Clubbers = better looking than general population?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
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Maybe this has been said alrdy (hasn't everything?) but I just realized that when I go to the club suddenly I'm not so great compared to everyone else.

If I'm walkin around the mall I definitely consider myself well above average looks wise, but when I go out to the club this is not so. Most of the people there seem to be well built/well dressed/look cool and more often than not, are better looking than the mainstream population. I think this is because, in general, the club takes the 'best of the guys' to a certain degree and puts them into one area. THIS IS NOT TO SAY that geeks and dorks don't go to clubs, or that really good-looking DJ's DO go out clubbing. But in general, the clubbing experience eliminates a lot of the socially inept by definition the club has, on average, better looking/social guys than the norm.

To add to the fact that clubs are 60/40 guys to girls, this really makes the odds a lot more challenging for the everyday guy. Throw the average guy in a club which has an equal representation of the population and 50/50 girl guy ratio - hey suddenly not looking so bad. But the same guy in the typical clubbing environment and now it's not nearly as good.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2006
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In regards to myself I never tend to feel threatened by the competition of other males in the clubs. When I do 'check out the opposition' I nearly always feel very content and confident that I have nothing to worry about, and that I am better than them, though I do think that has come with age (25)-- cos to be honest I definitely didn't feel so sure in my younger years. 21 is the age I can put my finger on when natural confidence seemed begin to build and breed inside my mind.

What I do find is that females look a damn sight hotter in the clubs than they do in the street during the daytime. I've always put that down to a high volume of alcohol in my bloodstream, the lighting in the clubs, and all the short skirts and flesh on show etc :)-- that you don't always get in the day.

Everyone makes more of an effort when they go out to a bar/club. Anyone, male or female looks better in a bar/club than they do at work or in day-to-day life. You're seeing things from an outer-perspective, a noble and insightful perspective but really you are just the same as everyone else in there (looking five notches better than normal), its just insecurity that is making you doubt it. Let faith truimph over insecurity!


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2003
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you're not going to see too many fat 40 yoear olds at the clubs, clubs tend to have younger people, who are in better shape, so in general, a gathering of young people is going to be "better looking than average" and a club is no different.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
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South Africa
Yeah, I noticed the same thing, does depend a bit on the club and the city tho IMHO. Women are very choosy in clubs when it comes to looks, I find without being in the top echelon looks-wise its virtually impossible to get anywhere. I also think the male/female ratio as OP pointed out is a problem, women have plenty of choice making it very hard to complete.

I always wonder though where they go, on Sat the clubs are full of hot women, but they seem to dissapear during the week, as if they only come out at night! Same as in the holiday season, you go down to the coast and the beachs are packed with hot women, but where are they the rest of the year?!?

Ninja Bob

Don Juan
Dec 9, 2006
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"Women are very choosy in clubs when it comes to looks"
I have to disagree. Most of the chicks in clubs will roll with any Frankenstein that pays them any attention and is willing to buy them drinks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
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Betas don't feel comfortable in clubs, and the other people that go usually get dressed up.

I love clubs!


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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People dress up to go to clubs regardless.

The club scene has both its negative and positive aspects.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 9, 2006
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To answer the original question, no.

The only thing that's different is that the light is darker. Everyone becomes ugly when the lights turn on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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As a club promoter and DJ for nearly twenty years, it is obvious how lookist they are. If you are hot and trendy you get on the guest list. If you are an above average attractive woman you can probably get in free, you are needed to brighten up the place and keep the men coming and buying you drinks.

Some clubs are more like communal gatherings, and adherence and excellence in attire and appearance will be seen as more attractive than rippling biceps. And unless you want to bang brain-dead slvts, intelligence and charm is always going to be a factor.

But mostly clubs are meat-markets and appeal to and reward those who consider themselves prime steak.
Jun 20, 2006
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the other day i was arguing with a dude i know, he said that in the United States ALL the clubs close at 2 am and that girls in clubs arent wild like showing their tits

he is a fukin dumbass and never been to the states, just cuz his cousin that lives there told him that, but still i dont believe him chit

i have been in south padre island clubs and girls show their tits and chit

how wild are the club there?? and at what time does they usually close?

btw, i feel the same, everybody looks pretty and chit, but when you see them outside they are average joes or even ugly
i dont like clubs because of the ratio and because everybody is tryin to spit game

so like even fugly girls think they are the bomb and diss you, they carry a false sense of security, when outside the club they aint chit but hoodrats

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
To answer the original poster: I agree with your observation.

