# closing


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
The story is I have this class first period, and had to go back afterschool to take a test, and there was a night class there. I sit down, take my test, and during the test make small chit chat with a HB 7, some C+F, teasing, eye contact, get some IOIs, mirroring, lip biting, etc, overall it was mediocre flirting. I finish my test, about to leave, and their class is almost over and I say

"Hey are you single?"
"Well then write down your number."
-"Um I dont know, can I trust you, I dont normally take risks" (Basically she was hesitant)
" I said that was okay, you're missing out"
Got up and walked out of the class, I didnt care if I really got her #, I was unphased by her rejection/hesistancy.

But what do you do when she gives you hesitant answers like "can I trust you?/i dont know you/its a risk." And what to do/say to exit after a rejection.

I went over the situation myself, thought I probably should have done some C/F or witty response ..."I dont know you"---"Well we'll just have to do something about that, won't we?" but wasnt sure because I've read that some men don't know when to call it quits and just move on and I want to know if I should have persisted, I just kinda of thought "next, i'm moving on". I mean, if she wanted me to have her #, why not just give it, yeah it could have been a test to see if I just give up, but help me out here next time this happens, thanks.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
Reaction score
don't over analyze!!!!!!!!!!! This is not your fault, you played her perfectly. Not every girl is going to give you a chance, like you said SHE is missing out.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
yeh over-analyzing is something chicks do. Besides only about 10% of chicks actually want a relationship at the moment. So don't worry to much.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
You should smile in this situation.The things she has said are very stupid,dont you think? In this case I would say:

No,sweetheart you can't trust me! I am very very criminal guy.If you come to my home I will show you my medieval weapon collection.I am like very much long knives!


Actually it's very risky to hang around with me.The cops are looking after me everywhere.You know... a robbery....2 murders... nothing special for the day

Use the neg-hits. Make her blush(so she will realize her stupid words)
And of course after that smile and ask her again:"Would you give me your number"

It might work.Normally "maybe" means "yes,of course,but you should try again harder"