Climbing to the Top: CM's Journal


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
First of all, I'd like to say hi to the DJ community and I'm sure that my time will be worthwhile here and I'm happy to join the boat.

Alright, so I have been lurking these forums for few months so far, but then I saw that bootcamp was starting. I had already planned to do the program during spring, but now that it has officially started, I do not see a better time to say fvck it and just do it! I plan on following the program, so I'm going to take things slow at first and have my bases covered and establish a strong foundation for me to work my DJ skills up there. Wish me luck guys!

A little bit about me, I have above average looks with a good build. I was measured up recently and I am about 6' 150 lbs. and I am 7% body fat. Im in my 20's and I am a student. So I have a good build, but I am leaning more towards the skinny side. I will be posting my way through boot camp as well as what special events occured each day, my work out routine, and what I am eating. (So health and fitness guys, I would like some advice on this too.) But, I 'll get more into this later, when I do a work out day.

So yeah, I have not ever really had problems with girls, but upon moving to the MidWest, I feel like something is "off." I had a girl friend from sophomore year of high school until about the middle part and even the end of senior year. This was on and off, but a vast majority of it was "on." But, the end of my senior year was probably when I had the most fun with all different types of girls. I really hit it off with a ton of them. But, when I moved from my home, which is a foreign country (I prefer to be vague with where I am), I haven't had that same ride as I was used to. I mean, when I get home, I GET lots of girls easy, always. Here it is more of a struggle for some reason. So I think I need to work on my game more, as I think the girls that came before flowed a little to easy towards me.

I'll edit this OP probably appropriately for when I need to, but since I joined the bootcamp program, it requires me to start a thread, so here it goes!

1. Become a better man: This is my greatest rule of all, I will not forego this rule in order to advance in any others. I will keep this my top priority in these boards.

2. The ability to approach and seduce HB9-10s: I wand to comfortably stroll up to her, not trip up, and know my my stuff so that I don't trip all over my self.

3. Better social skills: I want to be able to be placed in any situation and flourish. I should be able to have all eyes on me when I want and enjoy and control that attention without tripping up.
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Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1: Task: say hi to 50 people
Day 1: Alright, so this is a lot harder than it sounds. People here in the mid-west seem to outright terrified of eye contact.
I said hi to ~5 people today.
But, one of those hi's was me meeting an HB6 through some friends I knew.
I should have said hi to this HB I saw on the bus, but I kinda chickened out. Oh well, next time I'll make sure that won't happen again.
I missed out on saying hi to more people, because I skipped my morning class cuz I just didn't feel like getting up for it.
Tomorrow I am positive I will get hi's in there.

Meals so far: (usually have 5, but I missed breakfast)

Breakfast: Cereal and milk.

Lunch: Small Mexican Enchilada microwavable meal. It is full of beans and protein, as its a health food item. Nothing to special today for lunch though.

Mid-day meal: Loaded tuna sandwhich on whole wheat bread and some light mayo.

Dinner: (not there yet)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
Task: Greet 50 people this week
Completed: 8
Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really seem that interested, and I didn’t know how to get them interested in me. Anyways, I learned HOW TO HAVE FUN WITH IT, which was a great revelation. Seriously, fellow newcomers, take a minute to think about the possibilities and let this sink in. Don’t think of it as a job, but more so as a game.
Besides that, I didn’t really make any other great moves of not or any great approaches. The girls that I do pass by usually don’t keep eye contact, so I miss my chance. (Actually, about >90% of the people don’t keep eye contact.) I also decided that I am also only going to greet girls for this week. I mean, they are what I am after, and I can get a bunch of free hi’s or whats up’s from dudes any time, but I don’t think that would help build my confidence any.
I’ve also been reading “How to Succeed with Women”
It’s been a great book so far, I’ve been taking notes on it and stuff. Do any of you guys have an opinion on it?

