Close Friend's Girlfriend

Jack Paradox

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Alright, this entire post really isn't in good taste, but it's something I need to confront.

A good friend of mine recently met a girl. She pretty much has all the same interests as me and my friends. They hit it off and went out on a date. They both had fun and started dating. At this point, none of us (his friends) had met her yet.

Three weeks ago, we all finally met her. We all ended up approving of her 'cause, like I said, she pretty much has the same interests as us. She apparently really liked us too. She even added me on facebook.

The next time she went over to my friends house, she told him to invite us as well. So whatever, we chilled with them and had a fun time. About a week passed.

Then, she was planning to go to his house again, and again she asked him to invite us. He did (although now I really wish he hadn't). I, being the flirty kinda guy I am, flirted with her a bit, but I held back a lot (next to no kino and less than average verbal flirting) because, well you know, she's kinda my close friends girlfriend and I'd don't like to play in that territory.

A couple days later, I was bored so I decided to talk to her on facebook chat. Facebook chat was acting stupid so I added her on msn. We ended up staying up late talking and sending funny youtube videos to each other back and forth.

The next day, My friend was supposed to go over to her house and chill, but again, she asked him to invite us and he did. I tried not to flirt with her because I was beggining to fear that she may start to like me, but apparently she'd grown fond of me after our little coversation. She flirted with me and I flirted back, but I tried to keep things to a minimum.

Ever since then, every night she's been talking to me on msn, I've cut some of the conversations short by making up excuses of why I have to leave, but she's still been initiating coversations every time. I think I may have started a conversation with her once.

I feel really bad because I think she maybe really like me, but I don't want to do this to my friend. I'm think I should just block her on msn and stop talking to her for a while.

Your Thoughts?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
If I were you,

I'd tell ur close friend that she's being awfully flirty with you and that since he's ur friend you dont want anything to do with her in that way...

he might pass you off as being self-absorbed and deny seeing the flirtatious nature of your relationship with her... but get it out in the open... im sure he'll have a talk with her and she'll calm down... and might not even talk to you for a bit hehe...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
This seems to happen to me, friend's girlfriends getting close to me/trying to talk to me. The only option for me is to NEVER initiate contact with her. Your relationship/friendship with her must begin and end with your friend.

No talking online, no phone calls, no texting, NOTHING. Just act nice and friendly to her when she happens to be around your friend and you're there. Nothing beyond that.

Jack Paradox

Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys. I think I'm gonna listen to Freedom on this one. I've already blocked her on msn and I'm not going to call her (I haven't actually called her yet anyway, but still). It's too bad though, I kinda liked her. Not a lot as like a relationship thing or anything really, but she was pretty cool as a friend. Whatever, maybe I'll ask her out if they break up, but until that happens, I'm going to keep contact with her to a minimum.

If she confronts me about it, I'll just say I've been really busy lately, you know the drill.

I'm thinking about also telling my friend about this. You know, telling him that she's been talking to me a lot (Hell, her msn name is now an inside joke between us) and letting him know that I'm going to cut contact with her.

Good Idea?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
No, no need to tell your friend. Why start strife between you two? Just ignore the girl and don't create any drama.

L.A. Tripp

Don Juan
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
Jack Paradox said:
Thanks guys. I think I'm gonna listen to Freedom on this one. I've already blocked her on msn and I'm not going to call her (I haven't actually called her yet anyway, but still). It's too bad though, I kinda liked her. Not a lot as like a relationship thing or anything really, but she was pretty cool as a friend. Whatever, maybe I'll ask her out if they break up, but until that happens, I'm going to keep contact with her to a minimum.

If she confronts me about it, I'll just say I've been really busy lately, you know the drill.

I'm thinking about also telling my friend about this. You know, telling him that she's been talking to me a lot (Hell, her msn name is now an inside joke between us) and letting him know that I'm going to cut contact with her.

Good Idea?
Yes, good idea.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
Cut her out, man code, bros before hoes, whatever. Friends will be there for you forever, relationships come and go, it's not worth it to throw away a friendship for some girl. It's just trouble and unnecessary drama and you don't want any of that.