One night, one venue isn't an accurate sample size. I've been hitting (almost exclusively) college bars for the past 7 yrs. At some venues I'm literally over a decade older than EVERYONE in the venue.
Can almost promise you that either 1.) this was all in your head or 2.) you felt uncomfortable and your vibe was off--probs some combination of the two. All of my door guys love me--even when I go to college bars on college nights and am noticeably too old to be there. Just "Hey man, how's your night going," fluff, after a few times start dapping them up. Just act like you belong. This ties back into how the girls will receive you as well.Given we are both 30 The bouncer kind of looked at us like wtf are you two doing here but after a bit of sweet talking he let us slip in
It's funny, everyone talks sh1t about Gen Z dudes but tbh they're noticeably more confident than most older guys or most college kids from even like 5 or 6 yrs ago. But a lot of them also leave a lot of sh1t on the table and have no idea how to handle things if you roll into their sh1t. But I meet way more solid guys now than I did back in the day.Some of these guys were moping up some poon but a lot of them were either getting blown out or rejected
These are usually freshmen & sophomores (1st or 2nd yr). And usually early in the night. Later in the night they usually break off--usually in 2s if they're tryna get some action. You can try gaming them in their spartan circles, but higher % of getting c0ckblocked and usually better to wait things out (you probably left hella early). At the literal bar or near the bathrooms is another good spot to camp. Also look for girls who take a step back from the circle, room scan, or are disengaged/bored with the convo. Look for windows, not walls.Young chicks nowadays seem to form very tight nit circles in clubs and unless you know one of them formally you aren't getting anywhere near them
This is accurate. I highly advise against tryna grind or get too touchy feely. Under the radar works way better. Remember, you're an outsider. She's in front of all her classmates and dudes she's crushing on and whatever else.When i was 20 this wasn't a thing , there would be ripe pickings in 1's and 2's all over the dance floor and girls would be very open to flirting / grinding /dancing with pretty much anyone who was up for it
Dirty looks are an IOI--kind of a preemptive sh1t test. I use them to open--never had it fail. Girls who don't want you to talk to them will actively avoid looking at you at gave me a stinking look because i smiled at her![]()
You either have absolutely terrible luck or your vibe was super off. This literally never happens. And people only test you when they think you're gonna fail it.But next thing one of the other warriors starts screaming in my face waving her finger saying i had just sexually assaulted her freind
This is a wild azz assumption lol. You talked to ONE girl. I've met so many dope girls over the years--girls with interests and ambitions and insights. You can't reduce people to your assumptions about them without ever having effectively engaged them.Most of the other blokes just seemed to be doing their own thing with very little interest in the females and after an hour i can sort of understand why
Not true at all. Obv at a college bar, girls are highly, highly sensitive to what their friends think and maintaining their value within the group. But girls are only hostile to guys who have a fvcked up vibe. Unless they're fat--in which case you might get some hostility for no good reason. But I ate so much sh1t my first year--were those girls ridiculously hostile or was I just conveying low value subcomms and being socially uncalibrated? Most of those girls who blew me out initially, if I could go back in time and meet them the way I am today, would probably be hella sweet. Most girls are.Anyway does anyone know when young chicks started becoming ridiculously hostile towards anyone outside of their circle ?
Only noticeable effect of SM is when it comes to text responses. You get lost in the shuffle. In person, girls are still girls. Even influencers, verified accounts, etc. I meet these types fairly often. It doesn't matter. And the fact that you think you "need to bring [them] back down to earth" is such an epically fvcked mentality. Think about it. You're 30 stressing about the perceptions of 20 y/o girls? Which you're PROJECTING anyway lol.I'm not sure if it's social media that has provided these girls with a certain level of prestige but fvck me i was dying to bring a couple back to earth
Not in any city I've been in in the US. Doubt it's that different elsewhere. Will say that dedicated college bars are tough AF to pull. Because like I said, their entire social value is collected in one place and their friends wanna make sure they get home safe. A lot of the time the better play is to # close and seed hard for afterwards so that they can lobby your cause to their friends in private without being too obvious. Tho if you're chill and completely relaxed it's often possible to win over the friend group and do your thing from there. You also have to think of yourself as a guest in someone else's house--not in a way to where you're self-conscious or uncomfortable (which I think you were, judging by how other people responded to you) but in a way where you're respectful to the fact that you're an outsider and it's up to you to learn to navigate their ecosystem in a way that doesn't threaten it.Has anyone else noticed this fvckery going on out in field or did i just choose a bad night ?
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