Alright, Health/fitness time

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Snack: Fruit Bowl
Post-workout meal: Whey Protein
Dinner: Roast Beef and Mash Potatoes (as stated earlier, I’m not too worried about calories)


Seated High Rows (machine) 175x10, 175x10, 175x9
Recently moved up to 175, and I am able to do these quite easily. I think I should try holding it down in place for the last ones or something.

Seated Rows (machine) 160x10, 160x9, 150x9
A little tired out from the high rows, but I held in there strong. I felt good that I was able to do both at these weights.

Bent-over Row: 65x10&10, 65x10&5-9, 65x9&4-9.
My left arm gets tired after doing it directly after my right arm, so maybe I should switch up which arm I lift it with first. I dropped the dumbbell twice because it was hurting my hand twice, I’ll work on that. Once again, this is a weight up from what I’m used to, but I don’t really have a feel for what weight I should be doing for these…. Any suggestions?

Deadlifts: 245x3, 245x3, 245x3
These were more of being bored so I just lifted them in between sets of bent-over rows. I think I should get into the habit of doing deadlifts though.

Bicep Curls (dumbbells): 45x10(x3)
Yeah, did these all the way, but my form was terrible. They’re really heavy weights for me and I barely get those last ones in.

Hammers (dumbbells): 45x10&10, 45x10&10, 45x10&10
I made it out with doing the hammers complete each time, but my form is very sloppy. Just like the normal curls.

Preacher Curls: 65x10, 65x8, 55x8
Whew, these were tough! I like it though, I usually finish off the bicep workout with 2 sets of burnouts starting at 45’s and going down by 5’s all the way down to 15’s, but the dumbbells were all taken up last night, so I decided to do some preacher curls, which turned out rather nicely. It was a tough, but fun workout.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
Task: Greet 50 people this week
Completed: 8
Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really seem that interested, and I didn’t know how to get them interested in me. Anyways, I learned HOW TO HAVE FUN WITH IT, which was a great revelation. Seriously, fellow newcomers, take a minute to think about the possibilities and let this sink in. Don’t think of it as a job, but more so as a game.
Besides that, I didn’t really make any other great moves of not or any great approaches. The girls that I do pass by usually don’t keep eye contact, so I miss my chance. (Actually, about >90% of the people don’t keep eye contact.) I also decided that I am also only going to greet girls for this week. I mean, they are what I am after, and I can get a bunch of free hi’s or whats up’s from dudes any time, but I don’t think that would help build my confidence any.
I’ve also been reading “How to Succeed with Women”
It’s been a great book so far, I’ve been taking notes on it and stuff. Do any of you guys have an opinion on it?

Alright, Health/fitness time

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Snack: Fruit Bowl
Post-workout meal: Whey Protein
Dinner: Roast Beef and Mash Potatoes (as stated earlier, I’m not too worried about calories)


Seated High Rows (machine) 175x10, 175x10, 175x9
Recently moved up to 175, and I am able to do these quite easily. I think I should try holding it down in place for the last ones or something.

Seated Rows (machine) 160x10, 160x9, 150x9
A little tired out from the high rows, but I held in there strong. I felt good that I was able to do both at these weights.

Bent-over Row: 65x10&10, 65x10&5-9, 65x9&4-9.
My left arm gets tired after doing it directly after my right arm, so maybe I should switch up which arm I lift it with first. I dropped the dumbbell twice because it was hurting my hand twice, I’ll work on that. Once again, this is a weight up from what I’m used to, but I don’t really have a feel for what weight I should be doing for these…. Any suggestions?

Deadlifts: 245x3, 245x3, 245x3
These were more of being bored so I just lifted them in between sets of bent-over rows. I think I should get into the habit of doing deadlifts though.

Bicep Curls (dumbbells): 45x10(x3)
Yeah, did these all the way, but my form was terrible. They’re really heavy weights for me and I barely get those last ones in.

