyt or stuck in high school.

Most of em in the clubs have this nagging need to know if they can still attract men and so they go through all those machinations to get attention.

Only about 1% of the women in a club will fawk you that night. Only about 10-20% will give you a number and go out with you provided that you have some game and approach them properly.

What do they think; why not its a free meal.

You need to learn to develop you use of eye contact to be able to spot that 1% who will bone you that night.

Then you need the game skills to convince her to leave with you.

Most of the idiots I see in clubs are too busy chasing every girl in sight to open their eyes and see which ones to actually go for.

Which is why someone would say the clubs are worthless.

I find them to be my best hunting ground so far. My success rate is 100%.


Because I understand the game. I look for who is looking at me first.

Gorilla Pimpin

Joined: 18 Apr 2003
Posts: 943

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 1:58 am Post subject:

When you do the eye contact game there are 3 areas that you need to train in:

1. Scanning the environment that your in.

In each environment there are only a small percentage of women who will give up the P*ssy to you that night. About 20% of them will give you a number if you spit game at em. So you need to develop your ability to spot that small percentage of 1% who will bone you right then and there.

You need to be constantly scanning all the women around you for :

Eye contact. Notice who is noticing you. These are the ones you want to approach. Why chase after a ho who isn't even diggin you? You waste your valuable playa time chasing after a ho.

Chase a ho and get a chumps cop...stalk a ho and get a pimps cop.

2. Pick out the ho's who are checking You out.

3. Do the eye contact game on your targets. And study her ass (stalking). Check for other signs of interest.

If there is approach the B*tch and spit your game

Ice Cold

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
I think the whole idea is stupid. I don't have much experience with clubs and I probably won't bother going to them much in the future.

Let's look at some properties of the clubs:

Extremely loud music. You can't hear anything. You can't communicate in a civilized fashion.

Flashing lights. Strobes. Frequent change of colourful pictures is proven to decrease your cerebral cortex activity.

Implied dancing. Dancing is a mating ritual, which allows you to display health and being in shape.

So you're pretty much reduced to really primitive pick up tricks:

Showing off your body
Being alpha (getting attention, acting confidently)

If you've got a good body, girls will notice. Doesn't mean they'll jump you in your car then and there.

You can't be too alpha in a club. Ideal alpha would just grab her by the hair and carry her to the cave. Ideal alpha would invade her space aggressively. If you do that crap, at best, she'll write you off as a drunk. At worst, you'll get harassment charges.

What's left from the alpha arsenal? Social proof? If you have hot girls to bring in a club for social proof, you're gonna be fukking them, not pulling other girls.

You can dance really well or in some personal style. I was at a party about a week ago witnessed a fun incident. One of the guys didn't feel the music, so he just tried to nod in tact. He continued doing it without caring that everybody laughed.

In the end he came off confident and became the center of attention.

IF you do the same trick in a club and get on a podium, you're gonna be noticed by everyone. Girls will approach you. Not everybody can pull off sh1t like this.

Even if you do, you're far from laying the girl. (if you're not far, you don't wanna sleep with that skank anyway)

People come out for a smoke. You can pull girls there. But why would you wanna pay club fee if you are pulling girls off the street?

That turned out to be way more than 2c


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I really like Player Supremes last post. I agree with most of it.

You can get blueballs everynight of the week from the club if you don't play it right.

Personally I still prefer bars you can talk a bit more in. At least then you know a bit more about the girl.