Go to a rave and ask someone there to teach you how to dance. That is the proper form of club dancing, anything else makes you look like an uncoordinated tool. There are numerous dance styles, look them up on youtube.
Tektonic, Melbourne Shuffle, Popping, Liquid, Break Dance, Jump Style, Contact Juggling, Glowsticking, Tutting. Pick up a few moves from each, combo them and you'll look better than 99% of people.
Drinking at a nightclub is for fags who can't dance. If you 'just dance' you'll likely end up looking like Elaine from Seinfeld... even if you don't care, it looks awful. Watch a few episodes of 'so you think you can dance' and watch the truly terrible ones try to dance.... thats what people who 'just do anything' look like. Only takes a few hours to properly learn a couple moves especially under a skilled professional and will help you through the rest of your life. I learned to dance really well in my 20's and its made my dating life soooo much easier. Dancing is free, everyone wants to know the guy who can dance and your social value sky rockets in a club. I always bring my own girls and mates but people will come out of nowhere to offer me drinks and seats at their table. The last few clubs I've been to the manager came over and stuck me on stage. Every so often I get the opportunity to teach 50 or so Chinese kids how to dance for an hour, they love it. I teach adults popping every so often to... it makes me about $200 to $300 bucks a month. Learning to dance well is really important if you are going to go clubbing on a saturday night and want to HAVE FUN.
Big difference between the props THIS guy gets and 'just doing anything'. You can attract and hold a crowd with just 1/10th of his stuff. Clubbing is about being seen and the number one way to be get the attention is being able to be a good dancer. If you just want to chat up women goto a bar.
Pae and Sarah have an instructional video you can order, there stuff is great for nightclubs where they play electronic.
Also liquid dance is built for nightclubs. A bit of instructional by some guy:
I started with Liquid, then learned popping and gliding and everything else I could get my hands on.
Some of this electro is cool but hard to learn there are better vids on youtube especially from Mexico... Mexicans use a harder form and it looks fantastic.
Heres the newest stuff I've seen... wish I was young enough to get into this.
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwOTY4NjU2.html (My brother and his gf are into this [they live in Germany])
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDU2OTI3NjMy.html ( CHINA )
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDcyMTAyNzQ0.html (Super Junior - Korea [KPOP] If you can do a bit of this, Chinese girls will cream their pants for you)
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDk5ODIwOTEy.html (T-ARA has made the melbourne shuffle super popular here in China for women)
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjkyNjkyMA==.html Axwell - Feel the Vibe (My fav)
Dancing like Game becomes so much fun you'll want to do it in your spare time.. when you can do it well, its the most nerve wracking thing ever. Learn to dance.
problem is you have to find a club with somewhat good music...none of that BS techno garbage.....i freakin hate techno music in clubs
Go to a bar if you don't want to dance.