Hammers (dumbbells): 45x10&10, 45x10&10, 45x10&10
I made it out with doing the hammers complete each time, but my form is very sloppy. Just like the normal curls.

Preacher Curls: 65x10, 65x8, 55x8
Whew, these were tough! I like it though, I usually finish off the bicep workout with 2 sets of burnouts starting at 45’s and going down by 5’s all the way down to 15’s, but the dumbbells were all taken up last night, so I decided to do some preacher curls, which turned out rather nicely. It was a tough, but fun workout.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2 Tuesday
Task: Greet 50 people this week
Completed: 8
Today felt really good. I asked a couple of HB7’s about what was going on with some event that was taking place. We chatted only a couple of minutes, but I am happy with the approach. The thing is though, they didn’t really seem that interested, and I didn’t know how to get them interested in me. Anyways, I learned HOW TO HAVE FUN WITH IT, which was a great revelation. Seriously, fellow newcomers, take a minute to think about the possibilities and let this sink in. Don’t think of it as a job, but more so as a game.
Besides that, I didn’t really make any other great moves of not or any great approaches. The girls that I do pass by usually don’t keep eye contact, so I miss my chance. (Actually, about >90% of the people don’t keep eye contact.) I also decided that I am also only going to greet girls for this week. I mean, they are what I am after, and I can get a bunch of free hi’s or whats up’s from dudes any time, but I don’t think that would help build my confidence any.
I’ve also been reading “How to Succeed with Women”
It’s been a great book so far, I’ve been taking notes on it and stuff. Do any of you guys have an opinion on it?

Alright, Health/fitness time

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: BBQ Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Snack: Fruit Bowl
Post-workout meal: Whey Protein
Dinner: Roast Beef and Mash Potatoes (as stated earlier, I’m not too worried about calories)


Seated High Rows (machine) 175x10, 175x10, 175x9
Recently moved up to 175, and I am able to do these quite easily. I think I should try holding it down in place for the last ones or something.

Seated Rows (machine) 160x10, 160x9, 150x9
A little tired out from the high rows, but I held in there strong. I felt good that I was able to do both at these weights.

Bent-over Row: 65x10&10, 65x10&5-9, 65x9&4-9.
My left arm gets tired after doing it directly after my right arm, so maybe I should switch up which arm I lift it with first. I dropped the dumbbell twice because it was hurting my hand twice, I’ll work on that. Once again, this is a weight up from what I’m used to, but I don’t really have a feel for what weight I should be doing for these…. Any suggestions?

Deadlifts: 245x3, 245x3, 245x3
These were more of being bored so I just lifted them in between sets of bent-over rows. I think I should get into the habit of doing deadlifts though.

Bicep Curls (dumbbells): 45x10(x3)
Yeah, did these all the way, but my form was terrible. They’re really heavy weights for me and I barely get those last ones in.

Hammers (dumbbells): 45x10&10, 45x10&10, 45x10&10
I made it out with doing the hammers complete each time, but my form is very sloppy. Just like the normal curls.

Preacher Curls: 65x10, 65x8, 55x8
Whew, these were tough! I like it though, I usually finish off the bicep workout with 2 sets of burnouts starting at 45’s and going down by 5’s all the way down to 15’s, but the dumbbells were all taken up last night, so I decided to do some preacher curls, which turned out rather nicely. It was a tough, but fun workout.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 3 Wednesday
Task: Greeted 11 girls. I got more hi’s in than yesterday, but it didn’t feel as good. There weren’t as many return hi’s or smiles, which I’m not as happy about, but perhaps it was just the people. I figured out that if you walk more in front of the people, they have no choice but to look at you, but sometimes the real shy ones look up real fast, look away, and adjust. (another missed chance at reaching that goal, lol)
I talked to this black girl on the bus for a little, which is good that I talked to a stranger, but it never got romantic (not that I was trying to), but I would like to gain some experience in shifting the mode of conversation. Any tips guys? Perhaps I should actually do some of the readings, hehe. Besides that, I talked and flirted with a few cute girls who were out for some cause. I find that the are some of the best girls to practice flirting techniques with as they are generally open with talking to strangers.
Readings: none (yeah, I really need to get to these)

