Classroom Glances


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
We all give them. We all receive them. No one completely understands them. No one knows how to respond to them.

A very sweet and intelligent girl (who I don't know) and is my AP English class walked past me in the hall and shot me a smile, I automatically thought of everything I had read (I'm such a dork) and quickly smiled back.

My social skills, while not adept, are in tact and I realized a few errors instantly:

-My smile was late and to sudden (and went away just as suddenly since my smile was delayed I wiped it off my face to save face (har-har-har), and ended up looking like a moron)

-I instantly became rigid (I'm generally relaxed around people I know, this amped my nerves) and as everyone here knows that's terrible body language.

-I began walking more quickly (It's bad when they notice this. The Monday following a party I ran into a girl I had fooled around with and nearly started running...not my proudest moment. :down: )

So, back to the purpose of this thread, I'd like some clarification on some of the different type of glances and expressions girls shoot you with and how to react to them.

Staring down a girl only works in some situations (I'm not always lucky), smiling, if not returned because she looks away (shy ones) can be fairly akward, and there's always that hint of indecision where you're not certain if something's sitting on your head, they're spacing out, or are completely checking you out.

I've racked this sight pretty thoroughly for some insight on these minor (but absolutely fascinating) interactions that are, more often than not, the first hints of a relationship in which a guy either lands it big and progresses on to a friendly conversation, getting a phone number, going out, and moving from their or when you're automatically discarded by the eyes of the beholder for responding strangely to make them (in my case, female) uncomfortable.

Lets figure this out and come up with solutions for the many scenarios involving this fundamental beginning of any attraction.

Help me. :up:


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
dude, silent seduction isnt really that easy unless u've actually studied david deangelo's body language teachings. for now i'd say dont try to re-invent the wheel, eithr study it or just work with straight-forward game


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
I see body language, I understan it, but I am male!

Girls are ten times better at reading it than I am naturally! That means for every detail and calculation I make they are NINE steps ahead of me.

I don't want to be ahead of them (seduce them). I want to keep pace (not look like a ****en moron).


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
dude, do u really think women hav this calculation system in their head telling them abt wat every single finger movement of urs means??
first of all, don't underestimate the gurus, bcoz if it wudn't wrk then they wudnt be gurus and second of all, its ur decision if u wana study it or not...dont try to critisize it if u havent studied it


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
ganji reading body language takes practice. I've been blessed with the ability to read it and a 'flirtatious' personality. All I can say as to getting better is to practice reading it in everything and everyone like your mom, your friends, or even random people on the street.

Whenever you notice your nervous sensors going off just slow down your pace, clear your mind, and let it flow. I don't know exactly what she meant by the smile because I wasn't there but she definitely is friendly towards you if not interested in a relationship. Go ahead and talk to her.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
Lord, no, they know it through instinct. Maybe I just read more than you but (as I understand) women understand body language and frequently test people on a subconscience level, and subconsciencely dismiss or accept you.

That bothers me. What if, you know, staring at me is a test? Why are girls so sadistic?


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
dude, upto a certain extent women want u to send them atleast some kind of signs saying "i'm hot, available and im not a wussy"


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
and I do that how...?

Note, a conversation can't be initiated because a lectures going on and the teacher's a total *****.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
and there's a body between us, so even in the down time I can't work through the rows and start up a conversation while standing at her desk (even if the teacher let it slide.)


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
Waukegan, IL
meet her after class dude, but honestly idk the exact answer to where u cud go n meet her. i wud suggest that u go up and talk to her rite b4 class n hold on the conversation until class ends in which case u can continue the conversation for abt 2 days and then pop the great question "Do u have email?" she says "yes" u say "here write it down" hand her a pencil n a paper n while she's writing it say "and write ur number down there too" i doubt that she'd resist n if she does then say "relax, im only gonna call u 9 times a day"
dont worry dude, u'll b fine but i can sure guarantee u that, that^ number close always works


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score

Wow dude that was really long.:) Next time a chick smiles at you, smile back and decide if you want to go talk to her. I think most smiles are good so go up and talk to her if you want. cause I think shes saying come over and talk to me. Hey thats just my experience.:)


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2007
Reaction score
LordGrin said:
meet her after class dude, but honestly idk the exact answer to where u cud go n meet her. i wud suggest that u go up and talk to her rite b4 class n hold on the conversation until class ends in which case u can continue the conversation for abt 2 days and then pop the great question "Do u have email?" she says "yes" u say "here write it down" hand her a pencil n a paper n while she's writing it say "and write ur number down there too" i doubt that she'd resist n if she does then say "relax, im only gonna call u 9 times a day"
dont worry dude, u'll b fine but i can sure guarantee u that, that^ number close always works
Awesome. Thanks for the advice, that really helps. After class is difficult. She's not very bright in the subject we're trying to get ahead in and often stays around for tutoring, but I'll definetely try that line, it's pure gold.

Ok, I'm satisfied with my situation, thanks for all the help everybody, I'm going to get this done :box:


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
From experience, whenever you're exchanging looks like that, 3s rule is golden. The first look you can get away with not saying anything, but after that you need to start some kind of conversation, even if it's just a "hey". I totally messed up several approaches earlier in the year because i waited a few days/glances to actually start a conversation. Also, the BL stuff is golden, make sure you check it out


Don Juan
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Remember, theres a fine line between making flirtatious eye contact and looking like a future rapist.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Exactly, that was the problem i ran into..... in my case, that line got crossed when i didn't just approach them after a look or two


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Ganji said:
We all give them. We all receive them. No one completely understands them. No one knows how to respond to them.

A very sweet and intelligent girl (who I don't know) and is my AP English class walked past me in the hall and shot me a smile, I automatically thought of everything I had read (I'm such a dork) and quickly smiled back.

My social skills, while not adept, are in tact and I realized a few errors instantly:

-My smile was late and to sudden (and went away just as suddenly since my smile was delayed I wiped it off my face to save face (har-har-har), and ended up looking like a moron)

-I instantly became rigid (I'm generally relaxed around people I know, this amped my nerves) and as everyone here knows that's terrible body language.

-I began walking more quickly (It's bad when they notice this. The Monday following a party I ran into a girl I had fooled around with and nearly started running...not my proudest moment. :down: )

So, back to the purpose of this thread, I'd like some clarification on some of the different type of glances and expressions girls shoot you with and how to react to them.

Staring down a girl only works in some situations (I'm not always lucky), smiling, if not returned because she looks away (shy ones) can be fairly akward, and there's always that hint of indecision where you're not certain if something's sitting on your head, they're spacing out, or are completely checking you out.

I've racked this sight pretty thoroughly for some insight on these minor (but absolutely fascinating) interactions that are, more often than not, the first hints of a relationship in which a guy either lands it big and progresses on to a friendly conversation, getting a phone number, going out, and moving from their or when you're automatically discarded by the eyes of the beholder for responding strangely to make them (in my case, female) uncomfortable.

Lets figure this out and come up with solutions for the many scenarios involving this fundamental beginning of any attraction.

Help me. :up:
are u serious?

u sound like a stalker lol

this de angelo stuff is really getting into some of your heads