Clubbing ALONE!!


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
RedPill thats good advice man your right my friend were holding me down. How long did it take you to make new friends?.

S0LID i might go to the gym i just need to find a good job a gym membership for 1 year is about $540.

I forgot to add to last night i saw something strange. There was this Leb (lebanese) were im from not many people like Lebs because they have a bad image of being drug dealers ect i have nothing against them. Anyway this leb guy was drunk and this 7.5/10 blonde walks past with her ugly friend so he runs his fingers under the hot blondes chin and she does the whole "WTF i am to good for you" look. Then he grabs her hand and she trys to pull away BUT he wont let go so her friend trys to pull his hand away but hes holding on tight. I didnt hear what he was saying to her but After about 40 seconds she starts dancing with him. I was thinking ok just to get rid of him. Then her friend trys to say soemthing along the lines of "lets go" shes like "no wait im dancing with this guy" anyway by the end of the night she leaves with this leb guy.

This blew my mind he grabbed her hand and wouldnt let go. It looked like he was hurting her and he ends up fu*king her. NOW im not a AFC who think every girl should be treated like a princess but i wouldnt have thought grabbing her and not letting go would get you a root.


Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Copenhagen, Denmark
Originally posted by Black_Italian
Who here goes clubbing alone anyway?
I go clubbin alone often. My friends are cool and I can go with them aswell, but then its for having fun not for picking up.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
It's been about 4 months since ditching them. I've made a couple new friends, mostly through my business. Owning a business is crazy. The hours you put in are insane. I'm kinda noticing though as your stock rises in the world, the successful friends you want to associate with are just as busy as you. In the past, my chump friends always have had s***loads of time on their hands.

I simply don't have time to waste these days, so staying out way late isn't the same as it was in college. I don't have time to roll in at 4 am anymore and be all tired and messed up the next day. As the profits continue to increase, I'll have more time and ability to get out there and club or whatever.

It's so funny how being busy has changed my mack. For instance, today I bought some stuff at the mall and made fun of the sales girl for ringing up the wrong thing. Then I gave her a quick redpill training session on how to sell more stuff. She was diggin it. Rejected her cause she had nasty skin and was about a foot taller than me and then boom back to getting work done. It was almost too precise.

Black Italian making new friends is easy. Just interact with all sorts of different people. Hang out with people you like. The new friends I'm trying to make are ones who aren't ego driven nor loser/wussy/inaction people. They are the winners in life. I'm being extremely selective about who I spend my time with. Anyway dude, good luck starting over in the friend department. Make it happen!

Oh yeah... if you want to make friends real fast get some fuglies interested in you and ljbf them :cool:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
I'm in a situation where I'm gonna end up going clubbing on my own. I haven't been yet...but will soon.

I'd rather have a wingman to keep my confidence up or talk to in between chicks. Sometimes you really need someone to back you up.

How far into the night should you show up and start hitting on chicks?
Too early and no one has lost their inhibitions.
Too late and there are too many people around.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Black_Italian

There was this Leb (lebanese) were im from not many people like Lebs because they have a bad image of being drug dealers ect i have nothing against them.
This blew my mind he grabbed her hand and wouldnt let go. It looked like he was hurting her and he ends up fu*king her. NOW im not a AFC who think every girl should be treated like a princess but i wouldnt have thought grabbing her and not letting go would get you a root.
lmao! don't judge us all too harshly. sydney lebs give us all a bad name. Thats crazy about that guy though. I doubt that would be a regular occurance though. Probably lucky he wasn't beaten up, actually. Although, being a leb, he's got some firepower behind him. :D