Health and Fitness
Breakfast: Oatmeal and a scoop of Whey
Lunch: Chicken Salad, pasta, ham
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Round Steak stew with white rice

Readings: none yet ;)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 4 Thursday
Task: I got 7 this day. I didn’t really get as much of a chance to try my game out on girls today. I had to hustle and get a lot of schoolwork done. I did get a good amount of hi’s in for the allotted time though. Not too much today to really say about what happened. I’ve been thinking a lot about my old girlfriend though, and have been going through some emotional crap. I’ve noticed that I have been coping with being separated from her by keeping her out of my mind and neglecting thinking about her, but I think that it would be better to talk her through what I’m going through with her and end it once in for all. I believe that is the manlier thing to do, and that is my main goal with this project: becoming a better complete man.
Total Greetings: 31

Well, enough of that, on to Health and Fitness
Bench Press: 95x18, 115x15, 135x12, 155x10, 175x4, 185x1, 155x6, 135x8, 115x8
Seated Flies (machine): 150x12, 165x10, 165x10
(Usually do some pushups after these)

Ran a mile

Rope Pushdowns: 70x10, 60x10, 50x10, 60x6
V-bar Pushdowns: 70x10, 70x10, 60x9
(I usually lift a dumbbell over my head for my final workout, but I don’t know what exercise that is called)
I felt absolutely exhausted today, I think it was because I didn’t get enough sleep.
But, I just didn’t have enough energy to do enough. I usually do more on the bench. Like I did a bunch of 175’s and even 185’s, but it seemed like I just got cut short after the 155’s. I ran for the first time, I think I will do more running to keep my heart healthy before ever workout. It’s a quick easy workout, and I’m more concerned with my heart than with calories, so 1 mile should be fine (right?). If you guys know any other cardio workouts that I can mix in with other workouts to get my workout more streamlined that would be great. I also usually do another tricep exercise and another chest exercise, but today I definitely felt out of it and tired.
I have been doing this two-day program for almost 2 years now. I am in dire need of a change of routine so any suggestions would be great. Also, how often should I be taking the Whey? I am planning on doing a third day with legs and shoulders now. I usually do shoulders with back and biceps though) Should I group my workouts differently?
Right now it is
Day1 back, biceps
Day 2 chest, tri’s
Day 3 legs shoulders

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Panda Express (yeah, I know, but I love it and I only got a one choice)
Snack: None
Post-workout meal: 2 scoops of whey (is this bad to do?)
Dinner: Brown Rice, Pollock, and caramelized onions

Readings: none yet, I will do them tomorrow


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 5 Friday
Well, friday was a success for me. I got ~12 hi's or so. I was pretty drunk at the time, so this is my safe estimate. I was working the party introducing myself to a bunch of women. But it seems like there is never really a super hot chick that I would be interested in at the parties I go to, and when there are, then a) I get too nervous or b)they are b*tches or are surronded by douches... help? Well, I wasn't the center of attention or anything at the party, and my conversation skills could've been better, but hey, I see huge improvement over JUST last week. So i'm not complaining, this is my confidence week anyway. Uh, oh yeah, I made out with an HB5 or so twice that night, but I usually go for HB 7's and up, so I wasn't too into it. (My scale may be a little harsh though, so don't quote me on my HB scale just yet) Other than that, I was feeling good about it, and everything went smoothly.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 6 Saturday
Today was another success. I worked my game on a group of 3 girls so mild success. I wasn't too interested in them or anything, but it was fun to see where I was at. I got about 8-10 hi's at a party. I found someone who I can perhaps work with as a wingman so that we can achieve our goals faster. We both need work in some areas, so I feel that we can point out each others weaknesses and add a competitive aspect to the process as both of us are really competitive. The party we went to didn't have too many hotties, but it was good going around meeting and talking with people.

