close a girl in front of her bf


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Wtf dude. First off, that's a great way to get your ass kicked and secondly, stealing girlfriends in general is fvcking low.

I'm not even gonna answer this question. Seriously dude, I'm not sure you're here for the right reasons. This is a place to better yourself, I think you're kind of going the opposite way on this one.


Don Juan
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
O M F G are you serious about this.

There are billions of attractive women on this planet and you're telling me you cannot find one without a bf. Girls with bf's are off limits for me. This has nothing to do with the girl, it's about respect and common courtesy among men. We may be at war for resources with each other but that doesn't mean we can't be honorable about it.

It doesn't matter if you're better than her current bf, it's his turn with her so show some damn respect and just wait patiently for him to screw it up and then make a move. Ask yourself how you would feel if a guy started hitting on your gf/wife right in front of you.

This sounds like it's pure ego motivated and nothing more. I suggest you kill your ego because with a mentality like this someone is gonna do it for you sooner or later.

I could understand if you really liked this girl and wanted to try your luck. But get real. Asking someone out when their bf is right there is extremely disrespectful to both him and her and shows how little value you actually have.

Any guy thats would be dumb enough to ask my gf out right in front of me knowing that shes with me would would be told to Fudge off assuming I haven't already hit him in the nose.

Tell you what tomorrow why don't you go to the mall and find a girl with a guy (preferably much bigger than you) that is obviously her bf and start hitting on her while their holding holds or hugging and report back here and tell us how it went.

I hope this was a joke topic and you weren't serious because I hate wasting one of my posts on a troll.