I used to go out to dance clubs a lot, and I noticed the same thing: guys AND girls are more attractive than the average population.

There are different reasons to that:

- Clubs tend to attract younger people, most people over 40s don't go to clubs. Young people tend to be in better shape.

- Ugly chicks are afraid of clubs because it crushes their ego with no mercy. Imagine yourself in their shoes: on one hand, at least 10 guys constantly hitting on your hot friend, giving her attention, buying her drinks; on the other hand, no one would even look at you, as if you were transparent...:D Saddest thing in the world.

- To a lesser degree, ugly guys also apprehend clubs, because the treatment/response they get are less "satisfying". When you are a good looking guy, you can be a very lousy dancer, you can have little game, you can even not speak the local language; but on a lucky day, you pull...:D Many times, you can just go up to a chick, grab her and start dancing if you are good looking. Sure the success rate may be 30% - 50%, but it's still pretty good. When you are ugly, things are much harder.

- It's a meat market, looks/attractiveness is expected. It's the way it is.

Personally, I had many friends, especially guys, who would hang out with me to clubs. But after a couple of times, most of the less attractive ones would always prefer the bars and refuse to go to clubs. Those who love dancing are exceptions.


Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
yep exactly, its human nature to pick the best eggs out of the dozen.
Its not exactly true what Le persian said, because people usually ask people to dance thats in thier legue at a club. So ugly guys dont dare approach a girl that is a hb10 at a club, becuase decisions are usually made based on looks and they know that. So they just ask average girls to dance. Most people arent all over the hbs just the dominant males are. And it ends up with the hbs and the dominants all in one section and everyone else mixed around. I can pull shorter hbs 10 with no problem, but if the like 5'7 they might not go for it with me cuz im like 5'7 5'8 so I only really approach girls that are shorter than me. So i wont get turned down. ANd thats what everybody else does too they figure out who they can pull and they only approach those girls.


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
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Well if your trying to hook up with a girl at the club and you feel the competition is to much. Go closer to closing times at the club after all the JUICED up Bodybuilders have made their picks and gone home. Usually there are still quite a few hotties basically just looking for someone after they got snubbed for someone hotter by the bodybuilder dude.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
kryminal said:
Well if your trying to hook up with a girl at the club and you feel the competition is to much. Go closer to closing times at the club after all the JUICED up Bodybuilders have made their picks and gone home. Usually there are still quite a few hotties basically just looking for someone after they got snubbed for someone hotter by the bodybuilder dude.
This might theoretically sound true, however I never see it happen.

All the left-overs at closing time who are actually looking for a guy for that night are either ugly or fat or both.

Please bear in mind that most HBs go to the clubs for the ego boost and the attention, very few are there actively looking for a lay. So a truely hot girl who's really looking for "some fun" but got left out until closing time? It just doesn't happen, unless it's a "special" club (selective VIP club or ladies get in for free etc...) where the female to male ratio is 2:1. Because the usual female to male ratio is something like 2:3.

Or maybe we don't have the same standards for "hotties"...


New Member
Dec 19, 2006
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Our standards for hotties will be pretty close I'm sure. I'm just speaking from my experiences, I honestly believe picking up chicks is easier at other venus then at clubs unless you are a Dominant male that can do his blowout better then the rest. :rock:

Le Parisien said:
This might theoretically sound true, however I never see it happen.

All the left-overs at closing time who are actually looking for a guy for that night are either ugly or fat or both.

Please bear in mind that most HBs go to the clubs for the ego boost and the attention, very few are there actively looking for a lay. So a truely hot girl who's really looking for "some fun" but got left out until closing time? It just doesn't happen, unless it's a "special" club (selective VIP club or ladies get in for free etc...) where the female to male ratio is 2:1. Because the usual female to male ratio is something like 2:3.

Or maybe we don't have the same standards for "hotties"...