Week 1 day 7 Sunday
Today I stayed in all day. It was pretty unproductive, and so I plan on plainning out what I'll be doing more often so that I can actually get some work done and not just bum around. This first week has been good, and I have already seen some major improvements. I'll be a DJ in no time these great tips and stuff.
I finished up with about 51-53, so it looks like I passed. Whoo! Excited for this upcoming week, it should be fun.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 1 Monday

Week 2's Task: Make conversation with at least 10 people.

Alright, so I didn't really put my DJ skills to the test today. I had no time to work on my conversation skills, which I am saddened about. Anyway, during one of my classes, we had an outing outside and I had a chance to talk to a cute girl in one of my classes. I asked what she did over the weekend and such, and what she would be doing for 420. She responded positively and was smiling and giggling a bunch. I should have kino'd her, but I don't know, I wasn't thinking about that at the time. I told her we should do something on wed in honor of 420, and she seemed a little hesistant... oh well. Hopefully I'll get to work on her a little more in the future.

EDIT: actually, I talked to a student security worker at out school's book store. It was short, so I forgot.

Task Count: 1

Breakfast: Cereal
Lunch: Turkey, Salad, pasta
Snack: none
Late snack: none
Dinner: Pork shnizzel (japanese though), rice, sushi (it was delicious)


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Whew 420!
I got to talk to ONE, count'em, ONE girl today. I expected to talk to more, but when I was talking to the first one, a group of my friends came up and knew her apparently, so I ended up getting stuck there, and I didn't get a chance to work on my convo approach skills anymore. I tried to find a table in a lunch area of my school, but there were empty tables open, so I had no excuse to just sit next to a random person at a table. There was a group of kids working on a project in a second language that I am working on, but I didn't really butt into the coversation. It would have been pertinent I guess... After that, I decided not to work out until tomorrow, and I celebrated the holiday. It was a fun time, but you guys don't want to hear about it, so until tomorrow... later

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: BBQ chicken wrap
Snack: Banana
Late snack: Brownies ;)
Dinner: Hamburger helper


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Alright, so today is Wednesday and I got 1 conversation in today with a girl holding a camera. I asked what it was for, she said she was doing a project in which she had to interview a bunch of people. I am finding it hard to talk to girls when they have nothing of spectacular to comment on. (any help guys?) I want to be able to go up and talk to anyone, although I can continue to work on that next week, I would like to get a head start on practice and intergrate at least a few into this weeks project. The girl in my class and i decided that we still felt useless and didn't want to smoke before class. But we were texting a lot, I called her a bad girl for skipping class, which she reacted positively to. I think she is opening up to me a just a little bit more, but I still have a bunch of work to do. I plan on working on my DJ skills this weekend, so I am pumped! I haven't really felt this excited for the weekend in a while.

Total count: 3

Breakfast: Oatmeal
Lunch: Pork, salad, turkey sandwich
Snack: Banana
Late snack: 2 scoops of whey
Dinner: Steak, rice, corn, baked beans

Work out:
1 mile warm up run

Bench: 95x18, 115x15, 135x12, 155x6-8-9, 175x3-4, 185x1, 155x6, 115x10, 95x10 (the dashes means I took a few seconds break and then continued)
Flys(machine): 165x12, 165x8, 150x8-10
Push ups: x20, x10 (was beat after this one)

Suicides: 55x12, 65x8-10, 65x8 (first time doing these, my body needs to adjust)
Dips(arms on one bench, legs on another bench, with a 25 on my legs): x10, x10, x10. I tried doing the full body dips, but it was too hard to do... suggestions?
V-bar pull downs: 70x10, 70x10, 60x10 (these were easy, I'm used to doing these though)

Until tomorrow, have a good one