closeing probs


Don Juan
Dec 13, 2005
Reaction score
johannesburg south africa
Field report :gizury and victor
Location: night fever joberg

I and victor arrive at the location, there was tons of eye candy outside and we were keen to test out some pua skills. We que in the line the bouncer gives me some flak about not being 20 but some random chick outside starts chirping and he lets us in.

Once we are in I meet up with some chick friends say hi blah. We leave to start opening. It is really loud so we had a crash and burn but we up our game. We open a few sets but we weren’t using enough fluff talk. we eventually find some chick who is taking photos I try game her but she is to interested in making money from me and her bf arrives later .she asks me to pose with an a 2 set (2 hb eights ) hey its all good with me . After the pic I find out that we opened the 2 set earlier on that evening. fluff fluff fluff victor runs the best friends test on both of them …. They pass how sweet. The hb that I am concentrating on wasn’t buying my stuff and was looking around I plowed trough a bit got her attention but I had messed up there wasn’t any thing physical going. Victor at this stage had showed some hv to the hb he was on and she was keen. Time to move we are on the way to some couches and some song plays and this chick wants to go dance. I leave victor and her to go dance cause the other hb 8 has met some other chick fiends and I now nothing is gonna happen there . Next thing I bump in this hb7 Asian that I claimed a week ago (my first Asian claim) but I move on there are much better claims to be had.

Victor meets up with me later his claim had disappeared wasn’t sure where she had gone to. But we move along got to the bar noticed 2 Asians (hb7 and hb8) ordering some drinks we opened then got them to buy us a drink. The hb7 was straight from Tai land the hb8 was her sister. I run a bit of game on the hb8 she starts saying that I am a very attractive man and she is imagining good things in her head. Victor gets to work on the hb7 .we change location and head off to the couches again. The hb8 gets cosey on my lap and victor is making good ground with the hb7 (she was very shy) and she is opening up.

Time to close up the deal, victor asks them when they are going home they say soon they had some guy from England with them who was on holiday that was going home with them. They were going to call a taxi victor offers them a lift. They accept. While we are in the car the hb8 asks if we want to have a good time …. Yes please. We drop the dude from England off and the hb8 says she knows a hotel.

Get to the hotel they are fully booked …. ****! No probs victor’s house is free so we try get them back there. The hb7 is all game but the hb8 starts giving us uphill says she isn’t feeling well and wants to go to sleep. We tell her she can sleep at victors place. No she wants home now. We do a freeze out and tell them we are going. The hb 7 is still very keen but she can’t come with if her sister doesn’t. What to do now.

Victor pulls a freeze out from hell stops the car tells them to get out. The hb8 stats wineing like crazy wants us to drop her off at her home. We tell if they aren’t gona come with to victors out they must get. they have a huge fight between them in tai so we couldn’t hear what they were saying and the hb8 got out the car the hb7 followed and that’s were our evening ended .

I #closed the hb8 at the club and kissed closed her in the car but failed on the **** close.

Any advice would be welcome


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2005
Reaction score
not much u could do.. if she felt sick she felt sick... where did she live ?? could u not go back to hers ?? or possibly dropped her off and let ur friend try close the hb7 on the way....